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Unapologetic Bitches
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About Robertthenurse

  • Birthday 01/19/1981

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    Emergency Nurse. Music. Movies. Gaming. Travel. My husband. Dogs. Life.
  • M Fan Since

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Human Nature

Human Nature (44/89)



  1. I mean, LAV for me was the start of my obsession of this woman. The album is/was so fantastic on all levels from the album cover, to the singles, not to mention the videos and the tour. Let’s hope M treats us.
  2. I’m Canadian, but can’t WAIT for the US Gymnastics team! I also want Ellie Black from Canada to kill it!
  3. Papi! Don’t change your name. I thought I lost you forever? Where were you yesterday when I was being trolled by a submissive 😂 Is tonight the Olympic opening?!
  4. Hold on……I seem to have misplaced my purse……where are all my fucks? Ugh I’m all out of fucks. What in the heavens will I do? 🤷‍♂️ Ah well, I see she still wearing that corset! Way da go Ma
  5. I love how M is serving. EAT mama. MY eyebrows. SHIT. And the proper term is flatulence. Xo sweet dreams
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