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This woman is still in there, underneath it all


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23 hours ago, Sultrysully said:
This post is rough to read.  It seems to diminish someone who dares to age, grow, or stick around.  It also seems to place a human being into a cage where she can only leave if she accepts being a caricature.  These comments are ageist, sexist, misogynistic, and demeaning.  As if Madonna has lost both her nature and value because she evolved in a way that all humans do.  This is a sad road to travel.  

Oh, my. Are you alright, mate?

Thanks for the laugh, in any case.

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On 5/24/2022 at 10:50 PM, Andreo said:
Sorry but this might be her worst look in the whole multiverse, even braids + grills is a lot better than this default_rip.gif

Reality bites for some, apparently…

Personally, I appreciate what she symbolized here.

It helps me remember part of her essence, before she changed so drastically.

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43 minutes ago, Vasili said:

Just read the thread in its entirety for an understanding.

Oh I've read it, re-read it and then a third time just to be extra sure.

I'm asking what your thinking was. Your motivations, intent.

Were you thinking "I'm going to start this thread and everyone is going to agree with me" or maybe "I'm going to post this and it will create a shitstorm and I'm in the mood for an online argument" or "I'm going to start this thread because it's simply my opinion"

You see how those are quite different scenarios, and it's only fair to ask. 

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59 minutes ago, Rory said:

I usually refer to the Ritchie period as the "straight" and unglamorous years. From the punchy GHV2 as title of her second collection to Hard Candy, her work seemed to rotate around stereotypes fetishized by straight men like Patty Hearst, the electric guitar playing vixen, the floral-print wearing housewife, the John Travolta strut, the pint drinking jokester, the Britney/Xtina kisser, the bagpipes, the wifebeater tops with brawny arms ... always gave me the impression she was trying to study the machismo behind what her husband was "inspired" by and this seemed to influence her work or manifestations to keep him interested in her. 

There were lots of gems in between all of this for me like the WIFLFAG video, the American Life acoustic promo (HMV), Remixed & Revisited, all the tours, the equestrian fashion, Erotica/You Thrill Me--but then again, I like everything she does musically over time.

Stuart Price/Angela Becker seemed to bring back an element of elegance in Madonna's expression--but I often wondered if they were romantically involved at that time?! Maybe this is why they have not worked together since? 

4 Minutes was such a hard end to all of this.

Great post!

It's interesting how style wise, 20 years ago was the most matronly she ever looked. Unless you count the platinum Blanche Devereaux fantasy for the True Blue video. If "Me Against the Music" were filmed today she would tear off those slacks and blow the cane.

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47 minutes ago, Pootz333 said:

Great post!

It's interesting how style wise, 20 years ago was the most matronly she ever looked. Unless you count the platinum Blanche Devereaux fantasy for the True Blue video. If "Me Against the Music" were filmed today she would tear off those slacks and blow the cane.

Yeah those slacks and cane from the MATM video seem to be a riff on 90's conformity power suits and an extension of Die Another Day 007's Verity!

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9 hours ago, shakeyerdix said:

Me too !!

It's not that bad. Much better than a Shangai Surprise !

Shanghai Surprise is both an adorable copy and a cheap take on the first two Indiana Jones films. I can't hate SS, I've watched it several times on DVD whereas I've never even unwrapped my copy of Swept Away.

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9 hours ago, New_Boy said:

This thread is... I don't even know where to start. Misogynistic, ageist, shaming plastic surgery... you've managed to do it all at once! Of course I know what you mean, but you didn't have to frame it in such a pathetic way. She's not dead under those cheeks, you know! 

She thrives on shame. It's always been this way - they're shaming her for this and that. The current thing is -ist and -ism. Remember when she posted a photo of a young Rocco boxing with a caption "This nigga." Deleted. Since then she has backtracked and apologized.

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1 hour ago, New_Boy said:

Well, don't get it twisted! That was truly a dumb move.

Uh-huh. The Madonna I was suddenly enamoured with when I was barely 13 was a white woman who introduced me to all kinds of subcultures with her videos and so forth. "A dumb move." How many times has she fucked up - why should she ask for anyone's forgiveness now for her current dumb shit? 

(That fake ass is unforgivable. I can take the fillers, but why did she have to mess with the butt. :suffer:)

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13 hours ago, wtg1987 said:

I still love swept away film sorry haters 🥰 

Couldn't spend more than 15 minutes watching it....

Her movie career is something else... I admire her for that too, being able to overcome such mistakes and yet remain seminal as Susan (without this movie, no Into The Groove ever) and Breathless Mahoney (without this movie, no Vogue either...) and Evita.

From a French point of view, now that Cannes festival is happening like it was before, M holds a very  special place in cinema/pop history. Remember the Truth or Dare screening, it's as iconic as fuck.

I hope her next work (THE BIOPIC🌈) will bring another staple in her movie resume.

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21 hours ago, mikenmark said:
Oh I've read it, re-read it and then a third time just to be extra sure.
I'm asking what your thinking was. Your motivations, intent.
Were you thinking "I'm going to start this thread and everyone is going to agree with me" or maybe "I'm going to post this and it will create a shitstorm and I'm in the mood for an online argument" or "I'm going to start this thread because it's simply my opinion"
You see how those are quite different scenarios, and it's only fair to ask. 

I don’t need your approval.

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56 minutes ago, PlayPause said:

Couldn't spend more than 15 minutes watching it....

Her movie career is something else... I admire her for that too, being able to overcome such mistakes and yet remain seminal as Susan (without this movie, no Into The Groove ever) and Breathless Mahoney (without this movie, no Vogue either...) and Evita.

From a French point of view, now that Cannes festival is happening like it was before, M holds a very  special place in cinema/pop history. Remember the Truth or Dare screening, it's as iconic as fuck.

I hope her next work (THE BIOPIC🌈) will bring another staple in her movie resume.


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12 hours ago, Vasili said:

She now looks and acts remarkably different to the woman in these photos, so I remarked.


But think that it may be something temporary, in fact if I wanted to define Madonna's personality I could not since throughout her career she has shown different personalities. Just remember how she behaved in the Ray of Light era and the radical change in attitude in the Music era, totally opposite.


Now we are in a new era where she behaves in a different way (a mixture of artificial and synthetic) which I think will last until she releases a new album and promotes it and at the end of that era she will show us a new personality different from the current one.

And as for her physique, well she decided to resort to the help of technology to face the passage of time and gravity and I think it's fine since more and more people are looking for "eternal youth" and the only option for it are these methods although I would have liked them not to be so excessive in the case of Madonna but well.

And you also think that at least Madonna has not ended like other stars who did fall into decline like Michael Jackson, for example, who became the mockery of the whole world due to his physique (the urban legend of his change in skin color ) and his pathetic scandals (when he covered his children so they wouldn't take pictures of them). If Madonna reached that extreme, I would want her to retire from music.

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8 hours ago, Rory said:

Her work seemed to rotate around stereotypes fetishized by straight men

And yet it still does to this day, but in a more overt and profound way, despite her proclamations to the contrary.

For example, the long blonde hair parted down the middle, the huge trendy ass, the skimpy and dominatrix clothing...

She thinks the grillz 'fuck it up' a little but she's essentially pandering to a Straight Male Gaze... and/or her exe's.

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On 5/25/2022 at 12:12 AM, DickTracy said:

Nope, just showing that she is exactly the same underneath it all

Yes and no.

The 2002 version of Madonna would quite likely find 2022 M's antics reductive... or find a way to justify them. 'Paradox' has long been her safe word when her conflicting beliefs and expressions were questioned or challenged.

Perhaps Madonna hasn't changed. Perhaps I am the one who has changed? Perhaps, with time, I've been able to see behind the facade and bravado at an astonishingly insecure woman? A piteous figure who 'jumped the shark', even?

We all seek different things from our figures of inspiration. There are fans who are satisfied with the artifice; short bursts of confidence framed within the perfect performance or video. There are other fans who seek a certain type of integrity on and off the stage, and are more concerned with art than artifice. She's fed both types over the years.

It's no secret that for a certain type of M fan, the last decade or so has been an increasingly challenging time.

She is allowed to live her life, yet her life is so intertwined with her art, and her art with her fans, that tension and nuance will exist. What's also off-putting is that there seems to be little acceptance in this community for the dissenting fan, particularly when the act of questioning and the expression of varying opinions is so characteristic of our 'idol'.

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29 minutes ago, Vasili said:

And yet it still does to this day, but in a more overt and profound way, despite her proclamations to the contrary.

For example, the long blonde hair parted down the middle, the huge trendy ass, the skimpy and dominatrix clothing...

She thinks the grillz 'fuck it up' a little but she's essentially pandering to a Straight Male Gaze... and/or her exe's.

Its the idiom of the big times! Always the subject of another's gaze.

"There's no business like show business ..."

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