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RIP Anthony Ciccone


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3 hours ago, Ayham said:

It was all over the news, he was homeless & asking for a help… apparently she didn’t help him or tried to reach out to him, she always had a rough relationship with her siblings in general except her sister.

same with Mariah Carey she have a sick sister yet can’t help her or reach out to her.

No your wrong. The family including M tried to help him through the years but he just kept up his was.

M on her own paid for rehab for him in Arizona as well as gave/helped him financially but to no avail. 

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The most in depth and balanced article about Anthony...and it's shockingly from the Daily Mail

i guess the writer knows addiction because it's absolutely not in Daily Mail's usual style. This is the article from which i took most of the informations i shared in the previous post.

Edit : i can't find the interview he did where he talked about Joan being only a decade older than him so he couldnever see her as a mother figure. There was a long interview with an israeli publication but i can't find it. There was another one, a video one, but it seems to have been removed. The press has been very abusive with this, paying him or buying him drinks to spill his guts against Madonna. This people have no shame. That's why i'm impressed by this old Daily Mail article about the situation.

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May he rest in peace!  Possibly, he was content with his life as is.  He obviously chose a path that is easily concerning to anyone.  But the truth is; if you're not willing to accept help or change then no amount of money or intervention will help.  Shame on those who make snap judgements and assumptions based on his situation.  Also a lot of large families have friction and issues.  But no one knows what has been exactly said or done that put Anthony in his situation, nor do we know what has been said or done to help his situation.  At the end of the day, we should wish him "peace" and hopefully his death will bring the family closer together and more appreciative of one another.  :)

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I don’t like that he had to contend with people asking him about Madonna. He had a life of his own and his own narrative. He was not primarily Madonna’s brother. He was Anthony. In the article it states that he was a voracious reader and often quoted Twain. That allows me to believe that this man had positive attributes unrelated to Madonna or alcohol. And I wonder the comparisons might have exasperated his insecurities. Whatever the case I refuse to believe he was just a bitter alcoholic who resented his family. He doesn’t have a voice here. So, I’d assume the best about him. For all I know he could have been a great source of joy to someone. RIP

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20 minutes ago, Miki said:

I don’t like that he had to contend with people asking him about Madonna. He had a life of his own and his own narrative. He was not primarily Madonna’s brother. He was Anthony. In the article it states that he was a voracious reader and often quoted Twain. That allows me to believe that this man had positive attributes unrelated to Madonna or alcohol. And I wonder the comparisons might have exasperated his insecurities. Whatever the case I refuse to believe he was just a bitter alcoholic who resented his family. He doesn’t have a voice here. So, I’d assume the best about him. For all I know he could have been a great source of joy to someone. RIP

He was. Many times Madonna said he introduced her to a lot of alternative culture. Timothy Leary, the Beat writers and  the whole beat culture, he's thought to have been a huge Bukowski fan so maybe she had him meet the writer when Bukowski was a permanent guest at their Point Dunne house. Of course the attention goes to Madonna because she's famous, there wouldn't be an article about him otherwise, not because he was not of interest but because he wasn't a celebrity, just related to one, and we live in a celebrity obsessed culture. All of the Ciccone brothers and sisters are very articulated and cultured, especially for people from the midwest. Jennifer is an art teacher. He was not just Madonna's brother nor an ex homeless man or an alcoholic. He was a very cultured man deeply scarred by losing his mother at 8 Y/O and seeing her dead. The same rage that fueled Madonna into being this tanklike character kind of destroyed her other siblings. We all react differently to that kind of events (again another thing i share with Madonna, i wish i did not).

Same for her children, no matter what they do, they will always be Madonna's daughters and sons. It's not just Madonna, anyone related to someone famous, who is not as famous as the said celebrity will always be defined by them in the media (and sometimes by people they meet).

Worst case scenario in this celebrity obsessed culture : being someone famous's ex and being ALWAYS refered to as his/her ex no matter what you do. Can you imagine that ? Don't date famous people.

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1 hour ago, Roland Barthes said:

He was. Many times Madonna said he introduced her to a lot of alternative culture. Timothy Leary, the Beat writers and  the whole beat culture, he's thought to have been a huge Bukowski fan so maybe she had him meet the writer when Bukowski was a permanent guest at their Point Dunne house. Of course the attention goes to Madonna because she's famous, there wouldn't be an article about him otherwise, not because he was not of interest but because he wasn't a celebrity, just related to one, and we live in a celebrity obsessed culture. All of the Ciccone brothers and sisters are very articulated and cultured, especially for people from the midwest. Jennifer is an art teacher. He was not just Madonna's brother nor an ex homeless man or an alcoholic. He was a very cultured man deeply scarred by losing his mother at 8 Y/O and seeing her dead. The same rage that fueled Madonna into being this tanklike character kind of destroyed her other siblings. We all react differently to that kind of events (again another thing i share with Madonna, i wish i did not).

Same for her children, no matter what they do, they will always be Madonna's daughters and sons. It's not just Madonna, anyone related to someone famous, who is not as famous as the said celebrity will always be defined by them in the media (and sometimes by people they meet).

Worst case scenario in this celebrity obsessed culture : being someone famous's ex and being ALWAYS refered to as his/her ex no matter what you do. Can you imagine that ? Don't date famous people.

"I was born my mother's son, but I will die my sister's brother"
Christopher Ciccone

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8 hours ago, Ayham said:

It was all over the news, he was homeless & asking for a help… apparently she didn’t help him or tried to reach out to him, she always had a rough relationship with her siblings in general except her sister.

same with Mariah Carey she have a sick sister yet can’t help her or reach out to her.

She helped him NUMEROUS times. She bailed him out of jail several times and paid for rehab and he still went back to drugs and alcohol. You can only help somebody so much until you are betrayed. Stop with the ignorance. 

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and as others mentioned, he was a bit of a philosopher/intellectual. her entire family seems very cultured and a lot of them give a very grounded impression. Ive heard many stories of people doing their wedding at the ciccone vineyard, and speaking with such love and respect for her father, same with michigan residents about the ciccones.

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Yeah because we all know when something is "all over the news", it must be 100% factual.  LOL!  I can't with some fans who come in here only to twist things and only comment pessimistically.  Of course, she and her family helped Anthony.  In fact, he was working for his father a few years back. We all know that when someone wants to live a certain way and it concerns others, and they're not receptive to intervention, they will say things that make them look like a poor victim.  It's very possible that Anthony had some legit issues with his family, but we can't accept someone who is known to be addicted to substances to be 100% truthful especially when they are trying to narrate their story as "oh poor me, I'm homeless under a bridge, while my rich sister carries on without a care in the world".  I just don't buy she never tried to help.  She may have some unresolved beef with her brother, but we know she tried to help Christopher and we saw how that turned out.  He wrote a book about her.  Addictions can be nasty and can bring the worst out of even the best intended people.  Many people who have addictive tendencies are always looking for enablers.

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2 hours ago, musicinferno said:

She helped him NUMEROUS times. She bailed him out of jail several times and paid for rehab and he still went back to drugs and alcohol. You can only help somebody so much until you are betrayed. Stop with the ignorance. 

It's true. My mum was an alcoholic - I wish I knew now what I didn't know then, that it's a disease - I did as much as I could to help her, but in the end, realized that all I was doing was subsidizing her addiction.

Addiction is a complex problem - it's not strightforward, and just because the person 'washes their hands of them' - doesn't mean they don't love them any less - 

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34 minutes ago, Jackie said:

I really hope Madonna is ok, this would be a huge and significant impact on her at a time when she's had significant media backlash and is in the throws of her tour - the poor thing and the family, and their father, awful. 

Me too.  I'm sure she's devastated and let's face it, her father is in his 90's.  He could go anytime as well.  I think that will definitely impact her even more.  Everyone deals with death differently.  She might be one of those who has to throw herself more in her work or she may have to take time away.  :luv:

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9 minutes ago, tscott said:

Me too.  I'm sure she's devastated and let's face it, her father is in his 90's.  He could go anytime as well.  I think that will definitely impact her even more.  Everyone deals with death differently.  She might be one of those who has to throw herself more in her work or she may have to take time away.  :luv:

Yea, we shall see, agree, death and how we mourn death is so individual there is no rule book or comparison. 

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