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Why wasn't ghosttown a hit for MADONNA

tricky ricky

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On 11/22/2018 at 8:02 PM, me1981 said:

Hits are built on radio and streaming. Madonna's streaming is poor, especially for new stuff and radio doesn't play her stuff, no matter how good it is.

I know people who are just apathetic towards her because she isn't one of the young ones, they respect her and her legacy, but they just don't care enough to check out her music, no matter how good.

It is these reasons that, even if she has a spectacular album next year, having a hit will be difficult. 

Also it is hard for a 20 something and 60 something to relate to one another. To expand on the above, many young women I know think Madonna is awesome, but they have their own to look up to, like Cardi B and Beyonce and so on, they relate to those women more.

Not sure how many here listened to music by singers in their 50's and 60's when they were in their 20's, but I assume not a lot. Yeah it is partly ageism, but it is also young people just don't connect to Madonna. she is a 60 year old mother of six who's life is so far removed from theirs. 

I honestly think no matter how good the music is, Madonna having a hit will be a struggle for those reasons. Not saying it can never happen, but it will be tough.

I was listening to her from the age of 3  and she was in her 20s lol I know its different as she was still considered young then. But good music is timeless and it isnt always about connecting with the age of the artist, its about connecting with the lyrics or the melodies or just the whole song.. and I think it has nothing to do with her music that people aren't so receptive to it.. or mostly nothing I should say. I think its the image she is portraying on social media. I love Madonna and I get her in ways most of the world never will, as most of us hardcore, day one, ride or die fans do, but like I overheard someone at a party say "Madonna isn't being sexy and pushing boundaries anymore (laughs) she's just making a complete fool out of herself." Part of what always made Madonna was the mystery of her, and Lola has even told me she's had to delete certain posts of her mothers lol (Like one of her on the toilet pissing). I think people see that stuff and are turned off by it. Even being sexual and putting out a whole sex book there was still that "thing" about Madonna that was mysterious and not desperate and artistic and classy in the way she went about it. Young people still connected with her when she was making more mature hits like You'll See. She looked so classy and the song was beautiful and she was being herself. She wasnt *trying* to appeal to a younger crowd. I was around 12-ish when You'll See came out and M was nearing 40 and I listened to nothing more in my life. Always Madonna. Nothing to do with her age, and it wasnt played on the radio as much as it should have... and I honestly adore Ghosttown, but I know Im not the only one who cringes sometimes with her IG posts, because I see how she looks to everyone else.. and it has nothing to do with her age. I'm gutted at times because I feel like she's ruining her legacy and I want the world to know and see the Madonna all her fans know ♥ She will always always be my number one, but this is just what Ive observed other people... strangers and friends alike.. saying and expressing about Madonna in recent years.


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11 hours ago, Madonna_Luv said:

 Even being sexual and putting out a whole sex book there was still that "thing" about Madonna that was mysterious and not desperate and artistic and classy in the way she went about it. Young people still connected with her when she was making more mature hits like You'll See. She looked so classy and the song was beautiful and she was being herself. She wasnt *trying* to appeal to a younger crowd. I was around 12-ish when You'll See came out and M was nearing 40 and I listened to nothing more in my life. Always Madonna. Nothing to do with her age, and it wasnt played on the radio as much as it should have... and I honestly adore Ghosttown, but I know Im not the only one who cringes sometimes with her IG posts, because I see how she looks to everyone else.. and it has nothing to do with her age. I'm gutted at times because I feel like she's ruining her legacy and I want the world to know and see the Madonna all her fans know ♥ She will always always be my number one, but this is just what Ive observed other people... strangers and friends alike.. saying and expressing about Madonna in recent years.


If you've been a fan since 1985 then you will surely remember NOTHING about "Sex" era was considered "classy" in the eyes of the general public - "Pornodonna" was one of the MANY choice headlines I recall. She was deemed desperate, vulgar, sad and over for pretty much 2 years straight. 

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9 hours ago, kesiak said:

If you've been a fan since 1985 then you will surely remember NOTHING about "Sex" era was considered "classy" in the eyes of the general public - "Pornodonna" was one of the MANY choice headlines I recall. She was deemed desperate, vulgar, sad and over for pretty much 2 years straight. 

Classy in the sense that she released the book and those were the images we got. All photos in that book were professional and lighting/angles were on point for the look of the project. No IG selfies with horrible angles or any of that stuff. A lot of my younger cousins, when they talk about Madonna, thats the first thing out of their mouths, "She needs to get off social media!" lol While I don't agree with that, I do think she needs to think about what/how she is portraying herself. She should never censor herself, but she should never embarrass herself either.

And believe it or not, the SEX era opened up so many doors, so much conversation etc.. It was artistic, not messy. She put thought into it, planned, etc..  When the book came out I was 10 years old. I remember some things but I was more into her music and movies than her sex book at 10 years old lol I did see some headlines but I was smart enough to know not to believe everything I read, and I knew they were opinions of editors and columnists, NOT the general public. I mean there were people who loathed Evita as well lol You can't please everybody. I think the sex book would do awesome in todays age, possibly even so in her 60s. Its just a different time and I think the social media stuff and her image a lot of the time is what steers people away unfortunately. Because her music and her voice is still incredible!

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