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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by me1981

  1. Yeah there is definitely Barcelona and Melbourne and New York. The part where she talks to Jake Dennis is from the show I attended in Melbourne. Also she never wore the matador outfit during Rebel Heart in Sydney, so that is from somewhere else, maybe Melbourne, not sure. I assume when she is talking about Detroit, that might be from Detroit? Many of the crowd shots were from all over



    Never saw myself, but then none of the cameras in the house that night got near me, lol. I wasn't far from the end of the heart stage, but probs too far to be on camera.

  2. Just wondering if there is anyway we can watch the broadcast from Australia?

    Not sure. Foxtel have no immediate plans to air it. I assume the torrent will be up pretty quickly. I remember getting MDNA pretty fast after it aired on EPIX. 


    So I have a hulu subscription and it includes Showtime and they have started live feeds from Showtime on both the East and West coast of the US. Not sure how to rip that and share it, but if I find a way I will as it seems I will be able to watch the show as it airs. 

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