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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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1 hour ago, True Blue 84 said:

So many troll profiles writing the biggest bullshit. It's like people make these profiles for Madonna bashing only, i have never seen anything like that on another artist.... It's grandma here and granny there, pisses me off. Those delusional twats are all people who didn't even see the show. Where are all those thousands of people who went? Time to make the comments a bit more of a happy place instead of a madonna bashing place.... And 99% of those trolls write crap that isn't even true...

My theory is people who like her often stay away from the comments sections because it’s just too draining, so unfortunately, it’s usually skewed negative. 

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5 minutes ago, adirondak said:

My theory is people who like her often stay away from the comments sections because it’s just too draining, so unfortunately, it’s usually skewed negative. 

 I agree.  Though sometimes we get curious at times and take a peek. I did that recently with an article recently posted about her London Photo dump.  I was curious to see how people were reacting it, because I knew not two weeks earlier, Dolly Parton went on national TV in a very skimpy cheerleading outfit at 77 and people were just praising the hell out of her.  It's strange how the opinions are drastically different over a similar topic of older women dressing in a very revealing way. The fact is; Madonna is just so polarizing while in most cases Dolly simply provokes a more positive vibe.  People will go after the both of them to some degree, but Madonna gets it worse because she's been far more explicit and specifically outspoken about things, while Dolly's never taken on serious issues as Madonna has.  People see Dolly Parton as more of national treasure or a cartoon character they love while Madonna is seen as some old whore, ready to spread her legs. LOL!  I love them both because neither apologizes for what they say and do. They both play up to a public persona.  Dolly's come off more playful, while Madonna triggers people a lot. 

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Was trying to be absent from such discussion but given @adirondaktold the tea about that, I just ask you all:

Why do you lose time on places such as Daily Mail trying to convince people with both extremely low iq and selfesteem Madonna is not what they wanna paint her?????

Those people are just like the ones who quit their job every moment their preacher says it's doomsday "comproved by the bible." They have no capacity to think properly, to distinguish A from B or C from D nor to understand how world is outside their narrow point of view. They're like terraplanists or people who believe dinosaurs were extinct because Noah just forgot to include them in the Ark.

They are just worth of sorrow and disdain. Nothing else. Even if Jesus Christ came today and told Madonna is his most loyal apostle (as I do believe btw), they'd believe Jesus himself is fake. So why to argue, to be engaged on wording battle, why, why, WHY????

We are clever people. We know who Madonna is. They don't even know who Jesus is. They're stupider than an amoeba. They are the reason why the so-called "irrational animals" have in fact the true intelligence humanity will never achieve.

But if you all feel like they can be somehow defeated in their ignorance, go ahead. But don't forget Galilei took centuries to be "rehabilited" by the church of Rome only to be just one century later discredited once again because he "blasphemed against the Holy Scripture."

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20 minutes ago, adirondak said:

I think as long as a woman capitulates in some way (which Dolly and Cher have done by joking about their own surgical work) they are more accepted.  Madonna won’t do that, so people keep trying to bully her into it. 

But Madonna doesn't really hide from it.  In fact, no one really asks her about it as they have done Cher and Dolly.  I can see Madonna taking the same attitude as both those ladies, but she's not really given that opportunity.  Most are out for blood with Madonna though.  I agree there seems to be a bit more of a seriousness to Madonna's interviews and she isn't really forthright as Cher and Dolly when it comes to getting personal and down to earth. Madonna is always tackling some issue head on, while the other ladies are just simply showing up and promoting their work. Madonna gets deeper while Cher and Dolly's interviews tend to be more superficial and not so serious.

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My theory is certain people are reverent to Dolly because they were raised with decades of males including dads and grand dads that wanted to bang her/wanted the motorboat show, and she also made music. Maybe I shouldn’t have typed that out loud, again just my theory. I didn’t even know she made music til I was in my teens but I knew she had massive knockers.

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30 minutes ago, McDonna said:

But Madonna doesn't really hide from it.  In fact, no one really asks her about it as they have done Cher and Dolly.  I can see Madonna taking the same attitude as both those ladies, but she's not really given that opportunity.  Most are out for blood with Madonna though.  I agree there seems to be a bit more of a seriousness to Madonna's interviews and she isn't really forthright as Cher and Dolly when it comes to getting personal and down to earth. Madonna is always tackling some issue head on, while the other ladies are just simply showing up and promoting their work. Madonna gets deeper while Cher and Dolly's interviews tend to be more superficial and not so serious.

I don’t think Madonna necessarily hides from it. I just don’t think she believes it’s anyone’s business. I’m sure it’s not coincidental she’s not asked about it. 

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38 minutes ago, adirondak said:

I don’t think Madonna necessarily hides from it. I just don’t think she believes it’s anyone’s business. I’m sure it’s not coincidental she’s not asked about it. 

Exactly, but some try to assume that about her. Thinking she refuses to comment on it as if she's hiding from it.

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2 hours ago, Anapausis said:

Was trying to be absent from such discussion but given @adirondaktold the tea about that, I just ask you all:

Why do you lose time on places such as Daily Mail trying to convince people with both extremely low iq and selfesteem Madonna is not what they wanna paint her?????

Those people are just like the ones who quit their job every moment their preacher says it's doomsday "comproved by the bible." They have no capacity to think properly, to distinguish A from B or C from D nor to understand how world is outside their narrow point of view. They're like terraplanists or people who believe dinosaurs were extinct because Noah just forgot to include them in the Ark.

They are just worth of sorrow and disdain. Nothing else. Even if Jesus Christ came today and told Madonna is his most loyal apostle (as I do believe btw), they'd believe Jesus himself is fake. So why to argue, to be engaged on wording battle, why, why, WHY????

We are clever people. We know who Madonna is. They don't even know who Jesus is. They're stupider than an amoeba. They are the reason why the so-called "irrational animals" have in fact the true intelligence humanity will never achieve.

But if you all feel like they can be somehow defeated in their ignorance, go ahead. But don't forget Galilei took centuries to be "rehabilited" by the church of Rome only to be just one century later discredited once again because he "blasphemed against the Holy Scripture."

To summarize such a text, what this person meant was that it is not worth wasting our precious time trying to change the minds of those people who don't like Madonna. He also said that those people are dumb and stupid for not liking Madonna while those of us who do adore her are intelligent and have an above average IQ.

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I’m so glad I get to visit this thread now that I’ve seen the show. I hadn’t heard one bit of audio or video prior to Brooklyn, just a few photos I glanced at.

The empty section stuff must be expected and should be seen as an unfortunate consequence of the rescheduling. DC was meant for a Saturday and is instead a Monday which is not a vibe for a lot of people, also with that feared metro situation you have to wonder if a lot of non-diehards just decided not to go. They love that metro down there, my uncle RIP he used it as an excuse to be late and/or get out of every family gathering. I was the walking dead at work on Friday, don’t I fault them for it. It’s their loss though.

I’m going on my Mondays and Tuesdays in January like a good student should, rest of the work week be damned. 

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