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Unapologetic Bitches
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About Holy_Water

  • Birthday January 26

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  • Location
    Skopje, Macedonia
  • Interests
    M & LG

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Papa Don't Preach

Papa Don't Preach (15/89)



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  1. Why does everyone think you're gay when you're fan of Madonna and Gaga??? LOL, don't know whether to laugh or cty

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. madgefan


      Because their music appeals to gay general tastes. However you'll find gays who can't stand this kind of music so there's not a strict rule about it.

    3. Headless.Headphones


      I forgot about this classic he is totally straight and a dad and loves madonna the commentary kills me

    4. Fighter


      who cares tbh

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