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1 hour ago, Drownedboy said:

I´ve thinking about that recent post that somebody wrote about retiring her american life video as the final note of her artistic life. And, as hard as it might sounds, it might be true in a way.

Cause, think about it, the fearless artist who tried different things working with outsiders of the industry and who succeeded and changed the rules of the game wasn´t there anymore.

Ok, COADF it is really a great pop disco record of its moments, but she did that in order to recover her throne. Hard candy was done to restore her succes on the US and the tour to recover her money. MDNA was done for contractual reasons cause there she was trying to be a movie director. Rebel Heart was done with all the current hot producers of the moment in a desperate movement. And lastly, Madonna x was Madonna knowing she wouldn´t sell and doing strange things that sounds artistic in the paper but at the end it was not great music or very memorable. First singles with abba, Nick Minaj, Justin Timberlake or Maluma. And yes, I enjoy lots of tracks from those post 2003 albums and many tours were amazing. But I can recognise that peak Madonna that I knew in 1999 and that was in the very top creating daring pop music that changed the system, was very much done after American life flopped big time.

I respect your point even though I don't fully agree with you.
I don't think that Madonna's mistake was the end of her career, but I think it was the worst moment of her career.
It was a big misstep, which no doubt she herself realized years later, but she never seriously talked about it again. Interviewers now ask her light-hearted questions, they don't try to put her on the spot by presenting her with contradictions or critical issues. 

It is true that afterwards she tried to catch up with the American public without ever fully succeeding. 
It's also true that music nowadays has changed a lot. 
There are hardly any genuine songs on the charts anymore, with studied arrangements, well-thought-out melodies and beautiful harmonic progressions. Everything is minimal and fake now. That's why teenagers nowadays discover 70/80/90s music and are amazed by it.

She didn't end up completely conforming to the sterility of today's music scene, but she got influenced a lot and lost her brilliance a bit. 



1 hour ago, Drownedboy said:

I´ve thinking about that recent post that somebody wrote about retiring her american life video as the final note of her artistic life. And, as hard as it might sounds, it might be true in a way.

Cause, think about it, the fearless artist who tried different things working with outsiders of the industry and who succeeded and changed the rules of the game wasn´t there anymore.

Ok, COADF it is really a great pop disco record of its moments, but she did that in order to recover her throne. Hard candy was done to restore her succes on the US and the tour to recover her money. MDNA was done for contractual reasons cause there she was trying to be a movie director. Rebel Heart was done with all the current hot producers of the moment in a desperate movement. And lastly, Madonna x was Madonna knowing she wouldn´t sell and doing strange things that sounds artistic in the paper but at the end it was not great music or very memorable. First singles with abba, Nick Minaj, Justin Timberlake or Maluma. And yes, I enjoy lots of tracks from those post 2003 albums and many tours were amazing. But I can recognise that peak Madonna that I knew in 1999 and that was in the very top creating daring pop music that changed the system, was very much done after American life flopped big time.

I respect your point even though I don't fully agree with you.
I don't think that Madonna's mistake was the end of her career, but I think it was the worst moment of her career.
It was a big misstep, which no doubt she herself realized years later, but she never seriously talked about it again. Interviewers now ask her light-hearted questions, they don't try to put her on the spot by presenting her with contradictions or critical issues. 

It is true that afterwards she tried to catch up with the American public without ever fully succeeding. 
It's also true that music nowadays has changed a lot. 
There are hardly any genuine songs on the charts anymore, with studied arrangements, well-thought-out melodies and beautiful harmonic progressions. Everything is minimal and fake now. That's why teenagers nowadays discover 70/80/90s music and are amazed by it.

She didn't end up completely conforming to the sterility of today's music scene, but she got influenced a lot and lost her polish a bit. 

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