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Do you think Madonna is a fan of Madonna (the artist)?


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I remember Cher saying she was NOT a Cher fan, once. I also remember hearing someone say that Madonna asks to turn off Madonna songs even the new ones when they are played randomly. but then I heard her saying in an interview  if an old Madonna song plays she says turn it off but if it's a new one she says turn it up 👆🏻 and also she has beautiful professional pictures of herself up on walls so I think she is a fan of herself. And who has pictures of Madonna on their walls normally? Madonna fans lol. What's your take?

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31 minutes ago, Tudors said:

I remember Cher saying she was NOT a Cher fan, once. I also remember hearing someone say that Madonna asks to turn off Madonna songs even the new ones when they are played randomly. but then I heard her saying in an interview  if an old Madonna song plays she says turn it off but if it's a new one she says turn it up 👆🏻 and also she has beautiful professional pictures of herself up on walls so I think she is a fan of herself. What's your take?

I think like most entertainers, they have heard their songs so many times in the process of making it, once the newness of it wears off, they don't seek out to listen to it.  I don't suspect Madonna sits around listening to her own music in her free time, after the initial release of an album and thereafter.  But I'm sure like many artists, they have moments they will listen or be willing to listen it in a club or whatnot depending on the event. 

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  • Tudors changed the title to Do you think Madonna is a Madonna (the artist) fan?
  • Tudors changed the title to Do you think Madonna is a fan of Madonna (the artist)?

I think she's a fan of her photographs (she has massive photographs of herself from photoshoots in her home as seen from IG posts) but I don't think she's a fan of her own music, which I guess is kind of normal in regards to the music part - not sure if someone would want to listen to their own stuff

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It seems like she’s not that much into pop these days, so I don’t know. I think she’s proud of herself for being a hard worker, standing up for her beliefs, and becoming an icon from humble beginnings, but she knows her job is to straddle the line of the pop world and more experimental music, and she won’t put her toe fully over the line, which makes me think she doesn’t particularly love her own music outside of the short term recording and release span of a new album. 

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You can’t really be a fan of your own work. You don’t experience it objectively. It’s a part of you, but it can also be very painful to have to face it constantly as a reminder of the past. It’s a very complex question in Madonna’s case; not so much for Cher. 

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I’ve seen those quotes from Cher over the years and always thought they were kind of sad. Why record music you don’t like? Are you being forced? Do you feel it’s an obligation?

Anyway, as far as M, like some have said I think she has a complicated relationship w/some of it. I’m sure her opinion of works change over time. A lot of artists like something more when it’s fresh.

I think she def loves the underdog albums- Erotica, American Life, Madame X.

I’ve wondered if part of the reason she ignored Take A Bow for so long was she sort of resented it. Even though it was a huge hit she was prob coerced, or at least strongly encouraged, by her label to do it.

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14 minutes ago, MikeyK said:

I’ve seen those quotes from Cher over the years and always thought they were kind of sad. Why record music you don’t like? Are you being forced? Do you feel it’s an obligation?

Anyway, as far as M, like some have said I think she has a complicated relationship w/some of it. I’m sure her opinion of works change over time. A lot of artists like something more when it’s fresh.

I think she def loves the underdog albums- Erotica, American Life, Madame X.

I’ve wondered if part of the reason she ignored Take A Bow for so long was she sort of resented it. Even though it was a huge hit she was prob coerced, or at least strongly encouraged, by her label to do it.

I don't know?  Whether she didn't like that she went down the Babyface road, it scored her one of her biggest hits.  I know it's regional, but it's still one of her biggest hits.  It's a lovely song too. 

As for artists not liking their own music, I think a lot of that is because many have been there from the concept of the song, and heard it hundreds or more times if not in different incarnation before it was completed or even released.  Also, they perform these songs countless times, so it's easy to get tired of it.

The thing is; and I can't say this is absolutely true of such artists, but I would think someone like Cher who doesn't really write music (especially her most iconic ones), it's probably easier to hate on them. In Cher's case, most of her career she's been handed songs and she just sings them.  But then we have someone like Madonna, who is usually there from the conception of the song, whether that be lyrically, musically or both, it's a little harder to hate on the songs.  I can understand why she may not like LAV perse LAP because these are two iconic songs from her catalog, but one she write while the other she was there from the conception of the song.  Even if she had a producer like Pat Leonard to write the music originally, she still comes in and suggest and make changes.  Someone like Cher is more there to offer a vocal to a song already written lyrically and musically. 

But again, I don't say that is true of all artists.  There are plenty of reasons for artists to hate on their own song, especially if other people were involved and they really didn't like the outcome or was out voted in how it came out.  I'm sure a lot of bands who have multiple members writing their songs, have issues like that.

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Madonna makes the music she wants to and always has, so yes she is definitely a fan of it. That doesn’t mean she listens to herself everyday.

But I do remember a report of her working out to Erotica at the gym during The Girlie Show :laughing:

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