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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by subversive

  1. - Los ángeles me protegen. Ellos me dicen que tranquila, que todo saldrá bien. - Los ángeles? - Si los ángeles, y Dios. Y la Virgen.
  2. I think that the reason of the changes between versions of album and singles in the first album is the way that the album was made. The singles were beeing released without the album totally complete. So the versions that came out in the singles were the ones we know. But the time that album shoul be released, back in that dates, it could be "incoherent" and bad marketing, confusing consumers, with an album with songs that they weren't listening in the disco/radio/TV or buying in a single. The marketing and release of singles in US/UK/EU was a mess, we alla know, taking advantage of the rises in charts. I know that burning up video was with a different version, but mtv was weak that days, and the scope of videoclip was about to happen.
  3. This is the most digital alike version of alternate burning up ❤
  4. Wait, has the burning up album version been released as a single before? I mean, are there any promo or 7" with the album version? Maybe it's the first time with a proper release
  5. Well, I get calmed because we have the second chance to get Alternate version with Angel OR in the 40th anniversary... The remix edit is OK too. But Emily, I'm watching you.
  6. Spotify has the same, and it's impossible that to be matched to a local file
  7. The 7" remix edit of burning up would be great. Why not remix edit and alternate? We already have the extended remix on streaming :( I've just notice that the borderline single has the same name to all tracks, just Borderline
  8. Yay!!!! Emily, alternate version of burning up. You have one job, first notification. Don't want @ angry panda gif to you
  9. The TPOG Remixes, ONLY, are sheer raw shitty, they can skip them, but Dallas Austin is just ok. All the rest is TOP <3
  10. Juatice for TPOG??? It's the worst maxi ever in her career!! And I will say in all artists career in history
  11. I know that it's not the perfect release, but I buy it for myself, I work so hard this month that I need to self-indulge. Don't @ about me
  12. Yeah I know, but only i prefer buy it on foot, not online. Some kindness soul to buy a copy for moi
  13. Emily, don't include the edits, I wanna see the forums to burn, hahahahaahhaahha! (While she pets a cat)
  14. Curado a golpe de coño. It means like she does things because she's very bossy and stubborn, in a bad way to others.
  15. Cries in spanish I don't get it too :( Today it's a bad madonna day. No rol edits, no rsd :(
  16. Curated Curated. Curated by herself, curated by a hit of her pussy!!! (Intensifies in spanish) -it's a spanish expression. Sorry, I'm angry about not gettin the edits. On the other hand, maybe are saved for an EP like the american life we've got this year.
  17. Well, it's not the long awaited burning up but it's fine. STRONGLY fine <3
  18. I'm excited for remix/edit and the album remix vinyl version, PLS emily, do your homeworks
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