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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by kesiak

  1. They sound absolutely nothing like the Virgin Tour versions. They may as well be fake but I don't think they have anything to do with VT.
  2. I highly doubt they would have time to do something like that 1 day before the opening night.
  3. I got mine a few weeks back. The Hydro is an amazing venue by the way!
  4. I honestly can't rank her tours this way. How can you even compare say, Girlie Show with Drowned World Tour? It's apples and oranges to me. I can definitely say which tour I like the least - Sticky & Sweet. I had a blast seeing it live at Wembley but I think it's her flattest and most uninspired show ever (and I actually quite like Hard Candy). I didn't even bother going to the 2009 leg and watched the DVD maybe twice. I actually recently begun watching the 4 Minutes performance on YouTube and ended up turning it off - everything about it is wrong. I do love the gypsy section though - truly beautiful.
  5. I used to think it would be more powerful of Madonna to "age naturally" as well. The thing is though - it's her choice and her decision and it would not change anything about the way she's being perceived by the media and general public. She's a woman who used sex in her work and therefore will forever be seen as a talentless albeit media savvy bimbo by many, face lifted or not. Western society struggles greatly with the idea that a woman can be sexual AND smart. There's no winning solution in this game - if you get something done you're ridiculed for being desperate. If you don't, you'll be ridiculed for letting yourself go. There's also no template for a career like hers - there's never been a star which such staying power and such relevance who would also be so unapologetic about her success. People either end up in rehab, Oprah's couch crying about their childhood/abusive husband/etc, die or simply silently fade into obscurity - all these things being an apology of sorts that society expects for the fame and fortune they dared to gain. Someone like Madonna, who's never apologised for her achievements and is refusing to "go away" is making people uncomfortable. I've come to realisation that what Madonna is doing these days is actually brilliant - she's doing what she's always done, not giving a shit about what others think, trying to look her best and having a ball at the same time. Good for her. People should pay more attention to their own sorry lives - I don't see how the state of Madonna's, Uma Thurman's or Renée Zellweger's face impacts on anyone's daily routine and why it should be of anyone's concern.
  6. I could never get over the fact TIC peaked at #2 in US!
  7. I LOVE this show so much. So uncompromising, raw and beautiful. It really feels like an art installation. I watched the HBO broadcast in 2001, feeling nervous beforehand, not knowing what to expect from her after 8 years of not touring and I remember having the chills when she arrived on stage, all attitude. That show completely blew my mind and is still one of my favourite tours of Madonna. I also thought it was great at mixing the electronic music she was making at that time with live feel (that percussion in Impressive Instant!). Also, that performance of Music with the hard, minimal choreography hasn't been topped since then in my opinion.
  8. I was hoping for 2nd date here but I guess that's not going to happen. Anyways - The Hydro is a fantastic venue and I can't wait to see her in Glasgow!
  9. I think she's long overdue a DVD from NYC but these shows are a bit early in the schedule this time around to be filmed.
  10. Why not? The dance mixes on LDLHA promo CD were quite cool.
  11. I love "Did You Di It?" - it's hilarious and has got a killer groove.
  12. Physical Attraction Rescue Me This Used To Be My Playground Bad Girl Nothing Really Matters
  13. Oh Morissey... Next time I'm out having dinner I'll order steak in your honour. Medium-rare please. ;)
  14. I'm excited. To me the "gypsy" section was the only saving grace of the Sticky & Sweet Tour - she's welcome to rehash it as many times as she pleases.
  15. Honestly? I just want to have a good time. I don't care about her making more money, don't care how the tour will be received by the critics, whether she lip syncs a song or two - I just wanna go, enjoy it and celebrate Madonna and her vision for a couple of hours.
  16. You don't have to follow/watch these things. It's not mandatory, you know ;).
  17. You've clearly never seen Tina Turner live. She's one of the most energetic performers the world has seen and even on her last tour when she was a few months shy of 70 there was plenty of choreography and dancing on her part. In high heels I might add. ;)
  18. This makes more sense to me than the previous list that was being circulated. I like the idea of Veni Vidi Vici working as intro/interludes throughout the show. And I'm absolutely sure she WILL sing Rebel Heart - it's a great song, personal and the title of both, the tour and the album.
  19. Of course it won't be her final tour. Not because of money or anything as trivial but because of one thing that sadly people seem to forget: Madonna loves what she does and she'll continue doing it for as long as her health allows.
  20. Uhm... Love Don't Live Here Anymore I kind of agree with - I love the Soulpower mixes but can't stand the album version (I LOVE the original song by Rose Royce though). As for the other 2 I think it's fantastic she finally decided to dust them off for a tour! Neither was performed since 1987! True Blue was a HUGE hit in the 80s (#1 in UK, top 3 in US) and one that people still remember to this day. Same with Who's That Girl (#1 on both sides of the Atlantic).
  21. Interesting to see people's preferences when it comes to her tours. I can't watch S&S - the Gypsy section is its only redeeming feature for me. I saw the show live and had a great time but I'd probably rather watch Virgin Tour again than the S&S DVD. I'm really excited about the new show though!
  22. Now that's interesting. Love The-Dream - didn't realise he was involved in the album at all.
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