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Rays Of Light
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Status Replies posted by rebelheartgermany

    1. rebelheartgermany


      I don't know, I didn't see anyone posting this before. I'm sorry if I accidently reposted this

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  1. 1. the comeback of 4 Minutes / 2. Monte Pittman actually playing guitar instead of cowbell on that number

    1. rebelheartgermany


      Unfortunately we will never hear 4 Minutes on tour again, cause she'll perform Candy Shop instead lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Madonna is rehearsing Open Your Heart and I almost had a heart attack

    1. rebelheartgermany


      Rumor has it that she will headline some festival in Portugal in August

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. So, apparently one of the members of 5H has been kicked out of the group with a press release by their management while she was still in talks about how to leave the group peacefully. Guess who's their manager.

  4. if you could have changed any song or performance on The MDNA Tour, what would you have done?

    1. rebelheartgermany


      Ray of Light on the guitar instead of I'm a Sinner

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  5. New theme while we wait for the RHT broadcast :heart: - You can still change it for any of the other ones at the bottom of the page. :)

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