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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by MadonnaLove

  1. Ghosttown Dj Yiannis/S-Man Mix/Razor N Guido/ now available in WAV

  2. Webdoc journalism - Fantastic: Gloria Maria interview Madonna (2005) http://memoriaglobo.globo.com/videos/idvideo/2774552.htm
  3. New WAV files of ghosstown on my thread

  4. I will lose my temper with so many requests...

    1. MadonnaLove


      the moderators have done it already they have opened up a special thread for requests also I cannot smell my nails to know what they want ...

  5. No, I don't believe in worst albums, every album has pros and cons!
  6. MDNA album in my opinion is medium, only 3 songs were good, love spent, masterpiece, and GGW. It could have been better hadn't they pushed the release.
  7. At tickemaster.nl you can choose the english language, also the best ticket in my opinion is the early entry because you have an early access in the stadium than others, for that date is still available but the total cost is 260e
  8. I noticed that when she asked from the crowd to sing they weren't as excited as they should be, only when she kissed him they started screaming I believe she wasn't welcomed enough.
  9. Be quiet please you are making too much noise for Madonna's grillz we are trying to sleep....
  10. after watching the video drake acted like having had his mouth bitten
  11. here is the full performance uploaded to dailymotion https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2mjh2i_madonna-human-nature-hung-up-kisses-drake-live-at-coachella-2015_fun?start=4
  12. I wish I had lived in the 80's I love the disco era
  13. early tickets are still available for the 6th December show in the Netherlands.
  14. she has proven for one more time that she is very professional and well prepared in the nick of time. I want that performance, I am wondering if new promo tour is coming next in other countries.
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