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Posts posted by me1981

  1. I would have preferred re-done vocals for the LDLHA re-release. Madonna was just better at interpreting ballads by that point. I Want You is a great example of the subtle yearning that builds through the song to a subtle but powerful crescendo, not too disimilar to LDLHA, which, granted, has a bigger build, also her voice was so smooth and emotionally more resonant at that time. Still love the 84 vocals, but she would have done a much better job in 95.


    I believe in the Evita Diaries for Vanity Fair she might have mentioned she couldn't be fu*ked doing the music video and had to be dragged along, lol. 

  2. @@me1981 thank you very much!

    I remember many of these rumors and projects, such as Boxing Helena, others I didn't know.

    I wonder: Is PIPELINE in any way related with the unreleased True Blue track?

    Not sure how far along Pipeline got, it was only rumoured once, at the same time as Madonna and Sean Penn's engagement was announced. There were scarce details and no follow-up. Maybe her attachment helped in the creation of the song, no idea, never seen any source suggest it was written for a movie.

  3. You Can Dance was set for release initially Christmas 1986. It was only to be a 6 cut LP with producers tossing up between Everybody and Physical Attraction and the possibility of adding another new track 'Working My Fingers to the Bone'. It was delayed first to Spring 1987 and then Autumn. It is odd as both Everybody and Physical Attraction made it to the LP but Physical Attraction is really not remixed at all. So I wonder if it was a last minute add on.


    Madonna didn't perform live via satellite at the 1987 MTV Awards, it was a taped performance from Italy the week before. In fact the performance they aired has the same shots from Japan edited in. The concert was Sep 4th and MTV Awards Sep 11th.


    Who's That Girl? began principal photography October 27, 1986 in New York City. It moved to Oxnard & Pasadena California about a month later. Madonna wrapped her scenes in January 1987 but filming continued until Feb 1987. James Foley stated Madonna drove him mad visitng the set after she had completed her part. 

  4. While I agree she was over the top in WTG,  it wasn't her acting or her portrayal of Niki Finn that was the problem. In fact, that character was the best part of the film.  It was the plot and story line that was just plain dumb.  But I still love the movie. It's actually one of my favorite films from her.  I  never really got the fuss over DSS. I've always thought it was slow and boring at times. But of course, Madonna looked stunning in it.  Her character was iconic, but it wasn't really a great film in my perspective.  Her follow ups in the 80's weren't necessarily her being a bad actress. It was just she was in some bad movies. But eventually she tried way too hard, and never convinced me of being a very good actress. But man she had great screen presence. 

    I agree, the script was the ultimate issue, but also James Foley. I don't think he really knew what he was doing. So it is like a lot of good ideas that never come together. She needed a stronger director who could whip the script in shape and tie it together better. A good director will know the script has issues and know the best writer to fix it. 


    Though from everything i have heard the turn around on the film was extremely fast, the press was reporting the script had issues one week and would need revisions, then the next she is on set filming.


    This is also one of my faves

  5. The interesting thing is after DSS Madonna was commanding a $1Million salary. Sean was on about the same. She basically could have owned the film industry if her follow up had been better, like Ruthless People (would have worked with Sean as the husband) Though both Bette Midler and Danny DeVito thought Ruthless was a pile of shit when they first saw it, lol, so maybe it just wasn't meant to be.


    If she had gotten over her desire to film Evita as an Operetta I think she would have had a blockbuster on her hands by the late 80's and if WTG? had more time to develop the script and James Foley had reigned Madonna's performance in more it would have worked. Madonna stated she had originally played Nikki much darker (in rehearsals) but Griffin Dunne was having trouble playing off her, so she ramped up the energy level. I wish she had played it down a little bit more. The scenes in the Penthouse (with John Mills) show just how good she could have been in that movie.


    With DSS, Ruthless (or something similar), WTG (with changes I mentioned) and Evita Madonna would have been right on top in the 80's.


    I think she just wanted to be a movie star at that point, she was basically fitting movies into her music career, instead of really searching for good films with a great director/writer. Everyone was falling over themselves to put her in a film after DSS, instead she was in love and wanted to just make a movie with Sean.

  6. I totally forgot about this one, will add to the list I have in the other thread, thanks.


    It was announced Madonna scored Dick Tracy around December 1988.


    Goodfellas didn't start filming until May 1989, while Dick Tracy began in Feb 89. Possibly Scorsese was not ready by the time Madonna was and so she had to just make a choice. 

  7. As I recall, late '88 a mention of Madonna and Demi teaming up in a buddy cop film.  I don't recall hearing about it anymore after that. I think it was one of those long shots that never materialized. I never heard of a title for the film.  Just heard the two were thinking of doing a film together.  I remember it was '88 because she had dark hair, and when reading about it, I envisioned, Madonna to have the same color hair. 

    I will have a look around. As above the first mention I found was October 1990. If I can find new info I will update. Might have been something she was developing through Siren/Columbia.


    ETA: So I just found another film both Madonna and Demi were up for in 1988 called Little Odessa. I will add it to the list. 

  8. Here is the list. The years in brackets denote the period Madonna was attached or rumoured to be attached, not when the film was released.


    Many are rumours, some with dodgy sources, lol. So I don't assume they are all true. I am sure there are many more films Madonna was asked to star in or had shown interest in, as I find more I will add them. 


    Hair (1977 – 1978)

    Auditions were held in the summer of 1977. Madonna was in NYC that summer studying dance at a six-week class with Alvin Ailey. So it is possible she auditioned. Apparently, she went for the role of Jeannie Ryan but I have found no credible source to back this up.


    Unknown Jon Peters project (1982-1983)

    Madonna stated she met Peters while auditioning for another movie he was producing (for which she didn’t get the part) No idea what film this was, Flashdance seems the most likely but I can find no mention of Madonna having auditioned. It may have been an unproduced film. Phil Ramone remembered her and took her to dinner with Jon and his then girlfriend Barbra Streisand. Madonna was then cast in Vision Quest.


    Footloose (1983)

    Production began April 18, 1983. Madonna auditioned for the part of Ariel, eventually played by Lori Singer, coincidentally Madonna also auditioned for a bit part in the tv series Fame, which Singer also starred in.


    The Last Temptation of Christ (1983)

    Martin Scorsese began auditions for the film in the Spring of 1983 (with filming originally planned for January 1984, the movie would not start principal photography until 1987) Madonna auditioned for the role of Mary Magdalene which went to Barbara Hershey. Casting director Cis Corman was taken with Madonna and told her son Richard about her. He had just finished an apprenticeship with fashion photographer Dick Avedon and was looking for subjects to shoot for his portfolio. He would do several photoshoots with Madonna throughout 1983.


    Brazil (1983)

    Production began Nov 21, 1983 in England. Terry Gilliam stated he considered Madonna for the role of Jill Layton (not sure if he had just heard of her and considered her or if she auditioned) Kim Greist got the role.


    Sid & Nancy bio (1984)

    Not sure how true this is, but apparently Alex Cox rushed his film Sid & Nancy into production when he found out Madonna and Rupert Everett were going to make a film about the pair. ETA: Apparently this was talked about in the Autumn of 1984, which is when Alex started re-working his script to get the film made.


    Street Smart (1985 – 1986)

    Touted as a $15 million musical re-adaptation of Oliver Twist with Madonna in the Artful Dodger role. Producer Howard Rosenman stated Madonna was on board from the beginning and along with other singers, had recorded a demo of 5 songs for the film, Vanity and Sting were to co-star. The movie was mentioned first in March 1985 and then throughout the summer and well into 1986 (with both a June or Fall 1986 start date set). The movie was never made.


    Under the Cherry Moon (1985)

    It was reported Prince had wanted Madonna in the part of Mary Sharon. By the summer of 1985 Madonna had dropped out, with no reason given, she was initially replaced with Susannah Melvoin from Prince’s band The Family. Susannah was then replaced with Kristin Scott-Thomas.


    Pipeline (1985)

    This was rumoured around the time Madonna and Sean got engaged and was to star the couple. It was set to take place in the Alaskan Oil Fields. No other info is known, unsure if it ever got made.


    Ruthless People (1985)

    Madonna was all set to star in the Disney/Touchstone picture as Barbara Stone, though creative differences with the directors (there were three, the same men who did Airplane) have been sighted as the reason Madonna departed. It was mentioned that everyone involved didn’t think it made sense for Danny DeVito to toss Madonna aside for another woman. It was also reported Madonna wanted Sean to star in the film.


    Blind Date (1985-1986)

    Madonna and Sean were reportedly already signed on to star in the film in October 1985, with a Spring 86 start date for filming. Sean dropped out and was replaced by Bruce Willis. Director Blake Edwards met with Madonna and Willis Apr 4th 1986 on the set of Moonlighting to try to work out a schedule. Willis could only film between May and July and Madonna had to finish work on True Blue so she dropped out. Edwards apparently had the script re-written after Madonna left, so it is hard to know how much of the final film with Kim Basinger and Willis resembled what Madonna had originally been attached to.


    And God Created Woman (1985)

    Variety reported Roger Vadim wanted Madonna for the remake of the 1956 Bridgette Bardot hit, however Vadim stated in 1986 he had never wanted her in the role. Variety is generally credible, so I wonder if Vadim mentioned Madonna’s name to get publicity for the film, or she turned him down so he back tracked. The film was released in 1988 with Rebecca DeMornay.


    Libby Holman biopic (1986)

    Madonna stated in an interview she wanted to make a film about the torch singer, she contacted producer Ray Stark who had already promised the role to Debra Winger


    Born Yesterday Remake (1986)

    Madonna stated in an interview that she wanted to do a re-make of the 1950 Judy Holliday starrer Born Yesterday. Madonna stated that Whoopi Goldberg was going to be doing it (the movie did get made with Melanie Griffith in the role)


    (Thanks to booyakasha for the above two)



    Edie Sedgwick Bio (1986)

    It was reported Warren Beatty had wanted Madonna in the role for a film he was producing about Edie. His bio pic never got made. Sienna Miller played Edie in an unrelated film in 2006 (Factory Girl)


    Dead End Street (1986)

    Rumours surfaced in early 1986 that Madonna and Sean were to remake the Isreali film about a prostitute who is handpicked to star in a docudrama about life on the street and finds it hard to go back to her street life once filming ends. I have found no credible info about this, nor any details on a US version of the film ever being made.


    ETA: Seems this was 100% legit, Leo Penn (Sean's father) was set to direct and it was to be Sean and Madonna's next movie (after both dropped out of Blind Date) Reports stated in October the film was scrapped (for unknown reasons)


    Some Like it Hot (1986)

    Mick Jagger and David Bowie were reportedly signed on to a remake of the Billy Wilder classic. It was reported both men wanted Madonna in the Monroe part. The remake was never filmed.


    Siesta (1986)

    Mary Lambert apparently asked Madonna to take the part of Claire but she turned it down as she did not want to appear nude. Ellen Barkin played the role. 


    Evita (1986-1987)

    Madonna was offered the part by producer Robert Stigwood, against Andrew Lloyd Webbers wishes. Madonna stated in an interview she wasn’t happy with the film being made as an Operetta. Oliver Stone was attached to direct in 1987, Madonna met with Stone and Webber and wanted to change the score. Stone and Webber refused and Madonna left the project in the Spring of 1987.


    Blue Angel (1986-1987)

    A 2nd remake of the 1930 classic with Marlene Dietrich (which was re-made in 1959), Madonna was mentioned numerous times throughout 1986 and 1987 as the lead in the pic with possible shooting to happen in 1988. At one point Diane Keaton was set to produce with Alan Parker directing.


    No Man Of Her Own (1986)

    Liz Smith reported in October that Madonna and Paramount were looking to re-make the 1950 Barbara Stanwyck starrer based on the novel "I Married a Dead Man"


    Little Odessa (1988)

    In February it was reported Demi Moore had beaten Madonna to the role of a Russian-emigre topless dancer in Joseph Koenig's film. There was a film made with the same title and plot in 1994, but no credit to Koenig, seems like the same film though.

    The Fabulous Baker Boys (1988) 

    Madonna was offered the part of Susie Diamond but turned it down. Michelle Pfeiffer played the role.


    Goodellas (1988)

    Was courted by Scorsese while starring in Speed the Plow, however Scorsese got busy with Last Temptation of Christ and Madonna ended up taking Dick Tracy instead. (Thanks to Mp1992 and Liam for info)

    Triumph of the Spirit (1988) 

    Madonna was seriously considering playing a role in the film (which would have seen her shave her head) Which role is unknown, though it seems Madonna chose Dick Tracy instead. Both productions began rolling in Feb 1989.

    In 1988 Madonna signed a 2 year five picture deal with Columbia Pictures. This was a production deal through her company Siren Films and the first project discussed was a musical which was never made. All or most of the projects were to star Madonna. By 1990 the deal expired with nothing having been produced. 

    Ghost (1989)

    It was rumoured Madonna was offered or went up for the role of Molly in early 1989 but scheduling conflicts kept her from the role. The movie was released in 1990 with Demi Moore in the role. Shooting began in August 1989.

    The Godfather III (1989)

    In August industry talk suggested that Madonna was up for the part of either Grace Damiani a photo journalist or Mary Corleone (both were mentioned) and shooting was to begin in NY and Italy around November. Talks were still going as late as November 1989 and Madonna auditioned for a part (is that maybe why she went with the brunette bob at the end of 89) Coppola thought she was great, however the part of Grace was taken by Bridget Fonda and the character re-named Grace Hamilton, the part of Mary was first taken by Winona Ryder and then infamously by Coppola's daughter Sophia. In both cases the characters were played by younger actors.

    Jacob's Ladder (1989)

    Madonna reportedly pursued the film heavily in 1989 and auditioned twice but lost the role to Elizabeth Pena. The movie began production in Sep 1989.


    Blessing in Disguise (1989 - 1990)

    First announced in December, this was one of many scripts developed through Madonna's Siren Pictures deal with Columbia. To quote Madonna â€œIt’s a serious movie, about people suspended in a state of denial,†She was to play a woman who returns to visit her Midwestern family at the funeral of her brother and heal the relationships with her mother and sister. Warren Beatty was to produce and filming was to begin in Fall 1990, talk was strong as late as June 1990 but nothing was stated after that. Was never made as far as I know.


    Grafitti Bridge (1989)

    Prince again wanted Madonna to star with him. Madonna apparently told him the script was a piece of shit.


    Evita (1990)

    Once again Madonna was attached to the project in June through Disney/Touchstone. Jeremy Irons was also attached as Juan Peron and Oliver Stone was to direct with an initial start in Fall 1990 and then Spring 1991. I assume Antonio was also in talks as Che since he and Madonna were hanging around together in LA in 1991. Madonna stated Disney no longer wanted to spend big money on films and she refused to make Evita on a smaller budget.

    Boxing Helena (1990 – 1991)

    In late 1990 Madonna was attached and all but ready to start shooting but pulled out in Jan 1991 citing exhaustion. Kim Basinger took over and famously quit and was sued for breach of contract. Sherilyn Fenn took the part.

    Leda & Swan (1990 – 1991)

    In October, it was suggested Madonna and Demi Moore would play the leads in this action cop buddy comedy with director Joel Schumacher and was set to roll in April 1991. It was later dismissed as only "in the talking" stages of production. The movie was never made.

    Frida Kahlo Biopic (1991 – 1996)

    In 1991 Madonna made plans to produce and star in a film about Frida's life. She apparently agreed to go to Cannes partly to promote Truth or Dare and partly to hustle money for her dream project. In 1996 talk was still circling about Madonna's plans for the movie. In 1997 Salma Hayek scored the role and Madonna gave up on making her film version.

    The Bodyguard (1990 – 1991)

    Kevin Costner was seriously looking to cast Madonna as Rachel Marron. In 1990, he went to see Madonna's Blond Ambition tour as research, after Truth or Dare came out, Kevin was so annoyed by Madonna’s reaction to his comment about her show being neat that he dropped her from consideration. Rumour has it Madonna tried to mend the rift and score the part but Kevin wasn't interested (not sure how true that is) Whitney Houston got the part. Kevin in fact waited a year for Whitney to be free (she was touring at the time)

    Batman Returns (1991)

    Madonna was heavily considered for the role of Selina Kyle/Catwoman but turned it down. Michelle Pfeiffer scored the role. It has been stated Madonna auditioned with Tim Burton and Christopher Walken.

    Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1991)

    Madonna was linked to a role in the Gus Van-Sant film. Not sure if she was ever seriously attached to the film though.

    Angie (1992)

    In November Madonna was in talks to play Angie and the deal was all but done. By December she was out since the rehearsals were during production of Snake Eyes (Dangerous Game) Madonna refused to juggle and felt she needed the four weeks rehearsal to do the role justice, so she bowed out. Geena Davis took the role.


    Tank Girl (1994)

    Liz Smith reported in April 1994 that Emily Lloyd had scored the lead and that Madonna had wanted it. Unsure if Madonna auditioned or was considered in any real way. Lori Petty eventually played the role, unsure what happened to Ms Lloyd.


    (Thanks @@mikenmark for this one)

    Casino (1994)

    Madonna was in a neck and neck race with Sharon Stone for the role of Ginger, but Stone scored the part. Filming began in Sep 94.


    Showgirls (1994 - 1995)

    Producers were hoping they could score Madonna in the part of Cristal Connors. Unsure if this was just a hopeful dream, or if Madonna was actually contacted seriously about the role.

    Breaking the Waves (1995)

    Lars Von Trier had written the part of Bess McNeil with Madonna in mind, however she turned down the role, filming started in August with Emily Watson. Most likely it conflicted with Evita pre-production as well.

    Batman Triumphant (1996)

    A script was written and Madonna's name was mentioned to play Harley Quinn but the project never got off the ground as WB changed tack and wanted to make a darker more serious Batman movie. No idea if Madonna was approached with this at all. 

    Tina Modotti Biopic (1997)

    Madonna signed a deal with Mick Jagger's Jagged Films co in Feb 1997 to portray the photographer/artist/political activist. Gabriel Byrne was also attached as an actor and producer. 

    Chicago (1997)

    Madonna was attached in June 1997 with Goldie Hawn and possibly Rosie O' Donnell. She was set to play Velma Kelly, Catherine Zeta Jones played the part in the 2002 film.

    RKO 281 (1997)

    In the Summer of ‘97 Madonna was attached to the project when it was to be a film epic. Also attached were Meryl Streep and Gene Hackman. By 1998 Madonna was dropped when the film epic was downsized to a HBO tv movie. It was rumoured Madonna would play the Melanie Griffith role of Marion Davies. 

    Ambrose Chapel (1998)

    Brad Pitt, Liam Neeson and a few others were set to star with Madonna in the Brian DePalma written and directed film that never got made.

    50 Violins (Music of the Heart) (1998)

    Madonna was in pre-production beginning May 1998 for the movie about Roberta Tzavaris. She learned violin and went brunette for the part. On July 17 Madonna quit, I have only ever heard she had creative differences with Wes Craven. Meryl Streep played the role.

    Kingdom Come (1999)

    In May, director Michael Winterbottom announced Madonna was attached to an adaptation of the Thomas Hardy novel “The Mayor of Casterbridgeâ€. Winona Ryder was also mentioned for a part. This seems to have only gotten to the "in talks" stage before Madonna backed out. 

    Quadrille (1999)

    October 7th 1999 it was reported Madonna would star in the film adaptation of the Noel Coward play. Several film versions exist.


    Long Hair (2000)

    In Sep, it was reported that Madonna's Mad Guy Films had optioned a script called 'Long Hair' by Jeff Copeland. She was thinking about starring and producing. Film was about a family living in 70's Missouri. Described as a Love story and coming of age story. As far as I know it never got made.

    Madagascar (2001)

    In May, Madonna was listed as one of many stars planned to voice a character in the Dream Works zoo film Madagascar, talks grew by September. Madonna was set to voice Gloria the Hippo

    Hairspray (2006)

    Madonna was reportedly considered for the role of Velma Von Tussle in the musical version. Michelle Pfeiffer played the part.

  9. Are you saying "Leda and Swan" was the working title for the Demi and Madonna Film?  Also, Thelma and Louise came out in '91.  Joel Shumacher had nothing to do with Thelma and Louise. The film Madonna and Demi were considered for was talked about in the late 80's. If it materialized it may have been released around '90 or '91.  And I realize film scripts can be seriously altered, but Thelma and Louise was about two outlaws running from the police.


    And yes, I would love to see your list of films Madonna was considered for?  I've heard many, but I'm sure since then it's escaped my mind.

    Yeah Leda and Swan was the working title. I could find no mention of the film or Madonna and Demi's involvement until about 1990. Do you have info earlier than that, as it would be appreciated. 


    Yeah sorry I got Joel mixed up with Ridley Scott for some odd reason, lol, my bad.


    Maybe there is another film Madonna and Demi were going to do together?


    Leda and Swan was definitely still being talked about in Spring 1991, they even mention it was delayed due to Demi Moore's pregnancy (which is also the reason Demi pulled out of A League of Their Own), then, I think Liz Rosenberg mentions it was only in the talking stages and nothing official had been worked out. 


    I will post everything I have in a couple hours

  10. I've been saying Madonna would not tour large since post MDNA. Actually even during rehearsals I was sure MDNA would be the last massive tour, she was always injured and exhausted, then the constant rain and tech problems and getting sick. I knew RHT would be indoors, she was done with stadiums. When I went saw RHT and when she did TOAC, I was pretty much sure that was the direction she was going in.


    I think this has more to do with her own personal comfort, I think she loved RHT and connecting more and just chatting and singing, as that was a large portion of that show (something she so rarely has done) Plus I think whatever competitive streak she had to be mainstream is gone, during all the press for RH she seemed to reconcile herself with the idea that that part of career was done, and I could not be happier.


    Yes I want 80's/90's Madonna back, but that life was hectic and chaotic and exhausting. I think she wants to chill and she is calming down even more than ever before. She has given us so much, I would love it if she just takes it easy. Releases music when she feels like and puts on shows whenever the mood strikes her.


    A smaller type show is easier to put together at a moments notice, meaning she can just call the troupe together whenever, rather than devote so much time and energy. Her family and Malawi and her directing career and various little projects are the top of the line now, I feel the music is where it needs to be, a place she can visit whenever she feels like, instead of it being her main focus. Might be disappointing to some, but getting out of the rat race, without pressures and doing music at her leisure will be so much more fulfilling in the long run.

  11. The Demi Moore film was in 90/91 and called Leda and Swan, it was a cop buddy comedy. It was to be produced by Joel Schumacker who went on to do Thelma and Louise. I have always wondered if Leda and Swan was an early version of that film. I guess the Sandra Bullock/Melissa McCarthy cop buddy film is probs closer as is Tango and Cash (just with men)


    @@mikenmark Street Smart was to be a musical based on Oliver Twist. Definitely not Who's That Girl?


    I have a big list of films Madonna was either offered or auditioned for or was rumoured to be starring in from Hair in 1977 to Hairspray in 2006. I can add them all if people are interested. I did a similar post on MTribe some years ago, but have more info now to add. 

  12. I came across this while doing some research on Madonna. This article if from July 8th 1985, various papers reported this with the same basic info.




    There are dozens of articles from different sources with quotes from producer Howard Rosenman. Talk started in March 1985 and was still going through early 1986 (With the last start date mentioned as fall 1986)


    I can't find any movie that even remotely resembles this film (basically a new musical adaptation of Oliver Twist) So assume it never got made.


    What of the demo that was talked about? Does such a thing exist? In all my years as a fan I never came across any article that discusses this project or any unheard of music from Madonna. Granted this would not be her music, it was a demo of songs from the film (which is why it may be so rare) Then again why has there been no mention (that I know of) from anyone involved, such as the producers who have unheard Madonna music in their hands, does WB have it? Does it actually exist?


    Until I went digging around, I had no idea such a project was ever going to happen. Since the talk of the film started in March 1985 and went at least until Spring 1986 without Madonna or her team denying involvement, I assume it was legit. 


    Anyone ever heard of this film or know more?

  13. Madonna is a totally fascinating human being, on so many levels. She is discussed (especially by Camille) the way the great thinkers/social activists and leaders of ours and other times are, that results in not only praise but criticism, maybe Camille has been unfair on Madonna, but then isn't it more interesting to debate those points than dismiss them and learn nothing more than what we already know?


    Despite appearances to the contrary, Camille looks up to Madonna and always has, which is why her criticisms are so biting at times. Just like us fans. 


    To get a little off track and go off on a tangent; 


    We honestly have stagnated as a global society because we refuse to have the difficult discussions and debates, instead resorting to simply trying to shut down any conversation that we don't agree with and it is making us regress socially. 


    Thankfully there are those who are able to have respectful, logical, rational debates, even if they sit on different sides of the fence. Make the effort to listen (read) the opposite view and truly take it in, instead of simply trying to figure a way to prove that person wrong. Society seems so obssessed with shredding someone for their opinion, but the detrimental effect of that is a split society, both of which live in an echo chamber of ideaologies, to progress we need to be fearless enough to challange our own ideas and beliefs.


    It is not to the advantage to simply be right all the time, which is all anyone seems to care about anymore. 


    Camille may be right, she may be wrong or somewhere in the middle. The discussion here that debates those points is far more interesting and informative and enlightening than the derision of Camille, which really amounts to nothing.

  14. I have always felt that Erotica was a masterpiece. It is the full embodiment of a woman. Her hopes, fears, desires, pain and joy. I have never heard anyone be so honest on an album about the human experience. No pop star has the guts to do it, even now. The rawness of the sound and the underground feel to it wasn't new, but it was not what was mainstream at the time, so a mainstream artist doing this was not appreciated.


    SEX overshadowed it and the press had been waiting since 1985 to rip her a new one, they were almost gleeful about it all. I can understand Madonna's anger about it at the time. She didn't deserve it.


    In terms of being called a slut, whore and so on, well that started as early as 1984, so that was nothing new. Women enjoying sex for purely physical reasons is as taboo as men enjoying emotional intimacy. We have boxed everyone in and it is to the deteriment of social progression.


    And trust me, Madonna wasn't the only one getting shit, us fans at the time got it too. Was not the best time to be a fan. Part of the reason why I often feel a kinship with Madonna is because it felt like we all went through that horrible time together.

  15. This is not how a business deal works (whatever the business). This "you will work until am I financially satisfied" concept is called slavery.

    LiveNation, as any other tour promoter and as any other entertainment producer, gambles on the revenue it will make from a tour.

    There would have been stipulations in place, otherwise Madonna could just say I am going to do 30 dates in 300 seat theatres. LN could not charge enough to meet revenue expectations. That is a stupid risk, especially if her market value is high enough to ensure stadium or arena sell outs. They either had a revenue expectation based on her market value or they ensure dates and venues played to allow a better chance of making a certain revenue. It isn't slavery, she would have agreed to certain stipulations in her contract.


    I was not suggesting she would have to make up for lost revenue based on poor sales. That is the risk LN take, but they would not leave a contract open to too much interpretation. There would be something there to ensure the best possible chance to make a certain revenue, with the only risk being Madonna's touring value and whether people are willing to buy tickets.


    When I said revenue loss, I meant if she did decide to play smaller venues (after agreeing to play venues of a certain capacity) and where LN had to cap the ticket price at a certain point and lost potential revenue they knew she was capable of generating. Again, they would have ensured something was in place to make up for this. It makes no sense that they would agree to her just changing her mind and making less money when she had the potential to make more.

  16. Why do you think that's the case, guys? She can easily sell out stadiums and break records, so why didn't she bother to do that this time, and unlikely to do so in the forthcoming tours?

    I don't even think it has much to do with sales. During MDNA she had so much shit with the weather and getting sick and the blackout, I could tell before that tour ended she was done with stadiums. When all arenas were announced for RHT I was not surprised.


    Never say never, but I think she is over it.

  17. I think the darkness is ultimately what I liked about it. Madonna's mood is so reflected in the (heart)beat of this album. 


    I also think most people don't allow women to be angry and dark, they want Adele type break up songs, the soft and sad ones. I liked that Madonna let out her darker side, we got the romantic and poignant on Bedtime Stories.


    I also like how she just laid it all out on the table, her frustrations, her pain. It is raw and open. I know people dislike this album, but to me Like a Prayer, Erotica and Ray of Light will always be masterpieces. 

  18. I'm not including her documentaries, as I think as a fan they are required viewing, or cameo or minor roles.


    1. Desperately Seeking Susan


    This is  a great movie that has aged well. Madonna is a lot of fun in the film and Susan Seidelman really captures the NYC of the 80's. Critics really loved the film back in the day for good reason.


    2. Evita


    This movie is lavish and Madonna is amazing. Everything is top notch in the production.


    3. A League of Their Own


    With or without Madonna this film is still one of my favourites, Madonna's performance is solid, yeah it gets quite sentimental, but it is offset by some great looking cinematography and great comedic performances. Jon Lovitz in a small role is hilarious.


    4. Dick Tracy


    I am mixed about this one. I get what Beatty was doing, and the film is fun, but I don't think he quite pulled it off, I didn't actually enjoy it all that much as a kid and find myself mostly watching isolated scenes from the film now days. Madonna is fantastic in the first scene with Dick and Breathless.


    5. Bloodhounds of Broadway


    This convinced me Madonna could really act (by this point many were convinced she could not) although she is barely in this film. It has its charm, but at the same time seems long for a film with such a short run time. I would recommend it for the great costume design and solid recreation of the 20's era. I get the feeling this film may have been chopped up in the editing room.


    6. Who's That Girl?


    I wanted to put this one higher, but being honest, it isn't a great film. The script needed work, just to tighten up the plot and add a bit more comedy, Madonna's performance needed to be reigned in. James Foley stated he really didn't direct Madonna, and it shows. I felt with a bit more direction she could have given a great comedic performance. The movie has such charm, Madonna is still good in it. I definitely recommend this one, even if it isn't the best.


    7. Body of Evidence


    A dud, but actually not too hard to watch. Madonna isn't all bad, but her dialogue can be laughable and she is stiff and unconvincing through most of it. It plays more like a made for cable movie, I honestly don't understand what Madonna thought was so good about this script. It is just awful. 


    8. Dangerous Game


    Meh, kinda interesting. Madonna is fantastic in this. Even critics that hated her, praised her acting. The movie itself is difficult to get through and quite heavy. Though I was 13 when I saw it, lol.



    9. Shanghai Surprise


    Watched this again recently. Not as bad as I remembered, but not great either. About 10 minutes in you start to wonder if there was a script or if the producers were just making it up as they went along. It rambles into nowhere and has no real structure. Madonna is okay in most of her scenes, a little stiff. The worst of it comes when she falls out the window into the mud, her acting in that scene is atrocious, her fake crying was awful.



    10. Swept Away


    Watch the original. What is odd is that Madonna's performances got worse as she went on. Even in the bad films of the 80's/90's she managed to come across a little more convincingly. Ritchie's direction is only okay (comparitive to his other efforts) Madonna is terrible, but it has some beautifully shot scenes.


    11. The Next Best Thing


    The moment I first saw Madonna on screen and heard her utter her first line, I gave up and realised her acting career was done. "He's leaving me" has to be the worst line reading I have ever heard in the history of film. I can't even describe how poor her performance is in this, on top of it all the movie is not great, I would avoid this one, you are not missing anything and believe me you will lose a tiny amount of respect for Madonna if you see her performance (lol just kidding, sort of)



    Ultimately I think Madonna had a raw talent that needed a good acting coach to be moulded, she had great comedic timing and could have been a solid comedic actress. She has poor choice in films, sometimes it is difficult to tell a good movie simply from a script, but many of her bad films had such horrible dialogue I am baffled as to why she thought they were so good.

  19. BB-1985-05-18.jpg


    Not sure how rare this is. Freddy DeMann mentioned in a Los Angeles Times article Madonna was thrown a bash on the last night of her sold out shows in Los Angeles so this is April 28 1985. This picture goes with the one below, which I could never place




    And the one below as well



  20. A friend of mine is Michael Jackson's fan. I remember talking with him about "The Bad Tour". I wanted to see it and told me that there was only a professional recording of one Japan Show and nothing more. Whe he died the London Show was released as a bonus DVD of the "Bad" album or something like that. Lots of people were surprised because they didn't know it existed. Later I read that it was for Michael Jackson's personal collection, was never intended to be released.


    I think with "The virgin tour" will happen the same. And sooner or later (sadly I think it will be more later than sooner) it will see the light of day.

    The Michael Jackson show probably was the footage from the screens in the venue. Most artists save these.


    Madonna has archived every show, however apparently this practice only started with WTG Tour. 


    Jamesy from Madonna-tv.com I believe was the one to confirm this, as he had talked with someone from Nocturnal (the company that tapes the shows from the screens) Unless one of the venues kept their own copy somehow, I doubt The Virgin Tour will be seen in full unless the film footage from Detroit still exists.

  21. Yeah I don't see her stopping with new music. How that happens is anyone's guess. She averages 3 studio albums per decade, not that she is doing that on purpose, I guess I am more saying I wouldn't be concerned, as she isn't slowing down. One more album in the next couple years and she would continue her average, lol.


    I think her hair will stay the same, she seems to be okay with it and I think it is more a sign that she is more settled with who she is, or at least happy with her identity at this point. I think her past changes were about searcing for something and being restless.


    Personally I wouldn't put too much expectation on her music being a major hit. Radio hates her, she may release great music that people love and have a good year and a great tour, but don't look for another ROL era or even Confessions era, I think those days are done. Is it fair? No not at all, but it is unfortunately life.


    Thing is, people I know who liked Rebel Heart just didn't give a toss about it, it was more "Yeah it's good, but I don't care" There is an apathy about Madonna, just like many older artists, GP like them and buy their music, but they are not impacting pop culture as no one is excited by them and really into them except the loyal fanbase. So big eras like ROL are not possible anymore.


    I think Rebel Heart was a return to form for Madonna, unlike HC and MDNA I felt it was more her. Diplo may have been flavour of the month, but they created Madonna songs, they all felt like her. So yeah I think she will go with a producer, whether underground or unknown, for the right reasons next time, not just for hits.

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