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Unapologetic Bitches
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About kurushitovska

  • Birthday 06/07/1994

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  1. I "hate" Rihanna because she used the abuse thing with Chris Brown to sell records, and I find that disgusting af. So many women are being killed by men in the world and my mom suffered abuse from my father. A woman in pain would never use this pain to sell any song. Your ex-boyfirend punches you in the face and what you do is make some singles with him? totally bye!

    1. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      She put her pain on the songs, the mood she was, she was suffering. Madonna did the same thing with Sean Penn and Guy Ritchie, she made songs about them. And about Rihanna forgiving him it's up only to her, you don't have a voice in this conversation

    2. kurushitovska


      She has never written a song tho, how could she put her pain in a song? You can't forgive abuse and make money from it, it's cruel.

    3. Yung Rapunxel

      Yung Rapunxel

      The intention was not making money, you clearly don't understand, cause you only see the surface of this whole thing. Sad to hate what you don't know or understand but it's easy I guess

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