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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by EgoRod

  1. Men are taught to be strong and independent. Women are taught to be docile and obedient. For women sex is about procreation, for men sex is about leisure and progenity. Rape and sexual abuse is a tool of power. The rapist: dominant in force controlling they one that think is weaker. That's why men are on the high numbers on this department. Because of the way society is constructed.
  2. I think they issue roots with gay men forced to evolve on a patriarchal structure. In history relationship between men were linked to mentoring like in greece erastes and eromenos. Women were always treated as inferior or 'unfinished men' and camaraderie between men was always understood if man were real man. Still valid today in the militar service or prisons, were homosexuality is not seen as weakness but a man needing to bust a nut, and the other men supporting it. Then it comes the other side where the bugger, the faggot, the weaker men is demonized and the idea of an inferior man is connected to being affeminate or being like a woman. Queer men grew up on a society fighting to find their own place and understanding but only if they submit to this terms. And here we are today. Gay men asking masc4masc, stigmatizing camp, being delicate. The idea of top or bottom as description of personality. Women being link to fish. And so many other traits that are clear echo of that patriarchal misoginistic upbringing. It's something that any man whatever sexuality or preferences they choose, should fight and try to avoid to stregthten up.
  3. Yeah same to me. When I started meddling with sex, I had a bisexual approach to it . Years later my relationship ended being more homosexual. However I did this for experimentation and I have no issue talking about GFs on the past, it was'nt a closeted thing. In fact I never had to come out in any way. If tomorrow I'll fancy someone that's not a man, I would'nt fight it either. And Madonna on the 90s was a beacon on light for me on that department. Instead of beating myself down because of the people's opinion, I became prouder and louder and did things on my own way.
  4. I think she is/was a sexual person. The ideas of her bisexuality raised when she was hanging out with Ingrid and Sandra. Sandra kept saying on interviews how they have sex with each other because was a way to provoke the constant media on them. It was a time when Madonna was a provoker and sex was part of her social persona. Everything worked perfectly with Truth or Dare- Justify my Love - Erotica. Tabloids keep spotting them in places having fun and being themselves. Because women can't be friends specially if one is a lesbian, so it means Madonna was having an affair. They had a laugh and play their crap, because keep them guessing was better than have no attention whatsoever. After that when things start to cool down and puritans could'nt accept the queen of pop with her dominatrix alter ego, she changed. Madonna sexuality became sensuality. Then it became maternity. Now she is back fighting for her right to be older but enjoy sex and her right to be with partners younger than her. And she is again getting attention and critics from every side. But I think she is too tired for it. I would describe her as a sexual heterosexual fag hag.
  5. 12" is up in Discogs https://www.discogs.com/Dua-Lipa-The-Blessed-Madonna-Madonna-Missy-Elliott-Levitating/release/15770883
  6. The response by a fan nails it. Whatever you think about surgery and whatever you feel is suits her or not. At least Madonna ask you: what do you think? is for you to deal with. Who f*** cares .
  7. Guy Ritchie is a 'bad boi' and she loves that. Check Sean before. She meddle with softer emotional types but love to be challenge by the rough toxic masc ones. She had a house in Hampstead not far from George Michael before she started dating Guy. She liked London before.
  8. I'm sorry to derail the whole conversation with dark sides of history. I think Madonna choose the Spanish theme because she wanted to moved there. It didn't work and ended up in London. She still visits Gwyneth Paltrow in the north thou.
  9. As I said your suffering and experience still valid. But it's not colonization. I was born in the north of Spain, Franco died 3 months I was born. 60% of my family died in the mountains, battling agaisnt the regime or in concentration camps (yeah Spain had those too) (not as fucked up thou) I also had family that moved to South America scaping form the regime. So I have family there too. Being under a regime, political state, monarchy is not the same that being colonised.
  10. The political division of Spain is nothing to do with colonies. Spain was unified by the Catholic Kingdom Isabela I and Ferdinand in 1469. That was a whole move to get power and be able to remove the Islamic and judaic presence from the peninsula. From there evolves the invasion of Americas and lots of wars with everyone around that did'nt want to obey to an imposed Christian monarchy they never voted for. They used the inquisition to cleanse and made a country under the Roman Catholic umbrella, supported all the time by the church in Italy. At the time they created a union with the crown of Aragon and Castille that affected Catalonia as we know it. But that was respecting either political sides and laws as independent regions under the same country. But as soon as the take of the Americas happened that relationship broke apart. During 1640-50 there was a Catalan Republic. And it never got much better like most part of regions in Spain, because they were forced to work under a common monarchy they never choose and they never wanted . These are political discrepancies. And they have a reason to be. And the affairs of today affected from this origins still going for similar reasons. Is not the same that live somewhere and have a bunch of foreigners coming over, saying they are trying to help you. Believe they are better than you, kill your family, rape your family, destroy your house, your community, spread disease, burn your culture, slave you, rob you and carry on with their life. That's colonization.
  11. I hear ya. However this is exactly what I'm talking about difference between cultural appropriation and cultural exchange. Everything you mention is history and cultural sharing. Arabic empire last for over 800 years in Spain and lived there along so many other cultures, religions. That's different from appropriating from cultures as a dominant role. Everything else you mention. I lost a bit of track. I think you are mixing s bit of the ideas, with prejudice, transphobia and other elements that should be look under a different lenses. I know what you are coming from and I agree in the most part of what I understood. I just think it's a bit of too many elements from another discourse.
  12. I like compilations on Vynil, for example. I can play a record without skipping with a selection of songs. But then is difficult to have a good compilation into a vinyl.
  13. On a lighter note, at the same party I mentioned. I met this gentleman ( can't remember his name) And he said Madonna slept at his sofa for few nights when she arrived there. And he said she was feisty but really lovely person.
  14. My comment about Vogue, was as I presented. Something shared with me in NY by people that lived, grew and belong to the Ballroom scene. We are talking here of members of Xtravaganza, Ninja and alike. Is an an opinion I have to respect because I was a white spanish guy hanging around a party. A party with everyone who was someone in the NY scene was there. Madonna discovered Vogue at the Love Ball, a charity raising money for AIDS . At the time they were artist like Ian Xtravanganza and Kevin Aviance representing Vogue to a bigger audience than ballroom. The sentiment was that Madonna , without being part of it. Took it, made it about white hollywood actors and cash it up. I love Vogue, I love everything about it, video, song, concept and for me was an introduction to the scene. But that's my experience and that can't cancel how POC, Latinx in the scene feel'felt about it. McLaren in fact is another borrower. But yet that wasn't the point. Deep in Vogue didn't got much attention because Vogue step in within few weeks. I couldn't care less of Malcolm tbh. About cultural appropiation. It's not the same than sharing a culture, or take inspiration or represent. In fact some cultures borrow form each other and create wonderful things. Cultural appropiation is a problem when a dominant culture takes from disadvantaged cultures. Or when this cultures are mocked, ridiculised, manipulated and abused based on some of their elements of their culture. For example, POC hair like afro, braids, being fetished, consider untidy or messy or even wild. But in fashion is use as a 'ethnical' cool feature. It's a way for a dominant culture to keep showcasing some type of power over those who think they are inferior. When is consider that white is a default and a standard. And the rest are exotic and different. There's a problem. Because there's not mixed cultures but a dominant culture collecting from another. Madonna like so many artist had been feeling inspired by elements of different cultures. That's normal. It does'nt means everything aged the same way and that some ideas from 10 years ago will be as welcoming today. I think one of the difference to few years ago is social media and technology. Making it easy to bring attention and voice, communities and cultures that before we couldn't learn from. Instead of focusing of why we don't think there's a problem when I didn't see it before. That energy should go to listen to those that have been subdued to this treatment.To those that are not happy about how their culture is represented. Always check your privilege.
  15. Asian culture in history has been surrogated to the power of colonies and empires. Slanted eyes, mocking their english, big ears, buck tooth cartoons. True that they are on a different layer to African history. But Yellowface and misrepresentation of elements of a culture that has sacred, symbolic elements as a disguise, fashion or ethnical is still appropiation. You can wear japanese clothing and pay hommage to japanese music, but dressing up as a geisha like a custome is appropiation.
  16. Yes. I met lots of the ballroom scene in NY, some that were in the scene since the 70s-80s and the opinion is really diverse. So many thought that when Vogue was becoming popular ( McLaren) she and Pettibone took advantage and blocked any success for anybody else but her. And she got the dancers put them on her show but never talked about the actual queer culture behind it. As you see in Paris is burning for example.
  17. It's true it wasn't on a mean way. I was being sarcastic humorous not bitchy
  18. Checking her last post, we are better off without her part on the video
  19. The construction of race on the current times has to do more with power than actual colour. Thats' why countries like Spain that were colonisers are considered white but then hispanic and latin countries are not.
  20. Latin Latin is a language it does'nt refer to culture or race. All of the romantic languages and cultures come from it. French, Spanish, Italian. The reason italians, spanish or other 'tanned' europeans were'nt consider white has to do with the third reich and the vision of the nazis as an aryan race as being the pure perfection. So anyone that was'nt sickly pale, rosy cheeks and blue/green eyes was'nt 'white. However black culture as african or tropical origin is a different thing. Spanish with the support of the Catholic church (Vatican) took over south america and brought the Christian/Latin culture into it. Or better said destruction and appropiation.
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