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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by stefo

  1. First contact the WTGT live broadcast in 1987 I was 8 and I got mad for the Lucky star, Causing a commotion, La isla bonita and Holiday performances especially. A friend of mine videorecorded it and I was at his place the most I could (poor guy) to watch her show. I started to also love tracks like Papa don't preach, Live to tell, The look of love and Who's that girl on cassettes. I was not a huge fan of the early material back then, today I love her first album and some of the LAV tracks. Then it all stopped, I did not look for her after a while, untill her comeback with Like a Prayer: the moment I listened to that song for the first time I knew this was not going to stop anymore and all of her work from that era was massive. Erotica, Bedtime Stories and Ray of Light, with Like a Prayer, are still my favourite works, the pics of her talent imo and the Girlie Show still makes me proud when I watch pieces of it
  2. I think the track had a good reception for what it was ment ro be after all. I mean, it was released a month ago now, they did not make any kind of promotion, no video, no live performances, no interviews, no remixes, M herself was much more oriented on promoting Vulgar on her social medias ... And it got a much stronger response than Vulgar. I enojoy the song, much more than all her recent collabs. It's nothing extraordinary, but I like to move when I'm listening to it, it makes feel the beat and a kind of soft, sexy mood I always appreciate and resonate with. A nice surprise, but I hadly had huge expectations.
  3. Wow guys, you're so protective about her, I love this Anyway maybe this Guy thing caught my attention because after a 14 years old relationship and domestic partnership my ex man just a few months ago refused to help me with my dieing mom, who called him "child" and had him home for Christmases and summer holidays at our houses, when we really needed his presence for just one afternoon. When she died he never showed up to say goodbye or give me a hug. And I - in his words, the last time we ever met - did not deserve this at all. I did not betrayed him, I dedicated myself almost completely to him when he had cancer and then was half paralyzed for six months. Then I lose my job, the company I worked for failed, and in a very short time he said "I can't do this anymore, sorry." Of course I thought "the truth is that love is gone, it's a long time, no reason for hunger, just let him go". Not always people go on feeling a real human connection when nice times get tough and time goes by. I mean, let's not give it for granted.
  4. Apparently Guy was shocked by M risking her life and offered to get to NY and help https://closeronline.co.uk/celebrity/news/guy-ritchie-madonna-help/?fbclid=IwAR2RbZe24jAj2IM14fhSWGi0SzBe6Vx-Q9-7yHFTUnt-ElApEqiedt4SQrY
  5. How the fuck content creators on SN can lack every kind of good taste and respect! I just saw on Fb a video about the SIX TIMES MADONNA DIED IN MOVIES! Posted of course 4 days ago. I mean ...
  6. I feel you man, we're on the same track: NO COUNTDOWN ACCEPTED! Share some new music Queeeen
  7. Skin Fever or I don't search I find (sorry @BuggedOut, I answered to the first one to avoid confusion )
  8. Ok I'm gonna say it, I promised myself I would have not but I'm so happy I'm gonna trust you won't come over me for writing this. One of the possibilities that came to my mind when I saw the pic and suddenly noticed some apparent changes (wich we'll see if are real or just a perspective effect) is that the bacteria infection could have been related to a surgery already planed (as she often did before her tours) during or after wich something went wrong, got infected. That could explain the strange story of the long lasting fever, not taken care of, and I'm absolutely fine she won't ever tell the real story (it's all her fucking business) and also the only 4 days hospitalization after ICU. I mean, it could be a possibility and I honestly don't see anything bad or wrong about it, a possible surgery collateral effect.
  9. Live to tell Love Spent (acoustic) or Joan of Arc (acoustic)?
  10. Mother and Father Drowned world or Oh Father
  11. Yeah this is a moment of happiness isn't it? Let's enjoy it guys! And soon we'll discover who are gonna be the super lucky ones who bought the tickets for the new debut night, without even thinking of it
  12. Yeah that's my bet she is not just fine, she went for a walk on the streets, it means she could still need to rest but she's absolutely out of every kind of serious risks. I suppose they're ready now to rearrange the schedule and release a statement and, considered how much money are involved, I think she will open the tour about the half of August, wich is still 5 weeks from now, two more weeks to rest, three more weeks to rehearse and then ... BAM GUYS!! I'm sure the merch is gonna be amazing! And the fucking tour book!!! How interesting is it gonna be this time? The quotes, the pics, the moments considered from all her career
  13. Wow I'm afraid we're not gonna have any news till monday at this point.
  14. Yeah I'm honest, I'm not into that project, movies are not her field for me, except very rare exceptions. I'm disappointed by the fact that everything was ready. We were ready, for an experience we have been asking for years and years. There was also a song ready apparently, we don't know if connected to this tour, but quite probably everything will be postponed at this point. Fucking bacteria
  15. i can't be sure about that, but I think he could have had some news. Tomorrow is just a few hours away.
  16. Ok guys Matthew Rettenmund, the author of the Encyclpopedia Madonnica, posted a few minutes ago "Tomorrow" and everybody in the comments are assuming it's about the announcement. If so, it's gonna be bad news I'm afraid. Otherwise today Live Nation would have given a different answer in their email. I FEEL FRUSTRATED, AFTER ALL THIS 4 YEARS WAIT
  17. I'm really deeply worried now (and disappointed, let me say it) Wow, the whole thing stopped for the moment, if confirmed, is huge. I hope it's going to be corrected by Guy's next statement. With this Live Nation email news we can't consider the idea they are trying to reschedule the tour and will make a statement when they can give a safe plan to people for the new concerts. I'm more and more oriented to think that they are trying to verify her health situation in order to understand how to manage the tour commitment. She is recovering but not at the point they can start rescheduling her agenda.
  18. Wow guys, read the last 5 pages all in a row: WHAT A FUCKING CHAOS!!! Anyway I agree with @Voguerista, we don't have any official news, this is a very serious thing for all of us, her health first of all, her tour plans and, yeah c'me on, also our money and vacations. So it's normal we speculate on the small possible hints and details we are able to get and they're all positive, especially the smiling face of Rocco, for me it's the most serious element about her doing well. Now, 100% they have to make an announcement about the dates they are sure have to be postponed, at the latest on saturday, it would be unrespectful for the audicence and maybe this TM automated email will be the bell to wake them up about this. My speculation is that she will start the tour on summer, August or September (at least two weeks of rehearsals are necessary after such a stop), but definitely not on the 15th of July unfortunately.
  19. Ok ... and you're taking the dog pic as a good sign because that's the Queen's dog. I see, thanks a lot.
  20. Sorry guys, who is this Ricardo? When it comes to music, videos, tours I'm pretty detailed, about all the rest I have to admit I miss a lot of things.
  21. That is a point, thanks And I'm sure they really need to check how the healing process progresses before saying anything concrete about the tour, so she went back home about 5 days ago, wich have been an eternity for us but they are not. I expect a statement not before the beginning of next week honestly. At the same time, if this should not happen, I confess, I'll be starting to be worried again.
  22. I do believe she would want to know us waiting for her to come back on stage.j I think this tour thing could be a huge accelerator of her healing process. Having goals and meaningful projects help as good as love and rest
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