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Unapologetic Bitches
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Anapausis last won the day on January 16

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About Anapausis

  • Birthday 05/03/1983

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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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  1. Gosh I feel like I would make a statement regretting any bad name I said about the forum competence... I feel like there's no better M forum than the others! Je suis desolé!

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    2. Leona Helmsley
    3. Anapausis


      Dave I am indeed, but also surrounded to people who don't love me nor respect me. Again, I need to go back on my words since I'm not in any position to tell them how valuable I am, or I could be. So now I rather

      and call it a day.

    4. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      fell so sorry you are surrounded by so mean people....... but again remember that people who throw shit on others are the most unhappy......

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