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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2018 in Posts

  1. Poprules1983

    Madonna Rarities

    https://fotpforums.com/topic/106998-the-definitive-list-of-unreleased-madonna-song/ might be a bit helpful ...
    1 point
  2. I agree, but that is the problem. The racism in the enertainment industry helped create Vibe, if Black artists and culture had been covered in mainstream media with equality, then Vibe would not have exsisted. It was a response to such things. So creating a magazine to promote black culture, because there is a gap in the mainstream, and putting white artists on it who have had more than enough exposure, and in the case of Madonna, do not represent the culture you are trying to reflect, is going against the very thing Vibe was created for. Yes, if we lived in a utopia, Vibe would never have been needed, nor would Advocate or so many others. This is why I think this is more than just a "she's white" issue. It was about maintaining the representation, which means they would always prefer Black artists, as they were trying to fill the gap created by the mostly white straight media at that time. I don't deny there is racism in every culture, but that doesn't mean it is reflected in every single person or event. I personally think Madonna with Rodman was perfectly fine, but I also see this story from a different angle.
    1 point
  3. I still can't believe Nothing Really Matters has never made a tour.
    1 point
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