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If I read one more GD comment about....


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If I read one more god damned apologetic media story that mentions Madonna's age, Madonna making up for a lack of talent by being a great performer or Madonna attempting a "comeback".... I am gonna effing scream.  I really am.

1. Madonna is not some succubus that is feeding off of younger artists.  These popular artists are lining up to work with her.  The current movers and shakers recognize that M is still a force and consider her to be cutting edge.  There would be no features if they she was not still a prize to be had in others' discographies.

2. Madonna is the most successful living music artist on the planet and ever article news story finds it necessary to slam her musical ability as if she is only about controversy, image manipulation and special effects.  Fourteen glorious studio albums (I will always count Breathless) and the media is still acting like she has not revolutionized the industry to a large degree and brought bountiful offerings.  35 years of writing her obituary (since Like a Virgin) and they still seem to get all of their facts wrong or just skip facts altogether.  It seems that stories about M are filled with personal criticisms and a complete avoidance of her substantive accolades.

3. And what exactly is she coming back from?  She has been, is and will be the Queen.  M15 will extend her legacy only.... as it is not in jeopardy.  Bitch.... she's Madonna!!!!! And there is nothing that is gonna change that gospel truth.  Nothing.  M does not have to crawl back up from the muck and mire because she has never fallen (aside from the Britts).  She is Queen and King too if she so desires.  

Sorry... I just had to vent.  

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I love all of this! I am dreading the day she passes and the negativity they will say about her.


theres an interview where she mentions that when celebrities die, that’s when people love them and act like lifelong fans. I just don’t think it’s going to happen for her.  They love to hate her and it fucking sucks.

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45 minutes ago, SecretProject said:

theres an interview where she mentions that when celebrities die, that’s when people love them and act like lifelong fans.


I think that will happen for her. People can be trash their whole life (not her, obviously - we have a specific rapper who died last year, but I'm not gonna name him) but the moment they die, they suddenly become some sort of "saint". Sadly, and quoting Joni Mitchell "you don't know what you've til' it's gone".


OT: She's a successful woman and that still gets on people's nerves.

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Start training your vocal cords 'cause you'll still read the same shit from the same people.

There was always bias against her and there always will be even if she invents a vaccine that ends all the disesases of the world. Some people really feel intimidated and/or feel envy with a woman like her.

The important thing is that she is still in the industry, it's her way to laugh at those who tried (or still trying) to destroy her.

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Omg She will be 61 this year and she is not going anywhere!!!! Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. Let’s live every moment like our time is borrowed. Ps shout out to the little anniversaries Happy birthday mdna!!!


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Look at Cher.  She's like what?  98 or so, and she is still getting props for what she is doing.  Hell.  Madge is only 60-61, and I bet she has more natural body parts left than Cher does.  LOL. 


Madge just needs to keep doing what she does best.  And not worry about the haters.  Cus...Haters gonna Hate. 

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The only good thing is, Madonna has true fans that will love her forever no matter what! We prove it daily. We don’t care about her age and all that. We applaud her. She is a true artist.

Let the haters hate and the younger artist do their thing at this moment, because all they have is “this moment”. 


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On 3/26/2019 at 6:01 PM, Andymad said:

She’s gonna be old and grey and still make dance music and child I’ll be front row still supporting her old ass when she’s 90. Long live the queen!!!!!

Madonna would never let her hair go gray. She will pretend to be a woman in her 30s for life

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