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Rays Of Light
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Posts posted by Illuminaughty

  1. Loved your story, nice to have you here! :)I think most millenials just don't care about her but i actually found a lot of people who accept her (even those that don't know a lot about her). My earliest memories of M are from the Re-Invention Tour reports on TV and then getting truly interested with IGTTYAS.I think it's a pity that she's mismanaged because I actually don't think millenials would dislike her if they knew more about her.

    That is really true. I really hope Madonna will get more younger fans not because she is a hit and is trending, but because they knew about her amazing work, her contributions to music, and how she evolved into the legend she is now and will always. Like the time when Hung Up was released, and teens were singing ans dancing to it. Madonna looked like she was a teen pop superstar, and almost all didn't even react to her age at that time. But then, people liked her because she was trending, and not because people realized more about her and how great her music an artistic works are. I really hope that this will happen.
  2. Interesting. What managed to win you over? People of your age don't really like Madonna.

    Well, my taste in music is different, should I say, from other people with the same age as mine. I grew up listening to 80s music ALL THE TIME because of my parents, and that probably developed my liking for these kind of music, like Madonna's. But, I actually didn't like or know more about Madonna before, aside from hating on her (yes i did that on paws down's tumblr and fb hahaha). But like what I said, I heard 4 Minutes on a shampoo commercial, and I fell in love with the song (idk why), I would even wait on tv for it to play. That was during 2008. Fast forward to 2013, where I started hating Madonna (i was defending gags from paws down). While I was hating on a regular basis, I started to listen to her songs out of curiousity, and I was actually astonished on how her songs sound so good (I was listening to songs from American Life after I knew it was panned for something). Then I listened and researched, until I got to hear 4 Minutes (which I didn't know was the song I was looking for years ago), and then I turned into one of madge's minions hahaha. It's really crazy. I didn't even know back then that she was the one who sang Crazy For You and I also thought Like A Virgin was sung by Cyndi Lauper. I liked Madonna because her songs are really good and a work of art, and that is something that matters in choosing an artist to idolize. I don't care if she's old or trying too hard, I still love her, and even if most of this generation i'm in is slamming her for that, I don't even care. They don't even listen to Madonna's work. I'm happy to be able to live at her time while she is still making music while other legends are already taken to Heaven. I love Madonna with all of my heart, and even if she's 100 and still makes music, i'll support her althroughout.And that is my story hahaha im sorry if this became really long
  3. The very first album that I heard from Madonna! I remember hearing 4 Minutes on a shampoo commercial and I went to know who sang that amazing song, and finally, I knew that Madonna sang it. This part of my life was special because that was the time when I got to know Madonna and eventually became a fan of hers. I'll always love this album <3p.s. i sometimes get embarrassed to mention hard candy to my friends because it makes me look like a pedophile

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