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Blue Prince

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Blue Prince

  1. From the recent ones, Iconic did really work for me that year. Before that I would watch Hung Up live. That lively song and her strut were like a boost of energy. Well, there was also that one moment I sang Act of Contrition in my head before a stressful situation. Maybe those guitars, maybe those 'I reserve's and I resolve's', that demanding of hers to get to where she wants, they helped me!

    Yeah, when it comes to breakups some Unapologetic Bitch is all I want and some live She's Not Me and just f them all :angel:

  2. That was a nice text to read from a fellow young fan! Well, I am 21 and I think I was also your age when I heard Rain. It was during a midday radio show and that specific day it was dedicated to songs about rain :P I really liked it, even though I was still mad about 4 minutes back then. Everybody was, right? Then, during summer 2011 I discovered COADF and over the next few years I got to listen to most of her albums (except maybe Like A Virgin).

    Well, what she means to me is that you can be who you want to be. You just have to try hard. You don't have to rely on people's opinions about you or just your looks or the universe to bring it to you while you procrastinate. You work and you get it! Also to ask questions. Like why is this supposed to be wrong? She taught me that the obvious answer "because people say so" is never satisfactory. And that it's important to be around smart people with vision and learn from them. To speak your mind. Would I like her to be a bit more careful with her words sometimes? Of course, but it doesn't really matter :P Because she fears not, at least she seems to, and I try to be more like that as I tend to get scared about anything.

    And during our times, when it gets so tiring to hear new names in music, tunes with no meaning most of the time and no artistic vision, it's great to have her around. To know that some values persist and not everything today just comes and goes. I can always listen to a different album of hers and enjoy lyrics and melodies that apply to my life today, which I think is amazing. By the way, they are American Life and Erotica these days! Another funny thing is that when I want to chill out but still feel smart I watch some of her interviews and it really opens up my mind. Like what are you going to hear today from most of your faves? What drug they did then, who they are dating, hollow stuff all the time. 

    Uhm, that's just about it. I don't live my life through her and don't follow her blindly but she is definitely my favourite artist out there and I think a good role model for me. If I grow up to be a good person, I will know for sure that in part it's because of her!

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