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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by NowRadiate

  1. I don’t think the rape and burn bit was actually referring to literal real life events at that time, it was always a bit metaphorical to me. The loss of respect, structure, order so to speak. I have always loved the song although the lyrics are way darker than the music would let on. I like the guitar in the beginning the most. The whale calls are great too. It was no single material at the time but one of my favorite album tracks. There is nothing I‘d skip on this album (except for ROL sometimes, too frantic).
  2. She needs some serious stage presence/dance training.
  3. More of an analog feel to the music, real instruments, real voice, good lyrics, good melodies, a good arc in the songwriting and composition, proper production, not files being sent but people in a room, working in a more intimate setting. Get tested regularly though... or vaccinated.
  4. This is like Trumpist‘s broken record about the elections.
  5. Watch the next Madonna Instagram video with a bigger bat. All this negativity. Tough love? For a celeb? Over the internet? The delusion.
  6. Then again, I personally do not necessarily define a “hit song” by its chart performance. (It’s about streams now anyway.) Great songs are great songs no matter the performance, and unfortunately, I feel that type of quality has decreased with time (,which is a matter of taste. Some people think Madame X contains genius music).
  7. Didn’t Tina Turner still chart around 60? She charted wirh Open Arms in 2004 and was born 1939.
  8. No judgement involved. Just wanted to know why people claim stuff like that. I happen to be a fan of Tony’s and that’s why I care to know.
  9. And now we know we caught her attention. Isn’t this what everyone wanted.
  10. I thoroughly agree with this statement. It‘s 2020.
  11. To quote you from another discussion: How can you “know” all of this, isn’t all of this your subjective emotional and judgemental view with no “real” facts, most information deriving from tabloids? How the tables have turned. But no hard feelings, bless you. I think you might be projecting your own views. I really was not calling you names. I do think it is conservative to expect a divorced woman of a certain age to stick to a lover (or even go back to an ex?) just not to disturb the children. You cannot “know” what Rocco feels unless you talk to him personally. Maybe the problem was something else. Who knows. I do think it’s mysogynistic and ageist to condemn her for her personal choices regarding what may be “proper behavior” in your world for a woman 63 years of age. Not judging you but asking: Could it be you have an unnecessarily extreme standpoint? Put yourself in her place, if you can. Would you do everything right? She’s human, you know. Wasn’ this thread about the new album rumor? Is it about her love life now, in the fear it may overshadow a new music project? I think they could start changing business and marketing -related things first. I do not think that she would take fans’ family/dating-related advice on how to improve her reputation as a public figure, nor should she (although personally I also dislike how Ahlamalik comes across). I am sure it’s other‘s people place to try that, not ours. We are strangers to M.
  12. Oh my, I agree with the unfortunate tweaking of her looks and poor representation on social media but I don’t agree with the conservative and what seem to be misogynist views of what a woman at 63 should be like or do. But let’s agree to respectfully disagree @TonyMontana
  13. You make really interesting points there. In summary, she needs proper hits, and yes, that’s also about marketing. I am not sure she needs the names you mentioned. She doesn’t even need many people. The songs written in the past had a „Madonna-feel“, but they are almost nowhere to be found since 2007. She needs new Madonna classics.
  14. It’s a tie between Papa Don’t Preach and Live to Tell for me. Both so good in their own way. The newfound vulnerability (but also strength) in Live to Tell is striking to this day!
  15. Sad to say, this is so spot on. I do think the divorce/ageing/the adoption dramas/Rocco drama must have taken a toll on her. It shows in her artistic output. I might be dreaming but I wish she came up with a short album of proper hit pop songs that could be on par with her classic hits, with properly budgeted visuals, and brakes on her social media output, a new Liz Rosenberg. (And no kids/dancers/uninspired managers acting as A&R wannabes!)
  16. I‘m not sure she did. She would have been seen and mentioned. Annie Lennox was, for example.
  17. I was referring to the course of discussion. We ended up discussing whether M should go back to Guy or not. Thanksliking. When is Thanksgetting btw, at Christmas? ?
  18. Hmm. This is all news to me. Never heard this before. Especially not that she officially got back in a relationship with these guys, I was not talking about flings. Eventually, we cannot really „know“. But if you are right, I stand corrected. None of this tells me she resumed love relationships though. But I digress. Back on topic: Grills suck. Going back to Guy sounds bad to me. Done. Happy Thanksgiving
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