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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Nicmag

  1. Indeed. I didn't want to say anything about it, but I thought exactly the same when I first saw it. Really unprofessional.
  2. Well, the anouncement said it was to be broadcast... So, no need to wait for a leakage.1405
  3. Did anyone say they'll be periscoping? I can't have snapchat on my Windows Phone...
  4. What happened in the end to the summoning of the fans with tattoos?
  5. They are. It takes a little longer to be updated on YouTube though. So, the most accurate count is on vevo.com
  6. Nice you bring this song to discussion, since I'm translating M's songs into Spanish and there are a couple of lines I can't figure out. I hope you can help me: · He’s chillin’ in a pamper and a fur coat (Like, is he ACTUALLY wearing a pamper?) · They come with the rough stuff, boy we hit it, split it and forget it (I assume hit it, split it and forget it is when you have a one-night stand and you never call this person, but what does "They come with the rough stuff" mean?) · I flipped her from the top of my head, enough said (I suppose they're having a sexual intercourse, being her on top of him, and they change that position Am I right or is my mind too filthy?) . Just some that my souls about some girls I know (No fracking idea)
  7. The Beast Within: Positive 1: The live performance in TGS is flawless. Positive 2: You won't find a more mystic Madonna. Negative: I don't know why she kept the lines from Justify My Love. They don't match the rest. Next song: Like a Flower
  8. You sure? I thought people had to keep their profile picture with the ropes over the face until 14th Feb at 23.59 p,m. and then they'd be selected for the chat...
  9. Guys! I have this doubt... When was the "actual" chat on Grindr going to take place? If it has already, are there any news about it?
  10. On finertube.com, look for the vid and it will play it over and over. You can have it on, switching off the sound and letting it play forever and ever. xD
  11. Clinton or Vaughn, two presidents suspicious of belonging to the Illuminati
  12. Just saw it this morning and absolutely loved this guy's reaction. It's so sincere!!!!
  13. Love Makes the World Go Round. It may have simple lyrics, but it was her first song regarding social awareness...
  14. Where did you get that idea from? (P.S.1: Ok, just saw her IG) (P.S.2: Love the guy in your banner) Btw, (and I think nobody is talking about this) who d'ya think the "enfant prodiges" Marvin Gofin talks about? May they be Madonna's sons? May they be Madonna's backup dancers? May they be some people else?
  15. Let's add some plays to the audio streaming on Youtube and Spotify. If you want to play it 100 times on Youtube, just follow the link below: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbeTpLVlyZQ&list=PLwWTH7hDIm-Ca7UZyvOG6dUibMOW5fOMx P.S.: Remove the space between the colon and the first forward slash.
  16. So, she finally didn't perform at the MSG... What a pity!
  17. Live to Tell +92 Like a Prayer +2 Who said LAP was a bad first single? Ha. bitches!
  18. In Spain, what was really talked about with her releases from the 00's (up to COADF) was the fact that she dropped stunning videos for the first singles. She was all over the news in every channel.So, the most important thing is to have a powerful video that keeps everybody talking.
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