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The View Discusses Madonna's Vogue Interview


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I don't disagree with them in a way and I mean that in the most respectful way too. The ageism she suffers is UNDENIABLE, but there are things she's not seeing in this particular thing. For example, people have always been surrounded by imagery. Does she think her bodybuilder-like figure from 80s to 90s was an average body? That nobody has never tried to look like her? She rose in the full TV coverage era. Every step she made was either photographed or filmed. Madonna needs to realize she's being a pioneer again just for doing what she does and not ONLY by complaining.  We all know that men like Mick Jagger or Paul McCartney don't get half the bash she does and that's where we need to se her art poppin hard. Go and tell them Madame X you're still the bomb. You are the role model for yourself. Look at your past. 

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OMG i wanna pull Megan McCain up by her ponytail, rip a fart in her face and then slap her.   Also, all the other women whoe were brought up have done what Madonna refuses to.  Allow themselves to be marginalized, pushed aside, kept niche, etc.  And it's for that reason they haven't received the ageist remarks.  Because they did it to themselves!  Madonna says she still deserves to play the game and that's what separates her from Grace Jones, Diana Ross, Celine Dion, et al.  

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Sorry women of The View but Madonna is not Diana Ross or Grace Jones. Cant believe that any of those women pointed out how ground breaking Madonna career was. Something never seen before. They didnt understand M interview at all. 

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Joy somewhat got it, the others totally missed the point. As much as I sometimes want "greatest hits" Madonna I know she will never relegate herself to that and am grateful. As important as her fight for LGBTQ+, HIV/AIDS is her current fight and may be her most challenging

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Yeah comparing Stevie Nicks, Grace Jones, and Diana Ross is ridiculous. And as great as they all are, they DO NOT do what Madonna does. Madonna is in a league of her own at this point and has been for a long time. 

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Well first of all they didn't read the article, just the soundbites, and of course they didn't get it, at all. It's rediculous to say you don't feel sorry for Madonna, nobody asked you to, least of all M herself. It's very telling these ladies (besides Joy I think) assume M is victimising herself and asking for pitty when she is doing the opposite. When she states she is being punished for being 60 it is just that, a statement, she's being defiant, it is not a complaint. To me it reads exactly the same as when she said she was being punished for being open and unapologetic about her sexuality back in the Dita days, she was pointing out hypocrisy, not boohooing. I could go on but maybe it's better just to see this little tidbit as proof of what Madonna ment with "be what women feel comfortable with" in her billboard speech and move on, it's always better to be on board with Madonna because you'll be going forwards. x

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15 hours ago, RayOfLight said:

Sorry women of The View but Madonna is not Diana Ross or Grace Jones. Cant believe that any of those women pointed out how ground breaking Madonna career was. Something never seen before. They didnt understand M interview at all. 

Exactely, and you cannot compare Madonna in her 50's and 60's with anyone else, because others left the spotlight or were not into it so often than Madonna, and level of success had nothing alike either. 

It's so obvious, they're not being fair...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Madonna came of as cold and a bit intimidating in this interview. Some parts seem to me cringe worthy such as the one on her six kids and how she is a single mother.. yea right! she is a ultra rich lady that has aides that oversee her children. Or the part that she states that David (from Malawi) has her dna more than the others.. I immediately thought of Angelina Jolie that exalted her adopted children over the biological ones. So fake. She really has jumped to the meta-liberal bandwagon.

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Joy is the only one who defended Madonna before being cut off, Sunny too.

The rest are entirely misinformed or didn't get the gist of what Madonna was saying. Those women mentioned are comfortable resting on their legacy and rehashing what made them great many years ago, they don't push or provoke or do anything considered edgy. They want the GP approval so they regurgitate what the public wants. Madonna, either hit or miss, still continues to push boundaries, make contemporary music with her own spin and refuses to be placed in a legacy category no matter how hard the press or media tries. She's still hungry, creative and daring to push buttons which none of these women they chose to group her with do anymore or have done for decades while Madonna continues to do so.

I love the View but my god, Whoopi and Meghan are trash. Abby of course is clueless as always.

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