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Unapologetic Bitches
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    anjoel reacted to blondebenji in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    I luv the last disc the best .  whatever floats your boat I guess
  2. Like
    anjoel reacted to Ian in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    He sounds extremely ignorant about Dance culture, dance mixes and Dance History. He wants to look cool for his sheep following. Just look at the other basement dwelling nerds' comments over there. He got what he wanted too, tons of comments and lots of clicks.
  3. Haha
    anjoel got a reaction from PlayPause in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    He's a 70s/80s Dad Rock fan who hasn't a clue about Dance Music. I take what he says with a pinch of salt.
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    anjoel got a reaction from Ian in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    He's a 70s/80s Dad Rock fan who hasn't a clue about Dance Music. I take what he says with a pinch of salt.
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    anjoel got a reaction from EgoRod in "This last disc is hard going, purely because unless you really made a lot of effort   
    He's a 70s/80s Dad Rock fan who hasn't a clue about Dance Music. I take what he says with a pinch of salt.
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    anjoel got a reaction from Voguerista in It’s that time of year again! “Santa Baby” is currently the most popular Madonna tune   
    It's in her Nikki Finn 'Who's That Girl' voice. Very cute.
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