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10 hours ago, Pretender1978 said:

What's so frustrating is that there are plenty of examples of deluxe editions done right for way way smaller artists. Bands like durad duran did fantatsic box sets on all their albums, Smashing Pumpkins release 10 disc expansions of their records with artwork that is carefully curated from the archives.

Small bands / artists must put higher stakes to sell their music, that's why they do digging through their archives. Great artists like Madonna don't need to to that. 

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6 hours ago, Gonzus said:

I'm zero sentimental, so don't twist my comments so freely. If  you think there's feelings in my comments is just because YOU let YOUR own feeling interfere into something that wasn't meant that way, I was talking about facts, and how those facts developed so far. I'm criticising Warner, NOT Madonna. So why the hell can I not criticise Warner, may I ask? Why is everybody defending Warner? I don't get it. What has been released so far is NOT what we expected, but it looks  you are happy with the outcome of the godforsaken "deal" because YOU let your feeling for Madonna meddle in your comments. I don't. . The releases ARE few and far between, and Record Store Day stuff AND Madame X Live DO NOT count. Neither do count (for me at least), digital stuff. Why? Because you CAN'T keep that, I mean, she REMOVED many of the remixes out of the blue from the platforms. If you are going to make a spanning-career plan, I think it should last in time, in a long SPAN.

I think Madonna doesn't care about it, and this is actually a FEELING, a perception. She's always into the next thing. I wonder if she's overseeing this project,,,

Oh dear

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I wonder if she would release reissues on USB format.

Lady Gaga did an anniversary USB of her debut album "The Fame" at one point. Cute little flash drive shaped like her from the era. Had a couple of the rarer bonus tracks on it, I believe.

USB format would allow for expansive content, too. They can fit a lot on those suckers.

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7 hours ago, Celebration said:


The thread about reissues has already been locked on madonnanations's forum. 
No need to lock it here too. 

I agree! Nothing needs to be closed here!  Some act like they are being forced to open this thread and forced to read it.  Everyone has the choice not to.  It's a "discussion thread".  People are going to offer their opinions which I do respect and others will counter with facts as well. Of course, there will be difference of opinions here, but for some to come in here to simply complain or shade people who actually take time to write their thoughts down respectfully is not productive. I for one understand those who are frustrated, but let's not act like EVERYONE is "satisfied" just because they are able to explain and understand what the Warner Deal entails. Of course, I would love to have more!  But I'm not also going to gaslight and act like NOTHING has been produced.  That's just not true!  Just because one doesn't like what has come of the deal, doesn't mean NOTHING has been produced.  @GregVsMattis correct. Some are confusing their emotions/opinions with actual facts. I'm not mad or pissed at anything said here. I welcome all who have an opinion, but it doesn't mean I won't challenge you on it.  And if one can't read or write past a sentence or two without shading people for those who can, then maybe you shouldn't be participating in a discussion. 

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47 minutes ago, WokeUpInMedellin said:

I wonder if she would release reissues on USB format.

Lady Gaga did an anniversary USB of her debut album "The Fame" at one point. Cute little flash drive shaped like her from the era. Had a couple of the rarer bonus tracks on it, I believe.

USB format would allow for expansive content, too. They can fit a lot on those suckers.

I never considered that format

For an expanded edition I'm hoping for what we got for the FEL formats with the variations and also cassette format - I will buy all formats and all variations, a USB would be cool too

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38 minutes ago, GregVsMatt said:

I never considered that format

For an expanded edition I'm hoping for what we got for the FEL formats with the variations and also cassette format - I will buy all formats and all variations, a USB would be cool too

About 10 to 15 years back, I really thought the USB route was the way we were heading.  I always thought that could have been a great additional physical format when it came to releasing music.  It could provide a lot of space for bigger files and audio formats of music.  It also could include videos or trailers.  The possibilities seem endless. But streaming came  along and really dominated. And while I would never knock streaming because it's so convenient, but most people forget or aren't aware how compressed those files are when streaming. Add a bluetooth speaker while streaming, the music is even more compressed.  Still, I prefer ANY option physical, digital or streaming then argue limiting options. Right now I have no use for CDs, but I wouldn't rule them out or complain if they did come back strong. Vinyls seem to have really come back strong in the last few years.  Again, I welcome it. It's how I started with music. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I am thankful that we have so many options when experiencing music. The idea that we can go anywhere and hear our favorite music is so awesome. If that's how you ONLY prefer your music, that's awesome too. But of course, it's not the only format available.  Let us not forget though, the music industry is a business. They will capitalize on any rising interest/demand they see fit.  If one doesn't like it, then don't buy it!  You have other options.  Getting back to this whole Warner deal with Madonna, we should be pleased that much of her catalog that was originally released commercially is becoming available digitally and on streaming formats.  Is it perfect?  Nope!  I agree so much more could be added, but I can say that with any artist out there.  Madonna's catalog is vast and she is one the very few who started in the 80's who has so much of her catalog available now on digital and streaming formats.  If her record label and team decide to add additional mixes and edits that weren't originally available commercially, then that's awesome too, but it doesn't mean I am going to have a meltdown and implode over it.  As mentioned, much of her catalog is available and easily accessible.  :)

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53 minutes ago, McDonna said:

About 10 to 15 years back, I really thought the USB route was the way we were heading.  I always thought that could have been a great additional physical format when it came to releasing music.  It could provide a lot of space for bigger files and audio formats of music.  It also could include videos or trailers.  The possibilities seem endless. But streaming came  along and really dominated. And while I would never knock streaming because it's so convenient, but most people forget or aren't aware how compressed those files are when streaming. Add a bluetooth speaker while streaming, the music is even more compressed.  Still, I prefer ANY option physical, digital or streaming then argue limiting options. Right now I have no use for CDs, but I wouldn't rule them out or complain if they did come back strong. Vinyls seem to have really come back strong in the last few years.  Again, I welcome it. It's how I started with music. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I am thankful that we have so many options when experiencing music. The idea that we can go anywhere and hear our favorite music is so awesome. If that's how you ONLY prefer your music, that's awesome too. But of course, it's not the only format available.  Let us not forget though, the music industry is a business. They will capitalize on any rising interest/demand they see fit.  If one doesn't like it, then don't buy it!  You have other options.  Getting back to this whole Warner deal with Madonna, we should be pleased that much of her catalog that was originally released commercially is becoming available digitally and on streaming formats.  Is it perfect?  Nope!  I agree so much more could be added, but I can say that with any artist out there.  Madonna's catalog is vast and she is one the very few who started in the 80's who has so much of her catalog available now on digital and streaming formats.  If her record label and team decide to add additional mixes and edits that weren't originally available commercially, then that's awesome too, but it doesn't mean I am going to have a meltdown and implode over it.  As mentioned, much of her catalog is available and easily accessible.  :)

Yes - I don't play any physical media - last vinyl I played was the Erotica 12" back in 1992, last cassette also Erotica and last CD was 2001 WTFLFAG - after that I burned CDs from download, then itunes then spotify - I keep everything on physical formats sealed and mint so I'm never too concerned re which format, I just buy it all

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They tried to make the USB format work around late 00s and early 10s but it was simply too expensive to manufacture so the final price was too high. I remember Kylie released "X" on USB and it was around 40-50 $?


Cute but no one beside hardcore fans would pay that for an album.

Then Gaga, of course taking notes from the "X" campaign (the whole "Wow" video look and vibe inspired her many times), did limited edition USBs for her first albums.

Back to M, I checked out on the reissues when they skipped "Madonna 40" last Summer. If they come, they come, if they don't, fine. But if the new album is coming this year as rumored, I guess we won't see them anytime soon, anyway.

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1 minute ago, GregVsMatt said:

Yes - I don't play any physical media - last vinyl I played was the Erotica 12" back in 1992, last cassette also Erotica and last CD was 2001 WTFLFAG - after that I burned CDs from download, then itunes then spotify - I keep everything on physical formats sealed and mint so I'm never too concerned re which format, I just buy it all

Yes, I moved with the times as well. I stream a lot, but I have reverted back to playing vinyl now which is how I started experiencing music as a kid.  It's so enjoyable.  It's only been a few years now that I've been re-experiencing it. Like you, I had bought several physical items and never opened them. However, lately with Vinyl, I have decided to open what I had sealed in the past. I figure, it ain't doing anything but sitting there collecting dust.  No one in my circle gives two shits about my collection. And while it's nice to look at, the true experience is the music as well as the artwork, etc.  That said; what I do isn't a criticism for what others prefer to do.  You're obviously an astute collector. If you find joy and satisfaction with your collection sealed then "more power to you".  I totally respect that. It's interesting though, I stopped playing CDs several years ago, but I still buy them when Madonna releases them. I believe everything since Rebel Heart and onward, I still have sealed CDs.  I either play their VInyl counterparts or what is available digitally and on streaming. :)

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1 hour ago, Prayer said:

They tried to make the USB format work around late 00s and early 10s but it was simply too expensive to manufacture so the final price was too high. I remember Kylie released "X" on USB and it was around 40-50 $?


Cute but no one beside hardcore fans would pay that for an album.

Then Gaga, of course taking notes from the "X" campaign (the whole "Wow" video look and vibe inspired her many times), did limited edition USBs for her first albums.

Back to M, I checked out on the reissues when they skipped "Madonna 40" last Summer. If they come, they come, if they don't, fine. But if the new album is coming this year as rumored, I guess we won't see them anytime soon, anyway.

But could you imagine the possibilities if the USB format caught on?  I'm sure over time, the prices could have come down some, but I suspect a lot of record companies rather not make something available that include everything on one format (ie: videos, audio, visuals, remixes, etc).  They probably would make more money by dispersing the content in various ways to earn more money.  And right now, streaming and advertising can really rake in the revenue for these labels.  Unfortunately, a lot of that money isn't seen by the artists.

I really don't see why they could release a re-issue with a new album in the same year.  That being said, I don't really believe a new album is coming this year.  It does make more sense to at least re-issue LAV 40, but we'll see about that.  It seemed to make sense to do that with Madonna 40, but we both saw that never happened. LOL!

By the way @Prayer, good to see you take your name back.  :luv:

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33 minutes ago, McDonna said:

Yes, I moved with the times as well. I stream a lot, but I have reverted back to playing vinyl now which is how I started experiencing music as a kid.  It's so enjoyable.  It's only been a few years now that I've been re-experiencing it. Like you, I had bought several physical items and never opened them. However, lately with Vinyl, I have decided to open what I had sealed in the past. I figure, it ain't doing anything but sitting there collecting dust.  No one in my circle gives two shits about my collection. And while it's nice to look at, the true experience is the music as well as the artwork, etc.  That said; what I do isn't a criticism for what others prefer to do.  You're obviously an astute collector. If you find joy and satisfaction with your collection sealed then "more power to you".  I totally respect that. It's interesting though, I stopped playing CDs several years ago, but I still buy them when Madonna releases them. I believe everything since Rebel Heart and onward, I still have sealed CDs.  I either play their VInyl counterparts or what is available digitally and on streaming. :)

Thanks - my collector style for music formats is archivist and completist - same applies to promotional material such as shop displays, posters, promo memorabilia, press releases etc same for Australian media - newspapers / magazines 1984-1999 - for everything else such as tour merch, it's buy only what I love :)

FEL was so good for me - all the formats, then the promo stuff like posters, sunglasses etc it was like the old days 

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3 hours ago, WokeUpInMedellin said:

I wonder if she would release reissues on USB format.

Lady Gaga did an anniversary USB of her debut album "The Fame" at one point. Cute little flash drive shaped like her from the era. Had a couple of the rarer bonus tracks on it, I believe.

USB format would allow for expansive content, too. They can fit a lot on those suckers.

Kylie did it too in 2007. It was format for music releases that never took off.

People like vinyl because the sleeve is huge.

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That Kylie USB is so cute! The Gaga one was like that.

I had no idea USB was an attempted trend in the late 2000s. Just because it stalled at the time, I don't see why Warner couldn't have some fun introducing a limited run for each of her albums on this particular format. Along with CDs, vinyls, streaming too, of course. This would just be an extra little gimmick product for the big fans to snatch up and collect. Even if the price is high.

Some might think it's outdated, but look at vinyl's resurgence! I think current music stans appreciate aesthetically pleasing physical formats (re: vinyl) and would take a liking to themed USBs too. Back in the late 2000s, physical media was starting to be looked down on due to the rise of iTunes and then streaming. I think the stan consciousness has circled back around to some extent, and a product like this would be more appreciated now than it was then. Imagine little characters for each of M's eras! I want :luv:

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54 minutes ago, WokeUpInMedellin said:

Some might think it's outdated, but look at vinyl's resurgence! I think current music stans appreciate aesthetically pleasing physical formats (re: vinyl) and would take a liking to themed USBs too. Back in the late 2000s, physical media was starting to be looked down on due to the rise of iTunes and then streaming. I think the stan consciousness has circled back around to some extent, and a product like this would be more appreciated now than it was then. Imagine little characters for each of M's eras! I want :luv:

Some people have the wrong idea regarding the VInyl resurgence, a lot of that is based on the fact they aren't interested in Vinyl.  Some prefer to think it's limited in some way, or the demand has been manufactured when it's not. Some assume people who collect vinyl aren't enjoying the sound to it's fullest which isn't true. 

Turntables while still expensive, (especially the good ones)  are becoming more affordable.  I'm sure it's different for each individual, but there are a lot of people who do invest in good players and sound system to get the best out of their vinyl.  And trust me, people aren't just buying it for the 12 inch cover (even though it's a nice bonus).  Believe it or not, many enjoy the warm vibrant sounds that come from it.  I won't lie, some of my vinyls do crackle (especially the older ones), but the more recent pressed vinyls in the past couple of years especially the 180 grams are really nice. Of course, there is some care to them if you want them to always remain in good condition, but again that's on the consumer who should be aware of that if they are interested in getting the best out of their vinyl. 

Personally, I am happy Vinyl is back. Ten years ago, if you asked me if I would be playing Vinyls again, I'd be saying "no way", but there is just something about Vinyl that I find very appealing.  I also feel like I've got a tangible worthy item as well.  It's so easy to squander your money on buying digital files or a monthly fee for streaming, but at the end of the day, you don't really own them.  Sure, it's convenient to play, but you cannot physically hold them and enjoy them the same.  But hey, no disrespect to others who prefer just streaming. I definitely agree it's a great way to experience music, especially when you can take it anywhere you like.  At the end of the day, you won't find me knocking how someone chooses to experience their music.  Whether it's a physical Vinyl, tape, cd or streaming, it still is supporting the artist you love and enjoy. :luv:

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5 hours ago, Prayer said:

They tried to make the USB format work around late 00s and early 10s but it was simply too expensive to manufacture so the final price was too high. I remember Kylie released "X" on USB and it was around 40-50 $?


Cute but no one beside hardcore fans would pay that for an album.

Then Gaga, of course taking notes from the "X" campaign (the whole "Wow" video look and vibe inspired her many times), did limited edition USBs for her first albums.

Back to M, I checked out on the reissues when they skipped "Madonna 40" last Summer. If they come, they come, if they don't, fine. But if the new album is coming this year as rumored, I guess we won't see them anytime soon, anyway.

So cute I love it

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9 hours ago, Prayer said:

They tried to make the USB format work around late 00s and early 10s but it was simply too expensive to manufacture so the final price was too high. I remember Kylie released "X" on USB and it was around 40-50 $?


Cute but no one beside hardcore fans would pay that for an album.

Then Gaga, of course taking notes from the "X" campaign (the whole "Wow" video look and vibe inspired her many times), did limited edition USBs for her first albums.

Back to M, I checked out on the reissues when they skipped "Madonna 40" last Summer. If they come, they come, if they don't, fine. But if the new album is coming this year as rumored, I guess we won't see them anytime soon, anyway.

For the X USB it had VIDEO 1 2 Hearts, VIDEO 2 White Diamond DVD Trailer, the exclusive track "Rippin' Up The Disco".
Album's booklet is in PDF format.

For the Fame USB the original release in 2009 includes 4 music videos:
1. Just Dance
2. Pokerface
3. LoveGame
4. Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) Plus: photo gallery, international single covers & digital album booklet.

another fame USB version was released in 2018 for a '10th anniversary edition' and had music videos for The Fame, The Fame Monster, digital booklets, and the 2008 electronic press kit (EPK)

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Honestly the mini disc was the very best new format. The disc format itself looked a little ugly but it was using way less plastic and no scratches great for storage. 
The problem was it came too soon after the CD went mainstream and they were priced too high. People had only just upgraded their systems and collections. 
Was always the superior format for me. 
I’d love a newer version of the Mini Disc that was a bit more chunky and retro feeling. Not like an 8 track but something proper 70’s and a double sided reader and increased capacity. Like those 100 minute CD’s that came out.  Hi MD looked promising. I think they’d fly off the shelves. 
An artists catalogue on one disc. 
so great. 

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I know I posted in another thread and the current saturation of pop divas releasing non stop content like Taylor, Beyonce recently too 


Like imagine from 2010-present in her 50s and 60s now if she had an album specifically with Avicii and team, Diplo/Mike Dean, Disclosure, Jamie XX, Dev Hynes, SOPHIE,Monsieur Adi, Skrillex/Bloodpop etc with specific eras vibes tones and instead of rappers ....Collab with Beyonce, Ariana, Gaga, Robyn, The Weeknd, Lana, Taylor, Katy, etc etc to really keep the buzz out there insgibebwe could've had several huge hitting album eras spanning the past 14 years or so to keep current newer content exciting and her giving a platform to diverse producers too.

Madame X genuinely felt like everything she wanted to do in a decade in one album ...rebel heart was an unfocused version of that theme too but like I said how great if we had MDNA sooner, Revolution of Love reLOVEution era, then Rebel Heart with that focus then Beautiful Game/Dark Ballet whichever title then maybe Magic or something ...five different eras before us instead of three where we were sadly unfocused fully Madonna very much could've maintained the fire she still has 


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16 hours ago, WokeUpInMedellin said:

I wonder if she would release reissues on USB format.

Lady Gaga did an anniversary USB of her debut album "The Fame" at one point. Cute little flash drive shaped like her from the era. Had a couple of the rarer bonus tracks on it, I believe.

USB format would allow for expansive content, too. They can fit a lot on those suckers.

She could do a banana shaped USB and the first song could be vulgar 😂

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4 hours ago, steady75 said:

Honestly the mini disc was the very best new format. The disc format itself looked a little ugly but it was using way less plastic and no scratches great for storage. 
The problem was it came too soon after the CD went mainstream and they were priced too high. People had only just upgraded their systems and collections. 
Was always the superior format for me. 
I’d love a newer version of the Mini Disc that was a bit more chunky and retro feeling. Not like an 8 track but something proper 70’s and a double sided reader and increased capacity. Like those 100 minute CD’s that came out.  Hi MD looked promising. I think they’d fly off the shelves. 
An artists catalogue on one disc. 
so great. 

Ironically mini discs sell for a lot now. TIC sells for over £100 😃

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