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Posts posted by me1981

  1. She has to pay for it anyway.

    The difference is that to use a sample and be able to release it commercially, she not only needs to pay but also needs permission.

    If she covers a song or parts, she doesn't need permission but has to pay/credit anyway.

    The BTW situation is weird, it's the only cover not credited on all of her dvds, there were rumours of a private out of court settlement but who knows...

    It also depends who owns the music. If WB owned it then the clearance is easier and the fee minor. Depending on the set up the label has with its artists. In some cases she may not have had to pay as WB may have had a rule that allowed artists on the label to use the music freely as part of the contract their artists set up. Music copyright is so messy. 


    There is also some odd rule that says you can cover a song exactly as it was produced and not pay a fee, but once you alter it you must pay/credit or something like that. Since Born this Way was covered exactly as it was recorded and was a snippet, then maybe that was how she got around it. Though that whole situation is odd, it did sometimes feel like Madonna was shoving it in Gaga's face as if to say just try and sue me for not paying or crediting you. 

  2. When MDNA Tour happened I knew it was the last massive scale tour she would do, Rebel Heart was definitely more intimate and scaled down, when she did Tears of a Clown I had a feeling this was going to be closer to what we will see in the future. Maybe she will do one more big show, but I have a feeling after that she will tour on and off whenever she feels like it and do small shows like TOAC, that way she can just quickly put a troupe together and do a handful of shows wherever and whenever the mood strikes her. 


    If she stops it will just happen, no huge announcement and no fanfare, I say that only because I don't think she will ever intend to stop doing live shows, life will just get in the way.

  3. It is nothing like S&S or the beginning of any of her concerts. I really dont know what to make of this


    It is fairly similar. This just seems a bit more stylised. It may be a promo that Showtime will use and they have also placed it at the beginning of the show as well.


    At any rate this is not a doco, if it were they would show much more than just Madonna getting ready for a show. 

  4. Have you ever read Chris' book Life with my sister Madonna? He says that everything in the movie is fiction, especially the police scene in Toronto. He was totally against filming in the cemetery and that is why he stays silent and distant. I don't know if he is sincere, but still I found it a very interesting reading..

    He didn't say the police in Toronto was fiction, he said if the cameras weren't there he would have never told her about the police being there. It was real, Alek just manipulated things to get more action on camera. 


    Chris' book is interesting, the first half seems like it is real and truthful, the second half sounds like an addict trying to blame everyone else for his behaviour and making excuses. He doesn't take any real responsibility for his life and tends to shift the focus of blame to mostly Madonna. You can almost tell when his addiction began by the way the tone in the book begins to change.

  5. I am 34 and have been a fan since 1986, but saw her for the first time this year in Melbourne. It was exhausting, lol. Simply because I was so excited. About the time she was riding around on the tricycle and telling jokes I began to realise what a love filled, warm environment I was in. Her energy is the total opposite of the cold hard bitch image everyone assumes of her. At least it was that night. 


    I think I focused a lot more on the energy and vibe she was putting out, and it felt really nice. I think even though she probably wasn't the happiest at that point, she still made the crowd feel like she was loving being there with us. She gave a lot of herself.

  6. The BAT Bercy footage is some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. In terms of where it is, I have heard WB or Madonna has it. I think Miramax only owns the doc footage and rights to the actual film but that WB bought back the concert footage.


    I believe the deal with Pioneer was no competing release was allowed for one year, at which point WB could release their own VHS of the show. Whether they actually bought back the concert footage and planned to release it is a mystery. I thought Alek said in a recent interview that Madonna did have the footage but he didn't know where.


    I was hoping Madonna watching the film again would inspire her to get the footage found and released, but that is wishful thinking. We also have no idea what shape the footage is in either, if they don't know where it is then there is no guarantee that it has been stored properly and looked after. 

  7. This post is brought to you by first world problems:

    It really bothers me that it seems everyone on this site is bothered by that scene in the MDNA tour where one second its one flag the next its another. Or the crowd changing...

    No. I love that because it shows the nature of this WORLD tour. Its not just ONE show, its several cities and countries. How is it wrong to acknowledge that? If anything i wish she did it with even more flags so she could have shown that this was a worldwide record breaking phenomenon. So to be bothered by something like that when the FULL SHOW is still presented is illogical. You got a front row ticket to Miami and i believe Argentina and maybe one other country... THAT i think is the most special thing about these DVDs.


    I partially agree, but if you are gonna represent a world tour, do it all the way and take moments from many different shows around the world. Coldplay did a great job of it. They mixed promo tour footage with footage from several locations and it worked.


    I think the other issue is Madonna's shows are so visual and story based that for many, just like a film with bad continuity, it takes you out of the experience she herself was setting up. 

  8. Probably Bedtime Stories. Loved Erotica so much that I followed as much as I could about the making of BS. I was a member of ICON and she talked about it in her letter in the magazine which got me hyped. When Secret came out I was really happy and felt it was going to be a killer album, but was so disappointed when I got the album, I tried listening to it a few times and just found myself underwhelmed. Now, however, I love it. It has issues and I still wish she had kept Tupac on I'd Rather Be Your Lover, his rap just elevates that song, but I can listen to that album straight through and enjoy it. Especially Sanctuary. 

  9. I have seen some pics, though I think it is usually of people connected to someone working on her show or family/friends connected to the promoters.


    Probably more in the last 10 years she has started signing autographs and talking to fans on the red carpet of some events (never awards as far as I know)


    No official meet and greets. From all the BTS of her tours, she seems to not want to do anything other than focus on the show. I think it was a huge deal that she actually got fans up on stage for RHT and talked a lot more to people in the audience, something I though I would never see.


    I do have the feeling she meets with a lot of people who are unwell and part of things like Make a Wish, stuff we never hear about. It was mention in a newspaper article from 1987 that while she was recording the Who's that Girl? Soundtrack she met with a young fan dying of cancer as part of Make a Wish. So she could be meeting fans on the D/L quite a bit and of course we just never hear about it.

  10. No that lol, I want natural because in this preview just looks like studio version

    That's because it is Candy Shop, in Melbourne the crowd was loud until Candy Shop came on, then they went dead. I think the Sydney crowd was the same. Plus those Sydney shows went extremely late and the Sydney audience on Sunday was there until almost 2am. They were fatigued. So don't expect much noise from this clip.

  11. So, the VHS has a different mix? I wonder if the laserdisc does as well.

    I think the VHS is just the normal stereo mix, two channel or whatever was common on VHS and probably what aired on HBO originally.


    5.1 mixes were not really done on VHS as far as I know. I think Laser Disc may have had the 5.1 mix and that was used on the DVD too. If I remember correctly the original DVD of Girlie Show that was released here in Aus (and maybe Europe and other parts) was double sided. The 5.1 mix on one side and the stereo mix on the other.


    To me the audience in the 5.1 mix sounds as bad as the audience in the MDNA release, just all over the place, I also find the instrument separation odd too with parts heard in the stereo mix buried and hard to hear, especially in Erotica. Maybe because I grew up with the VHS release I am more used to that. But even on a good speaker set up I don't find it any better.

  12. It's great to see Rocco in Africa with her! He is currently living with Guy in London, isn't he?

    I gotta be honest I have no idea. I have seen pics of him on her instagram but thought they were old, maybe not. Glad at any rate that it seems Guy and Madonna and Rocco sorted this out and she is spending time with him.

  13. Express Yourself all the way. Love pretty much every version of this song, live, remix, covered by other artists, all the variations. It is just a classic song and I listen to it a lot now anyway, lol. 


    One thing I was wondering if anyone knows, back in 1998 Steve Bray was interviewed for Record Collectors Magazine and mentioned there was a version of Express Yourself that he and Madonna did that has never been heard. Different to any version that had been out at that point. Does anyone know more about this?

  14. I will say I am sure BAT had some pre-recorded music. The horns on EY (which were not used on every show) and the string section of PDP couldn't have been live. Although funnily enough the string section of PDP at the very end of the song sounded different in different concerts. Unless she somehow had a few violin players under the stage, but I doubt that.

  15. Why do you say Broadway is the same?

    I often sat close to the orchestra pit (especially in London, tbh) and they play for real!

    Of course there can be some prerecorded sounds...

    Or do you have anything in particular in mind?

    I don't know about West End. But it has been known and stated even by actors on Broadway that the orchestra is not a full one anymore, to cut costs they use a mix of live and canned music. Some shows might still do a full orchestra, but since the early 00's they have cut the orchestra down and used pre-recorded music. 

  16. I doubt she really wants to go way back to "those roots". Madonna doesn't want to sell "reality" on her live DVDs, what makes us think she will change her opinion because a couple fans daydream of her hiring those kind of musicians again. Times have changed and it isn't like we have to agree with it... But she changes constantly and tries new things every other year. Probably the next couple tours won't even have real musicians and everything will be directed from a Macbook (snap!) they do it already! LOL  :lol:


    Sticky & Sweet's version of Hung Up is still in my memory for how great those drums sounded in the stadium. The beginning of Express Yourself (purposely extended in Chile) was amazing! The Iconic studio beats were also great in Miami so not everything has to be "real live" to be perfect. IMHO.

    Don't get me wrong loved Rebel Heart tour and would see her again in a heart beat. 


    Look Broadway is the same, a lot of canned music and not real musicians. Oh well, just a shame is all. Yeah I doubt she'll go back to those days, though maybe if she does Tears of a Clown type shows she might (who knows)

  17. Girlie Show. So good in fact it made Madonna think about doing a live album with them. Wish she had. 


    Blond Ambition is a close second. 


    Even my sister, who disliked Madonna thought her band for Girlie Show was awesome at the time.


    I think her tours today make it hard to tell if she is using backing tracks or real musicians. Only time you get the truly real feel is when she and Monte do acoustic together.


    I will say Into the Groove on WTG tour sounds epic still. WTG might be 3rd spot. Some dated sounds, but the band was tight on that tour. Lucky Star is also a fave from that show. 



    ETA: If you notice, Madonna changed musical directors every couple of tours. Do wish she would change again. She needs to be pushed back to a more grounded sound. It might actually be revolutionary if she went back to a full 9 piece (or more) band, like the old days.

  18. Yes the company Nocturn records all Madonna shows, and have done since WTG. It has been confirmed by a guy who works for the company (through Jamesy at Madonna-tv) I think others have confirmed this too. The footage from the screens and a soundboard exists for all shows in a vault.


    I think during WTG local stations brought their cameras, which is why we have that Texas footage. During BAT it was mostly screens footage that was given to local stations.



    I don't think the full Houston show was ever broadcast on MTV. Does anyone have proof of this? I know Holiday and KIT were recorded by MTV on May 4th and shown during their live broadcast at the show on May 5th, plus the opening of the May 5th show was shown, but that is it. Apart from any sequences captured while Downtown Julie Brown and Kurt Loder were hosting nothing more pro-shot was shown.


    Almost all opening night Euro/UK shows were shown on tv through news reports (generally first few songs). I have never seen Turin, but all other opening nights in each city had footage shown


    The WTG Miami show had 4 songs recorded by MTV, not just the opening. Open Your Heart, Lucky Star, Causing a Commotion and The Look of Love.


    For BAT, it goes likes this



    13th Chiba Japan (screens footage for various news shows around the world generally EY, OYH and CAC)


    15th Chiba (Opening number for ToD, colour footage was also shown on Madonna during WTP and the speech section after CAC during the HBO Pre-Show)


    26th Yokohama (Full show shot by Japanese tv, not from screens and two edited versions exist, one for broadcast and one for VHS/Laserdisc)



    4th Houston USA (Holiday and KIT shot by MTV in full with speech after Holiday broadcast May 5th, plus screens footage shown on various news stations in Houston with EY and I think OYH)


    5th Houston USA (Opening of show broadcast during MTV's Blond Date live from the arena, some songs seen in background during broadcast. Screens footage leaked with poor sound, possibly recorded by an employee in the arena)


    7th Dallas USA (Opening numbers shown on various US and international shows, just clips)


    11th Los Angeles USA (First few songs shown in clips on local news)


    23rd Rosemont USA (Only EY as far as I know was shown)


    27th Toronto Canada (Clips show on various Canadian shows of opening numbers)


    28th Toronto Canada (Have heard this was the night Hanky Panky was recorded, could be wrong and was probably just taken from the screens footage)


    29th Toronto Canada (Possibly footage shown on news when talking about possible arrest, not sure)


    31st Auburn Hills USA (Clips shown on news of opening songs + I think this was the b'day night for Madonna's dad so B&W footage shown in ToD)



    5th Worcester USA (Have seen Pro-Shot of WTP and SoL in full)


    11th Uniondale (clips from opening numbers on local news)


    16th Philadelphia USA (Clips from opening numbers on local news)


    24th East Rutherford USA (This whole show is floating around as it was sent to HBO as a screener copy and elements were used during the HBO Pre-Show. OYH and ITG in full have been leaked)


    25th East Rutherford USA (AIDS speech and possibly parts of Holiday were shown on various news shows around the world)


    30th Goteburg Sweden (Clips of EY, OYH, WTP seems to be screens footage LaP, SoL, HP, NIFY, MG. seems to be from a local Swedish show that kept taping from a distance, and I wonder if the whole show is out there)



    3rd Bercy France (Pro shot of first 4 songs for news, fuller versions of EY and WTP have leaked)

    3rd, 4th & 6th Bercy France (All shot on 35mm film for ToD, parts shown in doco)


    10th Rome Italy (Clips of opening numbers shown on various shows. Entertainment Tonight played extended clips of EY during various stories on Madonna, including quite a long clip during their end of year look back at 1990, as well as LaP and LaV)


    15th Munich Germany (Clips of opening numbers, some in longer format)


    17th Dortmund Germany (Clips of opening numbers for local news and MTV)


    20th Wembley England (Clips of opening numbers + LaP and LaV shown all over the world)


    24th Rotterdam Netherlands (Opening clips shown on local news)


    27th Madrid Spain (opening numbers, I believe WTP in full has leaked + a long clip of LaP shown as well)


    29th Vigo Spain (Opening numbers shown on news)


    31st Barcelona Spain (full show broadcast around the world)



    5th (Full show broadcast around the world)

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