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Why do people say Madonna has no talent

tricky ricky

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12 hours ago, Andymad said:

I think it’s a known fact that touring strains her voice. I mean yelling in a live performance for anyone isn’t good. And this girl is NOTORIOUS for yelling stuff like “are you ready motherfuckers”. But only recently. It isn’t necessary. I don’t know where she picked it up. 

Back in the day, let’s say the beginning of Blond Ambition. Her voice was girly, fresh and on point. Then when she hit Europe it went downhill pretty fast. With a world tour, yelling or not, it’s very common to have vocal issues.

And then Girlie Show came along. I don’t know what the hell she did but her voice was SO on point for most shows. She was in her best shape ever, really doing it right. 

As a vocalist myself, a theatre vocalist, of course I understand the demands of maintaining my voice. Maybe not for a world tour but my longest theatre contract being 7 months, 8 shows a week, it was demanding..... I think with less screaming at the audience to “get on your feet motherfuckers”, she really has the potential to deliver that beautiful voice we all know she has. She’s proved it. She is immensely talented. But she could do without the yelling. Like in RHT, Burning Up came up and I’m sure that screwed up her whole show vocally for the rest of the night. 

The girl is talented. We all know she is. And she doesn’t have to prove it to anybody. She could just tone it down with the yelling throughout a live show and she’ll be just fine. She’s a singer. And she’s proven that many times throughout her career.


during the girlie show i think she felt she had something to prove after erotica backlash i think she started to take singing lessons 

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Because from the start she was consider a flash in the pan, an act that wasn't going anywhere. Cyndi Lauper was consider the better of the two by critics and people in the industry as well, to the point of why Cyndi was asked to be in "We Are The World" and not Madonna. Madonna was made out to be talentless & just a great marketing of selling sex to stay popular especially after the PMRC made there list filthy fifteen. Even Madonna's breakout movie role in "Desperately Seeking Susan" was just Madonna playing Madonna and how her trailer was rocking (having sex) in between takes of the movie and how the cast & crew thought it was so funny since "Like A Virgin" was out at the time. 

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When someone is mega famous and succesful people always try to find a way to discredit that person. Madonna is also at fault here because she never put her music and musicianship first and in people's faces. I think she did it on purpose, i remember an interview with Liz Rozenberg about how they promoted her, she and Madonna realized early on that she was very polarizing and they decided to fuel that, i believe that's what made her last and overcome every backlash she had because she never was considered the good girl or viewed as the famously talented one so they couldn't destroy that image, each time she came back with something good people were surprised because they were not expecting it from her. After ray of light she focused her image more on her musicianship and in a way it backfired when people thought she wasn't delivering after that. Other artists usually oversale their talents in their publicity which is not clever because when they don't deliver well the king is naked like they say. 

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She has a limited vocal range but usually always sounded way more emotional than other pop singers. As for her being credited with songwriting; that’s a deal many got into with her, you sold the song and the credit. I’m very sure they got paid a lot for that. Typical practise. Business. So yes. She has marketing/business skills. Also very much needed, even if you have a voice like Whitney, Mariah, Christina etc.

I think she displayed a lot of creativity and the skill to make the very best of what she has been naturally blessed with. She optimized what she had to the max, and yes, also by buying talent/hiring the right people. Also much needed in any business really. I think she keeps great artistic/visionary oversight. Also something that not everyone can do.

Even the best singers can be out of tune when their (in-ear) monitoring is off or not really audible. Also, in the YMLM clip, it seems that her guitar is heavily out of tune, to start with.

Also a musician here, and I agree, a lot has always been jealousy that someone with seemingly average musical talent yielded so much success. Because she was smarter (and luckier?) than the rest.

I also think she is a marvellous songwriter. Her voice has changed over the years and she did variegate in its sound a lot. She really did her best with what she had to work with. And of course, she used everything she had because she knew that music technique-wise, she wasn’t up there with other legends. Her vision and skillfullness in finding her way to success: unique and unparalleled. Pure passion and ambition. Pure power.

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On 11/5/2018 at 2:58 PM, RodLour said:

Usually those who say that Madonna has no talent are envious people.
and YES, madonna is one of the most talented artists in the world.

you think it has anything to do with talent shows etc etc ..i mean vocally she isnt the most talented but she admits that and we know that ..by the way i hate these talent shows

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So why do people say Madonna has no talent?

I think the answer is actually quite complicated. It goes a bit further than ignorance and jealousy.

I see Madonna not just as a singer or a performer. I consider her to be an artist, in the true sense of the word. Remember she used to be friends with the likes of Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring? And that Madonna's art collection consists of works by Frida Kahlo, Picasso and Damien Hirst? Not only has Madonna been friends with famous artists all her life, she herself has tried to bring art to the mainstream as we can see in her groundbreaking videos.

We consider successful art to be beautiful, but 'beautiful' is a word with multiple meanings and layers. When it comes to beauty, there are basically two camps: the people who think of beauty as everything pretty and the people who think of beauty as terror. Art we consider to be pretty is soft and consolatory whereas terror is always quite alarming. Madonna often operates between these two aspects. Her videos are always pretty to look at, but what we see are burning crosses (LAP), violence (WIFLFAG), emasculation (Express Yourself), death (Oh Father), sex (JML, Erotica) and mysticism (Bedtime Story, Frozen).

Madonna's body of work can be quite confrontational when it comes to religion, sex and female empowerment. But most people don't want to be confronted, they simply want to enjoy and not have to think about their identity or place in the world. But Madonna questions everything. So acknowledging Madonna means acknowledging things we always consider to be true to actually not always be true. That is why so many people just want her to go away, they don't want to learn or understand that the old opinions they are clinging on to are false. It's quite safe to think the catholic church knows best, that sex isn't something to be talked about, that gays are sinful and that women are inferior to men. But Madonna shows us the world can be different. Should be different.

We as human beings rather stick to our views, it gives us the support we need to live our lives. Someone challenging these views can be considered to be dangerous. It is the human fear of the unknown.

So why do people say Madonna has no talent? It's because they are afraid. Afraid of change, afraid of letting old views go. Fear of reconsidering one's place in the world and one's identity. Who am I if I let everything go I used to believe in? So instead of embracing change and charter into the unknown we desperately cling on to our views and reject people like Madonna who provoke our thoughts. Instead of questioning our sexuality, we just call her a slut so we don't have to think about it. It's the safe way of handling our fears.

This is what makes Madonna a true artist. Her body of work isn't so much pretty as it is sublime. She's playing with our prejudices and fears. Successful art leads to discussion, admiration and also rejection. It always is provocative.

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When it comes to her voice, at this point it has weakened and there are moments where she sounds horrible on concerts. I think people were too harsh in the past. Many girls out there got free pass. 

IMO Madonna's voice was very solid during the 80s and 90s before all that vocoder/autotune overuse. She even delivered strong vocals on Oh Father that Britney and Rihanna didn't do in their careers.

She dances well. And there are always people who think you have to dance like Michael, Janet or Britney do be called a good dancer. Madonna doesn't dance like them because she doesn't make that kind of music. It is the music that dictates choreography style. Besides, ballerinas don't do stuff like Janet and their capabilities aren't questioned. Madonna's moves on stage, even the simple ones, are always in sync with music. 

I think Madonna is very good at collaboration with different people, which is important for her reinvention.

If Madonna is able to come up with a melody for a song, then that is very important. Even if she can't write those notes, that doesn't mean she doesn't create music.

Also, people try to drag her lyrics writing skills. Why a certain artist, whose IQ is questionable, can be called a good songwriter, while it is hard to believe Madonna can write smart lyrics?

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Aside from touring, I think her range has increased.  She is singing just as high as in the early days.  I remember the damage to her voice during BAT and I worried about the future singing, but I am always excited when a new album comes and she is stronger than ever each time.  Maybe the illuminati did something to increase her range haha

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On 10/10/2018 at 11:18 PM, tricky ricky said:

that version of you must love me is a bit flat but its not so bad ...loads of artists sing with a backing tape you could hear it very low in that clip but her face is a picture ..got all messed up started singing too late its not like she totally lip syncs 

For a ticket of 100$ and more, and sold out stadium it is not a good reference to sound "flat"

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