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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by MeantToBeIconic


    Next: Say Goodbye To Innocence


    Positive: Truly deserved a spot on Erotica, it's just perfect. The little saxophone is perfection


    Negative: On the flip, it sounds like a JML-style talk song over an Erotica beat. Would have liked a little more singing.


    Next: La Isla Bonita (S&S Tour Version)

  2. Deeper & Deeper (RIT Version)


    Positive: I love the rework. I love my tour versions to be crazy different, so it gets a +1 from me.


    Negative: It was only, what, 4 minutes long? I need at least 5 and half minutes of that sweet sweet D&D.



    Next: Drowned World/Substitute For Love

  3. White Heat


    Positive: This is actually my favorite non-single from True Blue. I LIVE for that chorus, yes gawd.


    Negative: I hate how in the very beginning the crook's voice is panned to the right. I always get scared that one of my earbuds blew out for a second.



    Next: Runaway Lover

  4. Erotica (Madonna's In My Jeep Mix)


    Positive: Chunky, funky drums add a nice bump and make Erotica more of a fun club/dance song than something to fuck to.

    Negative: Sounds like a few other official Erotica remixes with different names and relatively tame differences. 


    Next: Bitch I'm Madonna (Demo Mix)


    Which demo? The solo version or the "I Just Wanna Beat" one?

  5. Take A BowPositive: Great ballad and single that truly deserved it's number one spot. I love those little synths (check me on that, I'm not quite sure what they are) at the beginning where you really hear them.Negative: Can I get a performance or something? Jeez. She's neglected the song, and that's saddening.Next (y'all are going to hate me for this one): Autotune Baby

  6. Nobody Knows Me


    Positive: The entirely electronic production was a nice change of pace from the rest of the folktronica blends of the rest of the album. And I love the bridge (I don't want no lies, I don't watch TV)



    Negative: Towards the end, the synths grate a little high.




    Next: Take A Bow

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