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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by luckystar

  1. I don't know if I'll be crucified for saying what I'm going to say,but Madonna's lack of success in the last few years isn't due to ageism. Otherwise,many older artists would still not be very successful. It's the fact that the general public is sick of her trying to be a 20 year old when she's 56. I'm not saying she needs to act her age,but the whole "trying-to-be-cool-with-the-young-crowd" act is really try-hard and that's what she's been doing for the last ten years since COADF. I'm also not saying as well that I don't love her or her music or her personality,but that's just the way it is.



  2. Ghosttown is also something fresh and new for her and a quality track that isn't reminiscent of anything she's done before. 


    Ghosttown isn't really something new. It reminds of urban pop music of other artist and her HC album. Actually, this shows how great HC album could have been.


    Also, it evokes TPOG.



    I think Inside Out is classic Madonna, but also new type of ballad for Madonna's catalogue.

  3. I don't see a lot of trap music by female artists :yarn:



    Can someone name examples of other female popstars making music like BIM currently? Because if they really are doing it, then I wanna make a playlist. (Im a bit ignorant about what goes on in mainstream pop these days)




    So, because she is a female and doing what males are doing, that means she is creative. Wow.

  4. So she shouldn't like current music? She shouldn't make current music? Because mostly teens and 20 year olds like it? That's ageism at its finest.


    It doesn't matter what she likes.


    As I said, in the past she used to be good with mixing underground and currently popular. Now is a bigger chance for her to be just a follower.


    It isn't ageism, I am just against Madonna being basic.

  5. Bitch I'm Madonna has a lot of different sections, Unapologetic Bitch is great but its too samey all the way through, if you get what I mean.


    If BIM becomes a hit I dont think it would be a waste of time since it would turn people who probably havent given her a chance into potential fans. 


    I agree that the safe songs would be a waste of time though...


    I wouldn't care if BIM becomes no.1. IMO it is a sell out. Just like 4 Minutes was.


    I have nothing against more casual and fun songs, but they can be profound and more artistic.


    The worst part is the ageism issue. On one hand she is fighting against it, on the other she is into the stuff liked by teens. One thing is when she wants to be fun and sexy, the other thing is when she tries to be something she isn't.


    Also, when she decided to mix her experimental sounds with some trendy music, she succeeded in the past.  Now, it is more likely that she will be only a trend follower if she decides to integrate any currently popular music into her own work.

  6. LFL and Ghosttown videos are good.


    I can't say I am amazed by these videos. They aren't on the level of creative and artistic videos, that she used to make before the series of shitty videos.


    GMAYL, GGW, LFL and Ghosttown are her best videos since Hollywood.


    Speaking of Ghosttown, I don't like the theme. It is too literal. Anyway, I wish the film photography was better and less basic. Akerlund used to be good with different angles, lights, effects... 


    Don't get me wrong, I am not bitching and I am thankful she is interested in music videos again, but the scenes could have been more dramatic, cinematic, stylized... The film photography looks like many videos out there and  reminds me of those blockbuster films.

  7. Why  bother with any singles at all now ?- they wont get played by radio as she is not "Cool" enough for all those teenagers who would rather listen to Taylor Swift or Bruno Mars - The album is already tanking after a week - i was so excited for this era but i think its gonna be a dud just like the MDNA era - i hate to say this and being a fan for nearly 30 years i think she's finished now and will just rip us off with expensive concert tickets and not bother with any new music -i live in the UK and she is charging nearly £200 each ??? 


    i would love it if she released her old albums remastered with unreleased tracks and finally give us ba, rit, vt dvds or blu-rays and just call it a day - if BIM gets released as a single(Her worst song ever) it will be fitting last single for her :(((((


    Well, her singles can still be hits, outside of USA. USA isn't the only music market.


    I think RH could have a solid success, just like MDNA. A tour probably will have some impact on album sale.

  8. I think Unapologetic Bitch could be attempted and it's also probably more likely than Bitch, I'm Madonna unfortunately.


    Let's not forget she was thinking about releasing UB as the first single, plus BIM is "too much" for many people, and I also can't see her releasing 2 "bitch" singles. 


    Even though she said she wants to do a video for BIM, it might end up being the new Gang Bang. 




    Perhaps she was speaking in general about videos and mentioned BIM just as an example. Or maybe she is planing to make a video for it, for the tour.


    Also, there is possibility she could make videos for non-singles, just as a promo.

  9. I hope there will be more singles comparing to HC and MDNA eras. There are so many great songs.


    I don't want BIM as a single. I don't even know if it would work in the end. It is the most "down with the kids" song on the album and it  was the most downloaded one on iTunes, but... I am not sure that is a sign it is going to be big. GGW was trend following song and it went nowhere. Who knows...


    I think Unapologetic Bitch would be a perfect summer single, because of its vibe. It is also catchy and could be a hit.


    Inside Out - Another ballad single. After so many dance material, she finally made some ballads and they are the best material on the album. Inside Out is very creative and has dark atmosphere, but it is also catchy and has strong melody.



    - Only wishful thinking:


    Holy Water -  Not a single material at all, because of its vulgarity. But it would be interesting to see what kind of video there would be.


    Veni Vidi Vici - Madonna singing about herself means it won't be a single.


    - Possible singles:


    Joan Of Arc - She performed it and knows it is one of the highlights, so...


    Hold Tight - too safe IMO

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