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Madame X Tour | Lisbon


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21 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

She's putting people out by cancelling last minute.  Either cancel or just sit and sing the songs on the nights that she's too much in pain to dance.  Cancelling last minute while stubbornly refusing to follow medical advice is the worst of all worlds for everyone and completely disrespectful of fans' time and money who sacrificed a lot to support her.

People will understand a last minute cancellation due to injury once.  It's unforgivable and irresponsible to keep doing it over and over.  She's destroying her own touring legacy even more, more and more by refusing to cancel upfront or appropriately plan a backup plan (sitting and singing) if she refuses to follow medical advice and insists on continuing the tour and risking fans' time and money.  At this point, everyone knows she's injured and has been for a long time.  I'll totally understand if people who are affected by these last minute cancellations this time decide never to see her again even if she apologizes or whatever because I've felt the same way about other artists I love who did this.  Madonna isn't exempt from fan goodwill.

Of course we care about her health but at this point she isn't respecting her fans more by doing things this way than to either follow her doctors' advice or have a backup non-dancing plan for the tour she insists on continuing to handle this way.  She's neither doing what is best for her own health (so fans can't possibly care more for her than she does for her own wellbeing) nor for her fans on this most stressful of tours and eras.  The entire touring situation has been needlessly stressful and ridiculous because of the terrible planning and communication, from the ticket lottery to the late start times and now endless last minute cancellations.

Completely agree as l said, sing rather than cancel last minute

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3 hours ago, Alan Leggate said:

I've said this before but I do agree she has issue with knee, but every tour there has always been some issue. Remember the bandage on her arm during DWT etc. She has or Jamie King have tried to make an arena show (where she has stages with hydraulic lifts) into a theatre where she is climbing up ladders. WTF.

I still stick by that this theatre tour has not been what she though it would be. Even that first instagram post inspecting Lisbon theatre. It's there to see, she has no passion or interest. It's depressing to see her like that. And I assume Guy O is being the greatest useless manager as per usual and making no comment.

This reminds me of the "damage control" ReInvention tour she had to do after American Life album.

I think it's very sad and that a lot of blame lies with her team (Guy O, Arthur Live Nation etc.)

I don't think she would keep performing if she was lacking passion or interest for a tour.

She has been foreshadowing a smaller show for YEARS and she finally manage to do it, on the press tour months ago she was thrilled, explaining to everyone the concept of the small concert.

So, no, she is not depressed, still performing because she wants, if she cancels the rest of the tour, insurance will take part covering all costs, just like in Lady Gaga's Joanne or Born This Way Ball. The talent is not on the hook for this kind of cancellations.

But I do hope and pray this is not the last of her, I hope she tours again.

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1 hour ago, MarXus said:

Yes, but she just didn't sing at TOAC.  She made a huge spectacle of herself. I mean that with respect even though some would think otherwise.  Madonna isn't just someone who stands or sits there singing. She dressed up.  She danced around the stage even then.  She even rode a tri-cycle.  Let's not forget she even stood on a table and sang.  She puts on a lively show, no matter how mobile she is.  The reason she is so mesmerizing is because she never relied on just sitting or standing on stage singing.  I'm not sure she would have ever become as popular as she has, if she did that. She's been a visual artist.  And while there are times, she can sit and perform, it's not who Madonna is. 

However, my point is that her knee is still a problem. Just thinking that sitting on a chair performing is going to solve the problem isn't solving the problem.  She has a very active life.  We even saw when she was on vacation that she seemed to be very active.  There is no way her persona Madame X or Madonna herself would reduce herself to sitting in performing.  The show wouldn't work as is even though some fans would be happy if she did sit and sang.  But again, that isn't who Madonna is.

TOAC Melbourne she rode the bike but that was it, just sang and moved around the stage with natural movement and dance, no choreography. Its out of her comfort zone and it was cute how nervous she was but she was just as mesmerizing hearing her sing lots of older songs and better for the vocal focus (curse those grillz but). We all need to be human and grow and change as we age, Madonna resists that a bit too much sometimes as do some fans, she wont last forever

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16 minutes ago, cyberrage said:

TOAC Melbourne she rode the bike but that was it, just sang and moved around the stage with natural movement and dance, no choreography. Its out of her comfort zone and it was cute how nervous she was but she was just as mesmerizing hearing her sing lots of older songs and better for the vocal focus (curse those grillz but). We all need to be human and grow and change as we age, Madonna resists that a bit too much sometimes as do some fans, she wont last forever

I don't disagree with anything you really posted there.  The thing is; I don't see how her reducing her show to this, would save her knee. She still moved about. She didn't just sit around singing her songs.  The bike alone could have caused problems.  Besides, the TOAC shows did not produce good vocals, so I am not sure what this really has got to do with her issue currently

Some fans think they know her better than she does.  Obviously, she's willing to continue on with the tour.  Her last post on IG proves that when she stated he looks forward to the next Lisbon date, even though she cancelled tonights.  My only criticism for her is putting her health in jeopardy, and it's no thanks to some fans who prefer her to put on the show sitting, then just cancelling all together.  My thought is; Madonna has had a good four decades of touring.  Rarely did she cancel, but the tour she actual has legit health issues, some fans prefer her to still go on stage, rather just cancel and get well. I find that very weird and strange coming from fans who say they care and adore her.  And please spare me, that many fans spent a lot of money to see her.  Sure!  That's true, but most who are criticizing her are those who aren't even going to her shows or the ones that were cancelled.  Certainly, I can understand disappointment from those who were going to attend, especially who spent a lot of money to see her, but it's not like she forced people into these situations.  Life happens.  It's unfortunate what has happened, but it's not like she's purposely cancelled for no reason. It's not like she hasn't tried to keep her commitments to the tour dates.  She obviously knows how far some go to see her or she wouldn't work so hard in keeping the shows going. 

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11 minutes ago, cyberrage said:

TOAC Melbourne she rode the bike but that was it, just sang and moved around the stage with natural movement and dance, no choreography. Its out of her comfort zone and it was cute how nervous she was but she was just as mesmerizing hearing her sing lots of older songs and better for the vocal focus (curse those grillz but). We all need to be human and grow and change as we age, Madonna resists that a bit too much sometimes as do some fans, she wont last forever

I think you nailed the real issue( and this is why I worry on her the most). On a show day, her mind and her heart tell her she's invisible and tough and she will get through it. Then on days like today, her body says to think again. I'm NOT doing it. I've had enough.

It's not easy getting older. I can understand why she can't deal and why she's fighting it since she's always been a fighter and young at heart. 

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14 minutes ago, Voguerista said:

I think you nailed the real issue( and this is why I worry on her the most). On a show day, her mind and her heart tell her she's invisible and tough and she will get through it. Then on days like today, her body says to think again. I'm NOT doing it. I've had enough.

It's not easy getting older. I can understand why she can't deal and why she's fighting it since she's always been a fighter and young at heart. 

I think this is true; she believes she is invincible to some point! She always defied what is thrown at her. I think it's the same with aging.  She's been so lucky for the most part.  There hasn't been a tour before this that she's had so many cancellations, especially due to health.  In the past, she's been able to get through any physical pain.  But as you know, when one gets older, it's harder to do that.  It doesn't matter who you are.  After all she is nearly 62 years old.  Tell me how many 62 year olds, do you know is doing half of what she does?  I'm sure you can't think of many people who does.  It's so easy for us fans to sit back at a fan forum, and think how easy it is; but a tour can be so grueling, no matter how old one is.  Some see this tour as if she's taken liberties in not being as active as she has been in past tours, but most who have attended can verify she's quite active on this tour.  It's not like she's had a history of physical problems on tour that she couldn't work through.  This is the first time for the most part.  We should be lucky that it took her this long in her touring career for her to have issues. It's unfortunate some people spent a lot of money to see her, but nothing is guaranteed and like I said before, it's not like she's cancelling over a minimal thing.  I'm sure she feeling the pressure to keep the tour going from the fans. It would be so easy to just cancel the rest of the tour, but I have to believe she knows that would disappoint a lot fans when she might think she can weather through the next two cities for the most part.  Whether she does or not, remains to be seen. But at least, she is trying.

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4 hours ago, societysboy said:

Cancel the tour, draw a line under the Madame X era, disappear for a year, come back with a Greatest Hits arena tour. 

Damage control.

Imagine her team getting their shit together...and for a year we would be getting remastered albums and tours on Netflix, music videos in 4k on youtube...all this starting this summer and lasting until next summer. Spreading out the releases. She wouldn't even need to get out of bed for all this to happen honestly. All in preparation for Madonna first Greatest Hits Summer Stadium Tour in 2021. A couple dates in each continent. No need to go big. No crazy 3 dates in 3 days in a row or anything. Do North America. Stop 15 days. Do Europe, stop 15 days, etc...

This would be an amazing way to reintroduce Madonna to people that used to love her as well as introduce her to a younger audience as well. Her music has been used in plenty of TV Shows lately and movies: Stranger Things (Material Girl and Angel), Pose (Vogue), Euphoria (Lucky Star), the movie Uncut Gems (Rain), etc...i'm sure the royalties to be paid have gone down considerably in the last couple years, that's why so many tv shows/ movies are using her music now.

Then she would vanish and comeback with another studio album for fall 2022 and a smaller arena tour during 2023, 2 years after the stadium tour and she could again focus on newer material like she loves. 

I honestly can't imagine any of this happening. It all sounds...good. But 

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11 minutes ago, Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues said:

Imagine her team getting their shit together...and for a year we would be getting remastered albums and tours on Netflix, music videos in 4k on youtube...all this starting this summer and lasting until next summer. Spreading out the releases. She wouldn't even need to get out of bed for all this to happen honestly. All in preparation for Madonna first Greatest Hits Summer Stadium Tour in 2021. A couple dates in each continent. No need to go big. No crazy 3 dates in 3 days in a row or anything. Do North America. Stop 15 days. Do Europe, stop 15 days, etc...

This would be an amazing way to reintroduce Madonna to people that used to love her as well as introduce her to a younger audience as well. Her music has been used in plenty of TV Shows lately and movies: Stranger Things (Material Girl and Angel), Pose (Vogue), Euphoria (Lucky Star), the movie Uncut Gems (Rain), etc...i'm sure the royalties to be paid have gone down considerably in the last couple years, that's why so many tv shows/ movies are using her music now.

Then she would vanish and comeback with another studio album for fall 2022 and a smaller arena tour during 2023, 2 years after the stadium tour and she could again focus on newer material like she loves. 

I honestly can't imagine any of this happening. It all sounds...good. But 

Again, this is easier said than done.  I'm not sure it's just a matter of being done with very little effort on her part.  At this time I can't imagine her even thinking of touring in another year.  By the summer, she would have to start to secure stadiums as we all know  they have to be reserved at least a year or many months in advance. The remastering would have had been already started by now for things to be unveiled later this summer.  Even a simple tour, would mean for her to start getting ideas together by later this year.  Not only that if we're talking about a tour that is celebrating her back catalog, you can't have a tour without it paying much attention to her visuals and styles.  To me, it would take a lot of effort and it wouldn't be as simple as we think it is. 

Even simple stadium tours can exhaust people.  Asked those who did it back in the 60's and 70's before tours got elaborate as they are, but still one can't imagine a Madonna tour without a lot of visuals, dancing and costume changes. 

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Celebration was enough to last a lifetime even though it is plagued with issues. She hasn't had hits since then unless you do something like a remix album or supplement it with goodies which we know will not happen unless she and Warner come to an agreement about demos, B-sides and other stuff in the vaults. Stuart Price apparently remastered a lot of her work for the cancelled set but nothing of it was ever used. Still, it would be probably below 2020 standards.

The webmaster of her YouTube channel cannot be arsed to even unlist duplicate videos of the same song on her channel. I kid you not, go to La Isla Bonita and turn on the subtitles and see his contribution "Sings in Spanish" is pretty much all you can expect from that. She isn't going to do it unless Warners finds the negatives and does a good job of converting it to 4K especially videos shot on film, not tape.

The same with what Marxus said about touring. It isn't possible given the time frame and considering the issues with this tour, a lot more people will be hesitant given cancellations and how this tour has left people scrambling or losing out. It's a gamble but late start times, cancelled shows and the usual "diva behavior" no doubt will put some people off unless she panders to the GP with some sort of greatest hits tour, which I for one do not want, and I think she will get bored very fast of doing unless she mixes it up somehow or has some other project to promote along with it.


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11 minutes ago, Jackie said:

I do wonder what she was planning when she posted the pics of her in the archives, looking at Truth or Dare or Blond Ambition Masters? Or something like that? 

Oh, I think it's no more than that. She just happened to come across some older stuff.  I don't believe for a second it had anything to do with remastering anything.  I'd think we would have heard of something by now.  I think it's just anymore than wishful thinking on most fan's part.

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3 minutes ago, MarXus said:

Oh, I think it's no more than that. She just happened to come across some older stuff.  I don't believe for a second it had anything to do with remastering anything.  I'd think we would have heard of something by now.  I think it's just anymore than wishful thinking on most fan's part.

Yea, you are probably right! 

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23 minutes ago, MarXus said:

Oh, I think it's no more than that. She just happened to come across some older stuff.  I don't believe for a second it had anything to do with remastering anything.  I'd think we would have heard of something by now.  I think it's just anymore than wishful thinking on most fan's part.

Which SUCKS! Haha. My heart... :( 

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Maybe this show is sorta weird because she never actually finished rehearsing it? Remember she hurt herself in the middle of rehearsals — And then she said on opening night that the show wasn’t done? I do believe she was telling the truth.

It would explain the weird flow of the show, subpar choreography in some sections, and her perceived lack of interest in this tour (from the perspective of some fans).

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1 hour ago, Blue Jean said:

I don't buy she's disinterested in this tour at all

She isn't. You can tell she's doing this with love for sure. It's the way everything else is turning out that's not good. I can't imagine her predicting this injury, the way all this is scheduled, etc being her own doing.

Also...her last Instagram post was a mess. Portuguese media is having a field day with this: "Madonna cancels show due to the fact she 'needs to listen to her body and rest'". The fact she didn't mention her injury didn't help. The promoter didn't mention injuries as well. Now the public sees this as all about diva behavior basically.

Can you guys see her doing those 3 shows back to back starting on Tuesday? Cause I don't. More cancelations in Portugal probably. An amazing moment turning into a PR nightmare for her. The worst? The shows getting affected are the first ones she scheduled. The last minute additions are the ones she ended up performing. A mess. And she thinks this is the best she's doing for all of us?

I can only imagine how Paris and London ("baby you can keep") will go.

Where's Live Nation? Guy Oseary? 

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7 minutes ago, Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues said:

She isn't. You can tell she's doing this with love for sure. It's the way everything else is turning out that's not good. I can't imagine her predicting this injury, the way all this is scheduled, etc being her own doing.

Also...her last Instagram post was a mess. Portuguese media is having a field day with this: "Madonna cancels show due to the fact she 'needs to listen to her body and rest'". The fact she didn't mention her injury didn't help. The promoter didn't mention injuries as well. Now the public sees this as all about diva behavior basically.

Can you guys see her doing those 3 shows back to back starting on Tuesday? Cause I don't. More cancelations in Portugal probably. An amazing moment turning into a PR nightmare for her. The worst? The shows getting affected are the first ones she scheduled. The last minute additions are the ones she ended up performing. A mess. And she thinks this is the best she's doing for all of us?

I can only imagine how Paris and London ("baby you can keep") will go.

Where's Live Nation? Guy Oseary? 

Guy is busy raking in his millions from the hugely successful U2 tour. They just made 51 million in Australia alone.

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6 hours ago, stfan97 said:

She's putting people out by cancelling last minute.  Either cancel or just sit and sing the songs on the nights that she's too much in pain to dance.  Cancelling last minute while stubbornly refusing to follow medical advice is the worst of all worlds for everyone and completely disrespectful of fans' time and money who sacrificed a lot to support her.

People will understand a last minute cancellation due to injury once.  It's unforgivable and irresponsible to keep doing it over and over.  She's destroying her own touring legacy even more, more and more by refusing to cancel upfront or appropriately plan a backup plan (sitting and singing) if she refuses to follow medical advice and insists on continuing the tour and risking fans' time and money.  At this point, everyone knows she's injured and has been for a long time.  I'll totally understand if people who are affected by these last minute cancellations this time decide never to see her again even if she apologizes or whatever because I've felt the same way about other artists I love who did this.  Madonna isn't exempt from fan goodwill.

Of course we care about her health but at this point she isn't respecting her fans more by doing things this way than to either follow her doctors' advice or have a backup non-dancing plan for the tour she insists on continuing to handle this way.  She's neither doing what is best for her own health (so fans can't possibly care more for her than she does for her own wellbeing) nor for her fans on this most stressful of tours and eras.  The entire touring situation has been needlessly stressful and ridiculous because of the terrible planning and communication, from the ticket lottery to the late start times and now endless last minute cancellations.

You explained so perfectly. 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
6 hours ago, Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues said:

Imagine her team getting their shit together...and for a year we would be getting remastered albums and tours on Netflix, music videos in 4k on youtube...all this starting this summer and lasting until next summer. Spreading out the releases. She wouldn't even need to get out of bed for all this to happen honestly. All in preparation for Madonna first Greatest Hits Summer Stadium Tour in 2021. A couple dates in each continent. No need to go big. No crazy 3 dates in 3 days in a row or anything. Do North America. Stop 15 days. Do Europe, stop 15 days, etc..

I would love all of this more than anything, and it is a shame that she is so reluctant towards doing a Greatest Hits Tour, as I personally think it would be the right thing to do in a few years career-wise. It would definitely be a success, and like you said it doesn’t have to be the big exhausting 80-something date tour. A summer stadium tour would definitely be easier for her in terms of energy and seeing her kids. I hope she comes round to the idea eventually. 

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