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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. but I'm thinking about getting a sweatshirt on Temu instead!
  2. they will only release Autotune Baby in Quad/DAtmos/5.1/7.1/QSoundmix on silver vinyl -one for each mix- M will charge 50 bucks each too actual pic of M laughing all the way to the bank:
  3. Madonna and Confessions are totally at well over 10M now Bedtime maybe even at 9M WTG soundtrack at over 6M for decades Hard Candy 4M too LAP is now officially over 15 M (see Rhino's LAP press news) TB and LAV are way over those numbers too in short everything is underestimated lol ( yeah I know it's from 2017, but still, some are wayy off)
  4. The O.G. : WTG! but I love all of them tbh, even some of the non-M songs as well!
  5. "One day I found a book, buried deep in the ground...I opened it but all the pages were blank..."
  6. ain't that guy from superdeluxeed the one who trashed Finally50 cause he wanted the edits and not the remixes?
  7. well Nostradamnmus mentioned it in one of his very secret documents: "In the realm of melodious sirens, a celestial creamy dreamy songstress shall bewitch the masses with sweet nothings, yet her enchanted throng shall pine in vain for the keys to unlock the gates of her innermost chamber. The divine instrument she wields shall remain forever locked, its secrets guarded by the keeper of the hidden harmonies. Her most ardent devotees shall find their desires bound by the chains of tantalizing uncertainty, their longing forever left unsatisfied by the silence of her heart."" there, y'all getting jack squat
  8. they're very different imho...the one you're talking about is Shelley Long
  9. there's so much to be done but Emily is still at Starbucks waiting for her double shot latte
  10. That AndiIversen guy from UKmix was right once again , he posted about WTG back in June he's never been wrong with the singles releases, he used to post early about the DJ Digital package mixes back when the Dance chart was alive too...is he an insider?
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