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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Andymad

  1. RIP Brenda Walsh

  2. Y’all… I’m not normally a huge Ariana Stan but I tuned into her new music video… and I’m a mess. Deleting your ex… for me this was a 10 year process. And this made my heart hurt, a lot. I haven’t cried these tears in a while. It’s alarming. I need a hug.

    1. RUADJAI


      Were u married?

    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      true..... its an amazing album and ari too put out a lot of shit happened in his life in this album........

    3. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      all the best dear!!!!

  3. FOUND: Mercy. If anyone has been looking for Mercy please reach out.

    1. FantaMadonna


      Thanks. I' ve been looking for, looking for, looking for it.

  4. RIP to the ICONIC Chita Rivera ❤️


    1. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      she was amazing......they speak about her today in the news....... a piece of culture and art today gone forever.......

  5. Remember when the forum shut down and we had to use Discord and everyone started posting pictures of their peen? Those were the days.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Andymad


      @MartineX think sausage, think Oktoberfest, think Rocco Steele. 

    3. MartineX


      @RUADJAII never went to London, so I never saw the Big Ben 😊

      @Andymadsausage is a very processed food... Oktoberfest isn't that beer thing in Germany? Not into alcohol. Rocco who? I only know Rocco Ritchie, o wouldn't mind Madonna to be my mother in law 🤣

    4. RUADJAI

    1. MadonnaLove


      could you make celebration/music ending remix please?

    2. Andymad


      @MadonnaLove Honestly I only really do passion projects. The ending hasn't struck me at all therefore I have no desire to be creative with it unfortunately. But I AM going to see the show on Thursday, maybe my thought about the ending will change :hug:

  7. You know, BAT Boston video would be a wonderful Happy New Years Eve gift.  :Madonna041:

    1. BoyGoneWild


      And Bedtime Stories demos too:smile:

  8. Something weird on my mind. How did she go through the whole RIT with ‘trike a pose’ and they finally correct it in IGTTYAS lmfao

  9. BAT Boston where u at

    1. Rocco Comelon

      Rocco Comelon

      Sheesh this is what I'm looking forward to have as well as the Detroit one (because someone on youtube uploaded a snippet before but deleted it after)

    2. MattyMads


      I'm constantly looking here for it to happen, I would be happy with the audio if the person doesn't want to share the video :08:

  10. Watching these two cutie patooties on YT react to Vogue from GS, and I haven’t seen it in a minute… but I can’t help but notice now that a lot of the Vogue choreography from RIT seems to be a beautiful nod to GS. The poses and stances and moves. Really wild to realize this now.

  11. Y'all ever heard of Zee Machine? Holy Smokes... like TAKE ME TO YOUR PLANET I'm obsessed


  12. A little tiny extended BAT Paris excerpt I found on YouTube. Maybe she didn’t release it bc people threw so much shit on stage and it looked bad on film

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Roland Barthes

      Roland Barthes

      That was filmed by a tv crew, it's video. The ToD sequences were shot on film by a movie camera on a jib placed right in the center of the venue.

    3. Stéphane ROBIN

      Stéphane ROBIN

      The sheet of paper on stage were left by the technical crew, not thrown up by the audience. She looked pissed though.

    4. Andymad


      @Roland BarthesThat's right, and there are a few shots in TOD where there's a closeup of her on the stage but you can't see the audience.  Might have been a one-time performance they filmed for the movie? The hair was on point!


      @Stéphane ROBINI didn't know that! But it happened during the second chorus and then after the dance break in EY.. I know she always yelled "and stop throwing shit on my stage" LOL

  13. Decided to watch a few cam vids in YT of M’s Super Bowl. Came across one of some guys probably in their mid 20s to 30s, probably straight, footballs guys, and knowing exactly what Vogue is and Music, and Like A Prayer - just loving her show… mama is SIGNIFICANT. Made me smile.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      'probably straight'

      is that the name of the later video they all made


    3. stickersweeter


      Lol I think it's so funny because I'm straight and became a fan with Hung Up, right between this and Sorry music video release. Then I had the chance to listen to the rest of COADF and loved every second of it. Later, I searched more of M's projects and came across Erotica, Music, Frozen music videos and noticed she was always part of my life and I didn't pay attention to her until COADF because when I saw her previous music videos I was instantly like: "hey, I've seen this before but never noticed it was the same singer, she's amazing" and here I am hahaha (p.s.: in school one girl thought I was gay because I was already a Madonna fan, had been to her concerts, sang along, etc)

    4. RUADJAI


      I mean, she invented World Peace on that night. Pretty significant. 

  14. Sometimes you just wish Express Yourself BAT Boston video would just leak already 😩

    1. MattyMads


      I keep hoping for the same or even the whole show :Madonna041:

  15. HI can we get some fun cute new M comment stickers up in here? How do you make them?!? I’d be happy to if I knew how lmfao

    1. Andymad


      I HOWLED when I saw this. Such a great Christmas movie!

    2. RUADJAI


      What movie?

    3. Andymad


      It's called Single All The Way.  Came out last year, really cute gay love storyline! I think it's on Netflix. In Canada anyway.

  16. awww no Express Yourself Boston video for Christmas :suffer:

    1. MattyMads


      I was hoping for a Boston surprise as well 😭

  17. I wonder if Santa has the Express Yourself Boston video in his big giant sack for me this year. Plz Santa

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris


      i wouldnt mind it if we got a version of the video where all the men are nude :eyes:

    3. Andymad


      @Chrisyou know I’ll be honest, none of the guys ever did it for me. Like no sparks. Maybe because I felt closer to them after the docu? And also maybe because a lot of them were bitches hahaha. But I have such a weird fondness for them. They were a huge part of me growing up. Like dads. But gay.

    4. theglamorous


      I used to fancy Slam until I saw how camp he is in Truth Or Dare lol, fit body though

  18. I think it’s about time Madonna guest judges Drag Race. Hear Me out though… what else is she doing lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brendanlovesu1


      Michelle said they've been trying to get her for years though. perhaps one day

    3. survivalartist


      This is one trend I'm so glad she is ignoring in the way she used to ignore the others

    4. ChrisK
  19. Hey Christmas fans… has anybody watched the new ‘The Santa Clauses’ series on Disney? I’m all down for nostalgia but… I just don’t understand why they couldn’t just combine ideas and make an entirely new movie. Instead of a 6 (?) part series? The premise is cute. A lot of filler low points but for the most part… it should have been a full feature movie. Makes no sense. But I do love it.

    1. carlo1030


      Will most likely watch this with my family during the holidays. Thanks for the heads-up.

    2. Adonna


      It seems there is a trend to make films in limited series.  It's possible that it was intended to be a full feature, but being three hours long, they thought maybe it was too long for a family film.  I'm sure there are more logistic behind it, especially regarding it allows Disney Plus be streamed more times, etc. I'm sure there is more ad placement this way. 

  20. It’s 8AM, and my morning breakfast tv news station is talking about Beyoncé’s Tiffany’s commercial or something… and they labelled her as “The Queen of Pop”.

    Im. Dead.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      queen of pop ?
      those kinda titles were created to give MJ fans something to shout about

    3. PlayPause


      Is this a serious conversation about made up titles ? HAHAHAHAHA You're killing me.

  21. So, after analyzing the many HBO promos for Nice, I am 200% certain the footage in this is the Boston show. If you watch other promos you can hear her say "c'mon ladies".. and it's spot on with the leaked soundnboard. WE. NEED. THIS.



    1. wtg1987


      With all these blond ambition shows why has she STILL not released any of them on a dvd or to streaming ???

    2. Andymad


      @wtg1987 I have a feeling she doesn’t see the point since it’s all over YouTube maybe

  22. 2 Be Loved by Lizzo is my bop of the mf YEAR! I want M to cover it lol

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