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Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more


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We've been discussing managers lately so worth reading this new interview with Angela Becker:




You asked me about my ‘breakthrough’ before and it was in 2004 when Madonna and her former manager, Caresse Henry, decided to part ways.

Madonna wasn’t sure if she wanted another manager, so she asked if I would run her companies. From there, one thing led to another and I managed her in all areas – and Guy and I co-managed her in music.

Guy and I were the perfect foils for one another, as we balanced each other’s strengths and interests so naturally. We had a strong working relationship, so we decided to expand the way we worked and co-managed her in all areas until 2008.


Live 8 [2005]. We had less than a month to prepare, so it was a steep education and it was incredibly high stakes. In addition to traditional broadcast, Kevin Wall had the ambition for it to be the largest livestream ever – I think the viewership was around 1.5-2 billion people, which was exhilarating.

Plus the entire Confessions On A Dance Floor campaign. Stuart [Price, producer] and Madonna made a career re-defining album, which meant we had phenomenal music as our starting point, and from there everything just lined up: the music, the styling, the artwork, the videos, the collaborators and the commercial and critical reception to the album.

The Live Nation 360 deal that we negotiated for Madonna. At the time, it was a new style deal that highlighted the respective approaches Guy and I supported, with an innovative artist willing to challenge the norm. The deal would not have been realised without the absolute trust we had in Arthur as a promoter and partner.


To be fearless. And how effective it can be to say no.

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2 minutes ago, Alpha said:

...she didn't know if she wanted another manager? 😳😳😳

Basically confirming this B has been wanting to manage herself since 2004 (!!!!).

I wonder if we'll get to know the full Caresse story one day. Something so bad that made her not to want another manager ever again? Also, Madonna completely ignoring her death was weird.

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5 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Basically confirming this B has been wanting to manage herself since 2004 (!!!!).

I wonder if we'll get to know the full Caresse story one day. Something so bad that made her not to want another manager ever again? Also, Madonna completely ignoring her death was weird.

Well remember, Caresse's sister literally came out blaming Madonna for her death so there was obviously major stuff behind the scenes. I do recall Lola posting something at the time. Who knows, and honestly out of respect for Caresse's family, maybe it's best not to poke and prod.

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10 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Well remember, Caresse's sister literally came out blaming Madonna for her death so there was obviously major stuff behind the scenes. I do recall Lola posting something at the time. Who knows, and honestly out of respect for Caresse's family, maybe it's best not to poke and prod.

I never knew that! what did her sister say?

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1 minute ago, Ayham said:

I’m talking about her time from 2005 to 2009! 

Oh...well read between the lines...madonna didnt want a real manager. Pretty sure that's why she got Guy + Angela. Do you think a real manager would tolerate Madonna? Lol so basically Madonna has been her own undoing.

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31 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Oh...well read between the lines...madonna didnt want a real manager. Pretty sure that's why she got Guy + Angela. Do you think a real manager would tolerate Madonna? Lol so basically Madonna has been her own undoing.

Which we know already - she's in charge - and thats exactly how it should be. Every project it's her final say, good or bad. Everyone keeps blaming Guy, but no one has evidence to show he's done a bad job - by that I mean - no one really knows what he's pitched to her and what she's agreed to or not agreed to, or changed.

I'm pretty sure he's very much behind the Rio concert - and that has been a huge career triumph! 


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17 minutes ago, Jackie said:

Which we know already - she's in charge - and thats exactly how it should be. Every project it's her final say, good or bad. Everyone keeps blaming Guy, but no one has evidence to show he's done a bad job - by that I mean - no one really knows what he's pitched to her and what she's agreed to or not agreed to, or changed.

I'm pretty sure he's very much behind the Rio concert - and that has been a huge career triumph! 


Apparently not since people keep blaming Guy!

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29 minutes ago, Jackie said:

Which we know already - she's in charge - and thats exactly how it should be. Every project it's her final say, good or bad. Everyone keeps blaming Guy, but no one has evidence to show he's done a bad job - by that I mean - no one really knows what he's pitched to her and what she's agreed to or not agreed to, or changed.

I'm pretty sure he's very much behind the Rio concert - and that has been a huge career triumph! 


Yes, he was behind the Rio Concert.  He does a lot of the huge business dealings for her.  And as long as he is making her cash, she isn't going to fire him.  He's only awful to some fans because her career isn't going the way some want it to be.  They assume it's his fault when we know she has the last word.  He's even stated that many times.  The thing is, Guy isn't like the past managers... he's mainly her "business manager".  He gets things done.  His job is to make her money.  And anyone who has been a fan since the beginning should know Madonna is an astute business woman herself.  She goes where the money is. 

I do not think Guy is a bad manager.  And I agree, Madonna should be and IS in charge. It's her career. She knows what she wants.  That's a huge difference between a lot of other musicians and her.  A lot of musicians aren't able to manage their career on their own. They need other people to help get things done.  And while I'm sure there is a lot of delegation going on in Madonna's career, you can bet she's the one who is giving out the orders. 

I'm sure she knows not everything she's done has been the best for her career, but in the long scheme of things, she's done pretty damn well. She's still one of the biggest sought out mega stars out there... especially when there aren't many "mega stars" left.  Also, I know that the music industry isn't as kind to older musicians, so the usual avenues to get artists played and popular is harder for older artists, no matter how great their work is.  There are plenty of older artists still making great music. In fact, the Rolling Stones last album is fantastic and I have not doubt that if they were under 30, that album would be played all over radio and been even more successful than it has been. 

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Nice find, @Prayer.

It seems that Guy's role has evolved into a high-level manager who mainly influences the 'broad strokes' of her career and businesses in terms of major deal negotiations, etc.

However, throughout that she would still consult him on creative projects, such as during the making of ROL, and when he shot down her Black Madonna album concept, etc...

I just scanned through Guy's 2022 Variety feature and found this part kind of funny:

"...I became the dad you want to rebel against, and now I’m like grandpa. She’s like, ‘You are so fucking boring. I don’t even know why I have you around.'"

That interview's title 'Guy Oseary, NFT King' really aged well, huh?

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I think guy is more a friend than a manager and like @Jackie says - M is always the one in charge here and that’s good and bad - I mean how could anyone manage someone as big as her - she might take advice but in the end she decides everything which is probably why she thought she didn’t need a manager - it’s funny how her career has gone downhill imo since 2008 - she lost a lot of support from people since then and her image in the public has gotten worse and the music quality has been very hit and miss since then too but that’s just my opinion- I’m sure I will be vilified but the numbers don’t lie in terms of record sales - all that’s kept her afloat is the touring which is why she has charged so much for them 

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2 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

Can someone explain using more than one sentence? Why would Madonna get rid of Angela for having a baby with Stuart? And how is She's Not Me about her? 

And why did M get rid of Caresse? Because she cheated with someone? Did someone fuck Guy? 


Lots of details discussed here:

 The ' She's not Me' is a baseless rumour. We had some random stirrer not long ago talking about it here too. It's something that keeps appearing every time and then.

The Caresse situation according to her family was because she was a devoted christian and that didn't aligned with Madonna kabbalah indoctrination at the time.

My take is that Madonna just felt like did'nt want anyone to boss her around and she was in a position to do so.

Someone fuck Guy but it was discussed they were in a open/separation situation for a while.


EDIT. I just revisited that thread and the kookoo insider with all the goss is at the last page, pretty funny read.

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1 hour ago, EgoRod said:

The Caresse situation according to her family was because she was a devoted christian and that didn't aligned with Madonna kabbalah indoctrination at the time.

My take is that Madonna just felt like did'nt want anyone to boss her around and she was in a position to do so.

But the Kabbalah basics are not that different to the Christianity principles really? That couldn't be the reason.

For her to be wiped out completely it had to be something related to money and/or betrayal.

Of course we'll never know.

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