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  1. that's exaclty what im sayin. A huge amount of those people saw a headline and took it for fact. but honestly it seems a bit futile given the speed at which conspiracy/misinfornation spreads
  2. theyre limited rn. thats usually what someone does when theyre being spammed with hate
  3. There are thousands, possibly millions, of people being mislead by headlines who dont know that the sources are homophobic. Many of them are not christians or conservatives but just fell for misinformation. So theyre not really "blind with hatred", just mislead. and that could be a fight to win. And the part if quoted you about is essentially what i came here to say/discuss. didn't expect to catch so much hate for it
  4. i mean youre right but this thread is also about discussing social media
  5. I didnt even know that the federation did that. That's so dumb. I looked them up and theyre literally a Christian non profit based in the USA. I knew it was complete BS after that
  6. i get that first part. I mean, she purposefully provokes the church so that backlash is kinda expected. But this new conspiracy shit involving her kids and charity work is just so vile and evil. it really makes me sad that what supposed to be a time for celebration of her tour is being tarnished rn when almost every top comment has to do with trafficking. its hard to stop misinformation.
  7. same. The accusations are completely baseless and a lot of it is based in homophobia. But a lot of the people attacking on social media are actually not conservatives, just regular ppl who get cuaght up in conspiracies. I interacted with one on twitter and they literally did not know the source of the accusations. Its scary how effective the rightwing/conspiracy pipeline is. I just wish there were people/videos debunking the claims. Instead the Madonna fandom seems to either want to completely ignore it or attack the fans who bring it up as a point fo concern, like what just happened above ._.
  8. Im not simply re-posting the rumour. I explained how its obiously crap in my first post. It's not jsut "a" troll, its thousands, and videos getting millions of views. She just shut down her IG comments to the public because of it. This is a thread about her social media. Is it not relavent? Unless you're calling me the troll? Im literally a fan who's defended her. Many of the people attacking her arent crazy conservatives, theyre ppl who just read a bunch of misinformation.
  9. i feel like other fandoms would be defending their artist and not shitting all over the fans that express concern
  10. Like honestly I wanna know why though. If someone is attacking an artist you admire, is the best thing to just ignore it? Is it bad that I'm concerned about it?
  11. also she had to limit her IG comments just now due to these attacks im assuming...
  12. why? You don't care that Madonna is being bombarded by these? please explain
  13. Can we talk about the insane amount of accusations of sex trafficking she's getting? I know she's always dealt with crazy conspiracy theories but it seems like way more this time around. There was a tiktok video about this that got 3m+ views. A few of the right wing nutjobs at Daily wire have made videos about it like Candace Owens. Nearly 50% of the comments on her IG posts are about this. They usually link back to an article about how "The World Ethiopian Federation", which turns out to be an America based Christian org, has accused her due to her Sex Book (which many are taking as fact despite her writing its fiction), and the fact that David Banda was pictured wearing dresses.
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