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Everything posted by mazzona

  1. You made my day!!!!! and my day has not even started yet!
  2. I mean, of course, she will promote it as more of a world sound, but it is more of a Portuguese sound (to me). Idk. I personally find songs ant lyrics juvenile rather than mature. Even MDNA has songs with better, more mature and complicated lyrics. "I will be gay, if the gay are burned I'll be Africa, if Africa is shut down I will be poor, if the poor are humiliated And I'll be a child, if the children are exploited" ---- Good intentions do not make a good song or lyrics. I literally lmao to this song. it is even problematic to a degree that it sounds like stemming from a saviour complex. Regardless of intentions, i find it embarrassing and very cringey.
  3. Yeah, only a few lines. One of my fav is, as you also quoted: "They say that we need love But we need more than this" - but the rest of the song is .... ( i like it though) To this day,I am obsessed with 'IDSIF.'. Remixes of that song are my fav ever. I do still listen. I literally opened my Spotify to recall the track list. Lyrics of 'Killers Who Are Partying' must be the song with the worst lyrics of the century.
  4. Madame X. Sonically good, but lyrically unbearable, superficial. Lyrics do not do justice to Portuguese inspired sound.
  5. First, no one said it was ok when Madonna does it. Second, yes they are different. One is literally a private concert and the other is a part of a world tour. When it comes to differences between the contents of the shows, well i have no intention to tire my fingers about it. Also, one at least did not show up in an award ceremony next day to thanks queer community lol Problem is selectiveness when it comes to make a deal out of it.
  6. Mine was more like a figure of speech. of course there are people talking about it, but do not think she made the headlines across the newspapers or media channels in a manner that works to diminish one's personhood.
  7. A good question that can put the situation in a perspective or a larger context, but I do not still think this is a perception thing. It is very obvious that she has been attacked more than others by many because it is more 'okay' to ridicule a woman like herself who is rejecting socially defined roles and expectations. also she would not go around and use 'mental health' discourse to shut people down. I do not see people attacking Beyonce for giving a concert to 1000 people in a country that punishes homosexuality and lacks basic human rights literally 48 hours before [fake] thanking to queer people in her acceptance speech. She was not on the cover of Ny times right away. Or people are not criticizing her for her cleavage! Similarly, people are not talking about how much filter young stars are using. Arianna's filter use is almost more than Rupaul haha. Media and people used to make fun of celebs when they gain weight. Luckily, it is not okay anymore thanks to fat activism and artists speaking out against. Yet, social values or 'wokeness' is not that level yet to problematize ridiculing a woman like madonna.
  8. I tried but I could not read all posts. it seems like a heated, deep conversation. News/debates/personal opinions about her are just a reminder that things are not as 'progressive' as it is imagined. same old sexism, misogyny, patriarchal values and stigmas, but in a less explicit way under the pretence of 'but it is my opinion' shit, as Americans love to call it 'freedom of speech" to justify every hate speech.
  9. Glad to find the person who said it. When I read it, it really got me thinking/imaging how amazing it could have felt for you folks!
  10. Exactly! Great point! I have two versions of a response: Un-woke: Jealousy! Woke: Being a woman does not impede someone from being sexist or misogynistic. There is a long history of [white] women's participation of sexist and misogynistic actions and politics, eugenics etc. (e.g. Anita bryant)
  11. Those who put up their or their X's picture in comparison to Madonna are absolute BULLIES. Their action is called "BULLYING" and even TRANNY. Reducing someone to their appearance is "LOOKISM' and ridiculing them because of their age is "AGEIST LOOKISM." Assuming and proposing that the woman who is a business genius and [one of] the most successful artist ever is 'mentally not ok' or 'something is wrong with her' is GASLIGHTING at the surface level and in depth inextricably linked to the notion of FEMALE HYSTERIA, a CENTURY OLD SYSTEMATIC PATRIARCHAL tool to control and demonize women who do not fit into white cis men's conception of how women must be/have inherently. Those, mostly cis men such as 50c or kevin hart, who put up her pics and videos and call her to 'sanity" or 'common sense' are 'PATRIARCHAL GATE KEEPERS' under the pretence of representing the common sense, and none is any different than so-called experts and moralists that locked up women whose existence made men [in power] uncomfortable.
  12. I am seeing all the comments and so-called news articles taking about her face and appearance. I am very much disgusted by all those bullying rooted in sexism and misogyny. once again she is taking the heat, and it would not be okay to bully celebrities because of their age and appearance 10-20 years later.
  13. Let other people enjoy fame as well. It is hiphop's 50th anniversary. it makes sense to do sth for whatever Dr he is. Nothing can nor will dim Madonna's greatness. Not every single award show will or should bow down to her. She just appeared and that is it. people did not go crazy. That is it. To those who say "She looked bored, uncomfortable, or feeling uneasy because of her face job..." Just a recommendation, avoid psychoanalysis or Freudian analysis of her every single move. Maybe she just had intestinal gas or her underwear was annoying. Who knows! Or the better, it is just her!
  14. I would have left the grammy in anger had I known James Corden shit presenting to Beyonce but not me as madonna!
  15. whoever planned this order and chose him to do presenting should be burn at the stake!!! Goofery of the century in pop music. Where is that homofob!!!!!????
  16. I wish they give a warning before showing T Swift on the screen for those who want to look away!
  17. I am using the link provided above and it is working btw
  18. ahahaha I think he comes with the Beyonce package! Otherwise, people would not be interested in him, I guess haha
  19. I am guessing and hoping that she is gonna present an award to Honey Djion
  20. this hair style looks great on her! hopefully she ll stick with it Excited to see the pics!!!!!
  21. She has not come to the country that I used to live, so S &S - Budva, Montenegro MDNA - Istanbul, Turkey. I would love to see RH, but arrangements did t work out at the time. Age-wise, I would love to have attended Confessions and Reninvention tour, which are the last two ones prior to excessive media and YouTube access. I remember someone saying that they did not know how she would appear on stage when attending the Confession tour. Such a big surprise element!
  22. only one of them I have a shoulder fetish, so it takes my attention right away
  23. her right shoulder is a half size of her left shoulder lol. I do not think it is a pose thing.
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