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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by luckystar

  1. I think this album is going to be quite dark. Aside from the few 'dance' tracks, I think it will be quite industrial & dark & urban.The whole concept of Rebel Heart for me was more uplifting & inspiring.Still can't wait for album, but feeling curious.


    Agree. I think many songs show how HC could have sounded, especially Hold Tight and Back That Up, which are the closest to HC IMO.


    Too bad there are no AFF songs. I thought she cared about them and wanted to send the message of love. 

  2. The fifht demo is amazing! I really don't understand why they've changed it and cut it so short. The intro is like Power of Good-Bye and then the song builds every time the chorus kicks in. An amazing pre chorus as well as a fantastic bridge til the cresendo at the end. I really don't know how that will work in just 3:37 minutes without feeling something's missing? Sounded like a final for me. I rather see 2 discs with longer tracks. Some work should have stayed untouched. Top 5 for me along with Heartbreak City, Ghosttown, Addicted and Wash All Over Me. So different from the leaked demo.


    If Ryan Tedder did rework Hold Tight, then it probably has no connection to demo no.5.

  3. This must be Mert and Marcus right? doesnt look like the photoshoot we were expecting for Cosmo she teased, with that other photographer...


    Seems like it is, together with this pic, from the same photosession.



    Posted Image

  4. Rushed videos... they suck. Hung up, Gimme all your luvin' and many others were rushed, and look at how bad they turned out


    They weren't really rushed. HU was a solid video, but under Madonna's level. She should stay away from urban and basic videos.


    GMAYL was good. Of course, it wasn't something epic.

  5. she never did something like this, tho'... And I can't see her doing it now, with a 19 track album to promote.

    More likely a re-release for Xmas time (but she's not famous for huge re-releases...)


    It could work. Delivering more music will get anyone's attention.


    Just look at Kylie, who surprised fans and public with her EP with Garibay, after album release. It was such a cool moment. She keeps surprising. First a tour with obscure songs, then an EP.  All so spontaneous. Madonna should take a note.

  6. Making songs like Freedom, Revolution and God Is Love and not  releasing them, not even as bonus songs, would be stupid and a waste of time.


    There is always an option to release an EP after album. Just imagine,  Revolution Of Love EP inspired by AFF, with songs like Borrowed Time, Revolution, Freedom and God Is Love. All have similar themes and similar music style. Madonna better read this. :bananawave:

  7. Well, Madonna has already made some bizarre artistic choices in the past as well. Like Jimmy Jimmy over Each Time You Break My Heart, Did You Do It? (when she had Shame), Spanish Lesson over Across the Sky, Beautiful Killer being a deluxe track etc. So I was kinda prepared for some shocking cuts  :)


    Well, she was evolving and wasn't really a serious artist in the beginning of the 80s. True Blue was her first more serious and more mature album.

  8. They probably want to trick people into thinking it actually has extra songs and not remixes


    There are too many songs she can use as bonus tracks for album editions and even as B-sides for singles. Judging by the past, they have always been messy with  unreleased material. Instead of letting some songs leak (Latte, Across The Sky), they could have been B-sides on singles.


    Anyway, tracklists  for MDNA's standard edition and deluxe edition  have been posted about the same time.

  9. It's not the sexual theme, it's that S.E.X. is a joke, full stops included ! She could have handed it to Rihanna


    IMO, S.E.X and HW have bad lyrics, but  they are musically more interesting than many songs.


    NLYG is a solid track. Cliche lyrics, neat music, but it could have been done by anyone and sounds so dated.



    BIM is already a joke and  the lyrics of Illuminati aren't profound. These songs were a sign we shouldn't expect a masterpiece.

  10. Well, do you ? Yet, you don't mind buying the songs without really knowing them first, right ?

    As far as I'm concerned, the 'oh my god" gimmick in SEX is really lame, and don't even get me started on Holy water :D

    Based on what I've heard, I'm second guessing buying these tracks without knowing what I'll exactly get. If I end up liking them, fin, I'll buy them. If not, I won't, it's as simple as that.


    I don't see where I'm unreasonable here, actually. If I buy the album or the tracks, it's for my own enjoyment, yet I'm not impressed with what's been selected, so I'll give it a listen before buying it, that's all. No big deal after all.


    As far as I can remember, I never signed any kind of contract that states I HAVE to blindly buy any music she will put out (I never bought anything that had Hey You on it, for an example).


    Well, I don't know. Maybe I will hate S.E.X and HW as finished versions. Who knows.


    There are a lot of songs for different tastes. Madonna isn't the same woman who wants to make conceptual and serious music  works. Now, her albums have serious and silly, mature and vulgar, good or bad songs. Even, the released songs from RH showed that we aren't getting something flawless.


    I am not saying you should buy it. That's you choice. It all depends on how you or anyone else buy music. Some people listen to albums before they buy the, the others like to buy them and be surprised.

  11. S.E.X and §Holy water ? Is this a joke ? I know she wants to be young but this is too much ! :(

    No Borrowed time or Never let you go ?

    I really can't think how expensive the Box Super Deluxe will be ! :( :(

    I really hope the Fnac bonus track is just a remix...

    I'm very disappointed :(


    Sexual themes have nothing to do with "trying to be young".


    BD and NLYG aren't flawless either.

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