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Rays Of Light
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  1. I can’t found any information about this
  2. It’s so hard to find demos 😭
  3. https://on.soundcloud.com/uXcSEALSdBCfba5GA @club78boywhat you think
  4. I remembered that she did a live performance ring my bell in the Hard Candy promo tour. I cannot find it anywhere.
  5. @DanKStop making a commotion. Please keep it peaceful.
  6. @DanKI haven’t post anything fake I don’t know what you’re talking about the only thing I post is verify if it’s fake or not I’ve been looking for demo and unreleased tracks
  7. @DanKI’m just saying that you should put I fix the audio instead of saying unreleased track or demo because you’re confusing people
  8. It’s not OK because he says unreleased demo
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