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New STADIUM Tour in 2023

Régine Filange

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On 10/5/2022 at 7:18 AM, nito84bcn said:

That's also her fault. She was obsessed performing on every tour the 80's and early 90's songs, that she forgot several times that she has a lot of hits between 1998 and 2012. Another damage to her career that she did during the last 15 years. 

I think it was less obsession and more necessity. She tried to semi-retire the back catalogue with DWT. Like we got Secret, You'll See, Frozen, ROL, BS, DTM, and Music instead of a lot of the 80s and 90s stuff. I stand by my belief that had AL not underperformed she wouldn't have loaded RIT with as many older hits as she did.

Also, as much as she despises a lot of her older songs, she knew that those songs were the ones that were more likely to be remembered by/a bigger incentive for ticket buyers than stuff from 1994-onwards just purely because of a desire for nostalgia. For a member of the GP, if they had to choose between getting tickets for a show with Holiday, Into the Groove and Express Yourself or a show with Frozen, 4 Minutes and Take a Bow, they're most likely going towards the former. 

I do think however that her own stubbornness has prevented us from getting more great updated takes of her 1994-present discography on tour. MXT alone could've pulled and reinvented so much from BS, ROL and AL. 


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51 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

I don’t think this is true. TUTBMP was a big hit. But I’m convinced she hates the song….

It was a big hit in 1992 and no one remembers it anymore, it hasn't been mentioned since 1995.

I don't think she hates it, she just doesn't want to sing it because it would never work live, it's too boring

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11 hours ago, musicinferno said:

Imagine if she did a ballad section or acoustic intimate medley:

Crazy For You 

Live To Tell 

This Used To Be My Playground 


I'll Remember 

Take A Bow 

The Power of Goodbye 



I would be in heaven. 

And everyone else will be getting hotdogs

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On 10/5/2022 at 2:37 AM, Simonsays said:

I didnt say you hated her i said you dislike who she is today - there is a difference - you are very vocal about it so perhaps its time you had a divorce from her because she is only going to get more controversial as she gets older - she is not going to just turn into snow white and apologise for her behaviour 

im not saying all of them reviews are not true some are genuine obviously moaning about the set list moaning about her not singing her hits but why the f did they buy a ticket to a madame x tour lol ...did they expect her to sing CHERISH and DEAR JESSIE ..the heat would have made it a terrible experience too 

another thing is why do fans complain when she is political - what did they expect ? 

she is a political person and always has been - these people really need to give up going to see a madonna show if they think they are just going to get a normal rock show with no political statements or her talking about her pussy ..they was stupid to buy tickets if they expected this so i get why they are angry at themselves for paying so much money 

its hard to trust reviews or any comment on her social media when you have obsessed haters posing as fans to back up a agenda they have ..they stick out like a sore thumb too and if you click on the profiles they are usually some fanatic fan of another female artist , a trump fan , or some woman that hates that she wont age gracefully (whatever that means ) 

they follow everything she does - surely you are aware of this ? she is bullied and these people will be passionate about it - they even join fan forums and of course they would go out of their way to leave a shitty review on all her work ..look at her you tube comments - 

she also has a lot of people thinking she is a satan and worships the devil lol ..they are insane 

..'with no political statements or her talking about her pussy ..'.. do you honestly believe this?

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On 10/5/2022 at 1:37 AM, Simonsays said:

she is only going to get more controversial as she gets older - she is not going to just turn into snow white and apologise for her behaviour 

Yes please

On 10/5/2022 at 1:37 AM, Simonsays said:

why do fans complain when she is political - what did they expect ? 

she is a political person and always has been

Thank you

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19 minutes ago, Simonsays said:

I was talking about the madame x tour and fans ( trump fanatics possibly or pro gun americans ) leaving shitty reviews for her tour complaining about her being political on a website where anybody can leave reviews (review bombing ..gun control was political - papa dont preach was political - i rise was political 

what she does now is not very political , its more of a statement that you can be 64 and still have fun and have sex - you dont just die at 60 

Oks, thank you!

For me what she is doing now it´s just an stament towards her inmaturity and narcisism, so well hidden on many great eras of the past.

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54 minutes ago, vadge said:


This kind of take is actually precisely why what she is doing now IS political.

Society demands older women to be humble, meek, agreeable, sexless, solely maternal etc in order to be accepted and respected, so actually any woman rejecting that model and instead responding with irreverence, provocation and sexual empowerment is actively rebelling and fighting ageism. Madonna's public existance is a political statement.

Madonna herself broke the ageist glass ceiling for women over 40 in music (now we see Beyonce with sustained success in every field, Britney being more relevant than ever + getting a chart hit, P!nk dominating in touring) and then did it again throughout her 50s (now we see Jlo still relevant + headlining the Super Bowl, Mariah Carey eating every December etc)

She faced resistance at EVERY stage of this process whether it was being too sexual, too calculated, too smart, too old. People have always found a way to attack her personally because her message makes them uncomfortable. Now it's too immature and *checks notes* narcissistic. In reality you couldn't expand on that take without using the words "grills, ass, surgery, body, rappers, features, black, boyfriend" but I'd love to see you try.

You and everyone here can prefer certain Madonna eras, or a certain kind of persona from her. But invalidating her message and her as a person, because she doesn't appeal to YOU, is just entitlement.

Mad Nuts GIF by hamlet

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23 hours ago, vadge said:


This kind of take is actually precisely why what she is doing now IS political.

Society demands older women to be humble, meek, agreeable, sexless, solely maternal etc in order to be accepted and respected, so actually any woman rejecting that model and instead responding with irreverence, provocation and sexual empowerment is actively rebelling and fighting ageism. Madonna's public existance is a political statement.

Madonna herself broke the ageist glass ceiling for women over 40 in music (now we see Beyonce with sustained success in every field, Britney being more relevant than ever + getting a chart hit, P!nk dominating in touring) and then did it again throughout her 50s (now we see Jlo still relevant + headlining the Super Bowl, Mariah Carey eating every December etc)

She faced resistance at EVERY stage of this process whether it was being too sexual, too calculated, too smart, too old. People have always found a way to attack her personally because her message makes them uncomfortable. Now it's too immature and *checks notes* narcissistic. In reality you couldn't expand on that take without using the words "grills, ass, surgery, body, rappers, features, black, boyfriend" but I'd love to see you try.

You and everyone here can prefer certain Madonna eras, or a certain kind of persona from her. But invalidating her message and her as a person, because she doesn't appeal to YOU, is just entitlement.

Me and the whole world actually who loved her masively even in her lowest moments of popularity prefered her when she trained, when she was super mega working drived pro, when she did her voice coach sessions in order to sound her very best, when she spent months working on new music and videos trying to do her very best, when she cared about her brand and it was sinonimous of the best quality possible on her projects, when she was not doing terrible things to her face and body, etc..I´ve seen a lot of stars through the years and she has been for a long time one of the best in every way, a total admirable pro...it did not matter if she wasn´t the most beautiful or had the greatest range, she was everything.

As for now, I would not minded at all if she shows her tits out  and fuck boys of 18 if she did quality music as she has been doing for many decades, so stop saying the same line again and again about people being ageist. The one ageist here is her, who pretends she is 18 years old when she is not and it´s totally perfect she is not, talk about Norma Desmond territory really.

I follow several some  60 years old and plus artists, and they are behaving much much classier and sexier  even in their  70s than she is now, and releasing still great music and doing amazing concerts no matter their age.So i´t´s not the number, Madonna is not so old, is the choices, and the hurt she is doing to a brand she was managing exemplary well till 2016, before she became totally depressed, so don´t say she is having any fun.

Where are the Erotica 30 years reissues? I´m fearing she does  not give a damn about her fans anymore, the ones who loved her always no matter what era it was and made her rich rich rich. The only thing she cares right now is about her and her obsession with been seen as a kid forever.



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I hope that real musical instruments are used on this tour and not those artificial and synthetic sounds that should only be allowed in remixes and that, by the way, predominated in her last tours. On the other hand, not only the fans but the general public want to listen to the classics just as we remember them but unfortunately Madonna decides to transform them completely altering their essence in the process as happened with Open yor Heart (Mdna tour) or Borderline or Vogue (Sticky ands Sweet), etc.: totally unrecognizable.

I hope that Madonna doesn't get upset with this little criticism that I just made but I really hope that she changes her mind and doesn't modify the original sound of her classics which is what the public wants to hear since after all, she is a brand and like any product on the market, she should seek consumer satisfaction, in this case, ours and not so much hers.

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9 hours ago, vadge said:

That's my point. Your only concept of her caring about her brand is through being "supreme mega working drived pro", spending months voice training (to deliver the blandest endeavour of her career to date, just for some awards and acting clout) and that's because that's the version of her that appeals to YOU best. And that is just your opinion!


And now we're back to opinions again. You disliking music doesn't make it bad. Her music not appealing to YOU doesn't mean the 'quality' has decreased. It just means it's not for you, like Evita is not for me. You see how I'm not doing essays to convince people how shit Evita is? The difference is you guys are so entitled to share your opinion like it's fact, and force everyone to hear it.


Like clockwork - slut shaming and misogyny. At this point just reread my last post.


Evita? I haven´t even seen it, I´m talking about her whole carreer till 2016. Ok, I prefered her till 2016 and the whole world too, before that lazy eurovision performance, the many Facial and glute surgeries and the terrible remixes ruining her best classics.But it´s my opinion, ya know LOL

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17 hours ago, Simonsays said:

who are you to decide what is sexy and what isnt though ? who said she is trying to be sexy - i love how every user i have ignored are liking your comment - isnt that a coincidence lol

Talk about immaturity. The fact you go on unhinged tangents about who's a true fan, debbie downers, haters and try to act superior while also constantly taking jabs at people you have on ignore. Lol, the fact you called me a negative person though I rarely ever put down Madonna shows you have no knowledge and are merely here as a nuisance. The fact half the forum is on your ignore list says a lot, maybe be less sycopant, post what you want and ignore those you disagree with? Instead of throwing shades, insults and feeling the need to respond with your diatribe every time. Less is more "beautifulkiller" we all know it's you. :laughing:

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7 hours ago, Simonsays said:

oh well she could be dead like a lot of her peers ..eurovision performance isnt that bad , the vocals were poor but the performance itself was not so bad ..it was very brave of her to do that performance - her vocals have been worse than that tbh , ray of light mtv awards springs to mind before 2016 ..

you take so much issue with her body and face  - she is 64 ffs - she recently had a operation that would have prevented her to work out as much which would have took its toll on her body ...i think the public have always had a love /hate relationship with her its just it seems to be more severe now because of her age in my opinion oh and the fact that she just is not doing what society expects her to do or you expect her to do .im pretty sure if she had no surgery on her face and was wrinkly you would have something to say about that too 

if you have not seen evita then you are clearly not a very big fan of hers so shove your OPINION where the sun dont shine haha ..on to my ignore list and join your fans who all fall over themselves to like emoji  any negative comment about madonna including yours 



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