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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by subversive

  1. I think that they are testing the market in some way with the extrange releases listed. Releasing box set, limited edition of the box sets, repressings, RSDs and so on. When the expaning catalogue deal really starts with an album reissue, I think that it won't be complete as we expect and they would be a subcampaign with maxis and eps and so on. And no digital version of it to make sure that you are going to buy and are not going to skip the purchases. Like these past years eventually.
  2. Vinyls have something special. It's not better format than other, it has its own particularities. I've just received the double red fever, new, like a time capsule, and it doesn't worth the same as digital or cd, worth more
  3. It's bassically that the Celebration DVD-YT version has no caffeine, has no bright
  4. But is the sound different from the 2012 pressing?
  5. What if... the campaign is a ruse like Pepsi's and our girl has pocketed Warner's money for revenge for their treatment against her?
  6. Haahha!!! I was tiding up my collection and i realised that lucky star wast left to be released on streaming and coming to the forum asking for it. Am I a witch?
  7. I remember the madness release dates' between love profusion/nothing fails, between uk/eu/us and then started the rumours of nobody knows me and the 20th anniversary box -firstly, and remixed and revisited soon after- releases. And all ends like anybody knows. Totally madness
  8. It could be, yeah. I don't know where I read, but it's extremely easy release song on streaming platforms, so, ahead of time doesn't make so much sense. Maybe put together all the remixes, and that's it
  9. I think the same as prayer, I think that she gives the seal of approval at least. Maybe their team find options or whatever, but she has the last word.
  10. Curiously, when mamma stops to rehearse and get through the bacteria infections, a single is released. So, do we think that is their team or herself?
  11. And obviously I'm SO happy to see her 😍😍😍
  12. And now she's fine (the fine all she can) I think that we are going to have a statement soon, by herself, a video on instagram. A deal like this... it should be done by her and it's going to be done by her.
  13. It's prior to us that she gets well first. But it's strange to wait four days... what happen in this gap of time? Will we ever know what infenction is?
  14. And I'm that kind of girl too, not reading MInfintiy, but I usually play my collection. I buy vinyls to enjoy them, even if they are rare ones. They are made to spin them!
  15. I mean, just came to my mind a discussion in a thread about "collectors" vs not collectors, and that's what I think about the streaming service. It's very autocracy
  16. IGTTYAS is the perfect example for me of the big drawback of the streaming services: they can decide, just because they want, decide, unilaterally, what serve to heard and listen. In the physical format you can have it, enjoy it and listen, previously payed. Maybe it was released in a limited way, but you can have it if you find it, there's even a possibility to heard. The streaming service.. you lose it and that's it.
  17. So the only one difference is manufactured in EU?
  18. I see a like a virgin mix like blond ambition tour or something like that, a ball part, a mix with dirty song, erotica maybe, or everything at the same time ahhahaha Or nothing. It's a tour of hits. I don't know. AND I DON'T WANT TO KNOW, I am free spoiler fan
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