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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by stefo

  1. Napoli, Napoli, Via Kerbaker to be specific but I live and work in Rome since 19 years, after a two years period wandering in London and Bologna, so I left really a lot of time ago.
  2. It would be so nice to see her in my hometown! ... and I'm sure she's gonna love Napoli and her people as she loves the southamerican one, we're very close in terms of joy and passion
  3. Apparently it's just from rehearsals ... I was honestly scared when I saw it on her Instagram story
  4. The costume for Crave ... honestly, does anybody know wich were the Gautier costumes? Didn't he declare to be involved in the production?
  5. You wanna make us happy, don't you, good guy? ... respect
  6. http://news.madonnatribe.com/en/2019/like-a-mirror-of-each-other/?fbclid=IwAR35W1Vbr20kuNjYNp8TNUiaW9OWS2ee5Otdvq1cYvhod9kOJj6pqKkS4Ng Very interesting: Choreographer Damien Jalet describes the creative idea of the Frozen choreography in hommage to one of M's artistic mother, Martha Graham: "Through the song Lola evolves from a close, inward static position to free, twirling movements around her mother, like an energy coming out of her, finding freedom and emancipation though her moves. Madonna was studying modern dance at the current age of Lola. The two in some moments are like a mirror of each other."
  7. I really don't feel their point of view, sorry. Specifying that my own family and I myself have lost one of our dearests because of a crime connected with the gun control just four years ago and I've been through therapy and depression, starting to rise up just in the last two years, I think that the personal sensibility should leave space to more rational judgements in this kind of cases. These are real tragedies and nobody could ever find a way to understand and adequately tell how a thing like this can change and hurt the soul of a person for the rest of their lives. How deep are the trauma and the pain, when you suddenly discover that everything is possible in our own lives, everyday, when you'd never expect them to happen. But I don't think that it was ever ment to be the point. She's making a statement with the song and the video, she is pointing the issue in the most explicit and courageous way possible, straight and brutal as the situation is. How many influencial artists are really taking a role, a part to make the gun control, as the respect of the humbles rights (thinking of Killers), the necessity to resist and speak out loud against authoritarianism (Batuka, Dark Ballet) or the urgency to be responsable for the climate change we're causing (Future), a real issue and core theme of their art and career? How many are really exposing themeselves, charity causes excluded, wich are so mediaticly effective, contrary to be openly politicaly lined up like this. I mean, she is doing it, she is representing the gravity of the situation tough as it is, with her own usual controversial, excessive, sometimes even campy and erratic way. She is there and I really don't think that she is making it imagining to gain some economic or mediatic advantage at this point, honestly ... wich is not happening actually. I'm honestly proud of her and her record (I simply want her to include RAIN in the setlist and in the forthcoming live blueray )
  8. Well, thank you, really thank you. This is the most interesting and accurate review I read till now. I finally feel as I got a real idea of how the show is structured. Just by hearing the lq audio file I had the same feeling about the first set and, even adoring the second block, I really felt the lack of at least one old classic in that part. Hypercurious and excited by your Extreme Occident description and comforted to know that the Crave mix is working at least on the stage, 'cause I found the audio very disappointing and preoccupying, especially loving the original track as I do (she should really put some old gem in that place and play Crave beautifully as it is imo).
  9. HUGE SURPRISE PEOPLE!!! Please someone who knows how to, rip asap the stories vids from this account https://www.instagram.com/dubovskih_nata/
  10. I asked about that for you, apparently "Same all three nights but the show has become better and more perfect each night".
  11. Ok sad news guys: apparently last night, if there was press in the audience, they were not allowed to take pictures. A guy from another forum who went to see the show did not see any photographer ... I'm starting to think she is gonna try to keep it all sealed for a very long time.
  12. Just a rumour I read on Twitter ... apparently Spike Lee should direct a documentary about the Madame X Tour ... exciting for the quality of the character involved, dangerous for us to have the possibility to have a full pro recording of the whole show. Maybe just a fake news though.
  13. Finally a good pic of the stage structure
  14. @artlover seems the setlist was the same and the Polaroid gag is going to be like the Rebel Heart banana one, last night it was sold to Andy Cohen
  15. She writes about the respect and consideration for her wishes and explicitly uses more than once the expression "my request". It's true that the mobile free policy is common in theaters to safeguard the productions copyrights and the audience experience but it's not universal, I don't think that a theatre would have denied her the right to let people use their mobiles during her own performance. I studied at a drama school, l acted for many years and go costantly to theatres. I know how it works and I think I'm perfectly able to understand what I read. It was not kind of you to use those words.
  16. She writes: "3 shows into Madame ❌ and Ive enjoyed every minute of this intimate experience! I ♥️ Looking into the audience and not seeing Iphone’s and cameras flashing but instead-eyes, smiles and happy human faces. However I am mystified and confused by some people who insist on sneaking in second cameras and disregarding my request to not record the show. This request is common at all Broadway shows, dance concerts, stand up Comedy and the Opera. People who ignore my request are not allowing themselves to enjoy The show completely but also show a lack of respect and consideration for my wishes. If you can’t live without your phone for 2 hours-this Experience is not for you." The point is that we simply wanna have pics and vids when we're home, it's not a matter of mobile addiction, it's a matter of having material to watch and, in some cases, to archive. Said that, some good press cover would at least help a little to enjoy the tour experience imo, cause this way, even if the show is one of her best, the tour itself seems to be going to be one of her most boring and it's such a pity.
  17. The setlist could really be much better than what it is honestly. The qualities of this show, wich seems to be amazing, are certainly others imo. The arrangements could have been much more exploratory, the most commented tracks are actually the most reworked and live sounding, Humann Nature, Frozen and Future. The first set seems cahotic, confused, it seems that the spy scene (Vogue/I don't search I find) interrupts the flow of the political theme and I was finding very nice the live strings orchestration of Papa don't Preach wich I do think she should have sung for a full three minutes rendition. The second set, wich I found gorgeous as the prefinale (Frozen, Come alive, Future), lacks inexplicably a retreat of an old gem in a fado/morna style ( ... of course Rain would have been the best possible choice ... as erasing Medellin ). The finale seem extremely weak by the audio rec, I do dislike the Crave remixed version, wich could have been substituted by an old track (what about Nothing really matters with an afro shade, in continuity with Come alive?) and the closing of Like a Prayer should have definitely been enhanced by a choir crescendo. So, leaving the main structure and idea coherent to her vision, these are the adjustments I would make to the setlist Intro God Control Dark Ballet Human Nature Papa don't Preach American life Coffin Interlude Batuka Fado Pechincha Killers Crazy Welcome to my fado club/La isla bonita Sodade Rain Extreme Occident Rescue me Interlude Madame X manifesto/Vogue I don't search I find Crave Frozen Come alive Future Nothing really matters Like a prayer I rise
  18. Edit: sorry, someone said this pic had been taken during last night performance, but it's a previous performance of Gaspar Varela with the fado singer Katia Guerreiro.
  19. I just finished to listen to the last night concert and, I have to say, it's much better than I thought, just reading the setlist. The parts I found weaker are the final three tracks, from that shallow Crave mix, wich could have serenely been substituted by an old classic, leaving the original Crave version intact, to I Rise (even if I liked the "I will Rise" final choir singing), wich is not strong enough, musically and emotionally, to close a show like that, and I do think the first section is a little too cahotic at the moment. I would really cut a pair of her talkings and musical intrusions (what was the meaning of that Papa don't Preach intro, suddenly stopped?), adding one more good track and making the whole thing flow a little better, an improvement that I think could happen during the weeks. The real lack, honestly, is the way the 80% of the tracks seem not taking adequate advantage by the wonderful musicians, voices and instruments she's got with her this time. Now, the sound, even with a lq recording (thanx again, by the way!!), is clearly different and incredibly more satisfying than all her last tours, at the same time I think she really could have played much more with what she had, just in terms of rearrangments, virtuosities, improvisations, giving new soul to the original scores, not necessarily in terms of reinventions and genre transformations. The good sides now, the major part of it, fortunately: her voice, perfect, delicate and expressive, the whole more relaxed and intimate mood (I loved it), the braveness and courage of the whole experiment (I still owe her my respect: THIS IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT!) and some deeply exciting highlights. Mine are the jazzy version of Human Nature, almost the whole second block, with the exception of Medellin, wich just missed one old classic imo, and all the prefinale part - Frozen, Come Alive and the good stripped down version of Future (where I would have tried to incorporate the trumpet sound though). So, this is my first reaction, lq rec and neither one pic to imagine theatrics and looks: there's stuff to improve, but "BRAVA BRAVA BRAVA"!
  20. Going to the stage! Let's hope we're gonna have the certainty that the setlist is gonna be fluid and full of surprises along the way ( ... and let's hope I'm gonna have my Rain 2019 version sooner or later )
  21. Last night Polaroid selfie (I think)
  22. Is there anybody going to see her tonight? We need to know if there are gonna be any setlist changes
  23. This is not the point guys, I thought this could have not worked properly, but we can't surrender like this! I'm sure there will be some technological tool wich could serve our purpose. I WANT TO START A REVOLUTION! WAKE UP!!!
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