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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Halex

  1. When it's the end of the world, you never know what you're gonna run into, right ? So you need a golf club...

    1. meeshell


      obviously!! but if you don't have one to hand and find yourself faced with a suitable bae you could just do a twirl and flash your suspenders, worked a treat for m :Madonna055:

    2. Fighter


      oh now i get it, im so dumb

  2. Apples and oranges. TUTR worked on stage (the crowd went really crazy at the Olympia gig) but on the album - and as a single - it was just Solveig's "Hello" 2.0. At least, BIM doesn't sound like anything Madonna a sung before, and it's not really what people expect from her. It wouldn't have the biggest impact, but it would definitely raise eyebrows.
  3. If they're going to murder the next single, they'll do it anyways. Might as well take some "risks" and release the not-so-obvious songs (that means : NO DP, NO JOA)
  4. I kinda have the same vision, with more of a Michel Gondry/Cibo Matto (Ã la "Sugar Water") feel to it.
  5. Now I know what to use a single cover for the remixes on iTunes :
  6. Nice Steven Klein outtake at the beginning !
  7. Very pleasantly surprised, as I didn't have any kind of expectation for this.
  8. It's like Kimmy Schmidt's "take things 10 seconds at a time", extended to 24 hours.
  9. I was reminded about the video a couple of minutes ago - I completely forgot about it
  10. That fucking awesome feeling when your headache is finally gone ♥

  11. Ring my BELL, duh ! Everybody... + : everything ! the UK 12" is life ♥ can't believe it's her first actual single, it's so perfect... - : except the fact it hasn't been performed since 2005 (ah, the lucky ones at that MDNA Tour concert...) nothing is wrong with this song... Next : Angel
  12. That would have been nice (minus the odd wolf, I mean)
  13. That gives you an opportunity to discover them Get up + : I like the message, and the rythm, actually everything about it ! - : well, the fact it never officially saw the light of day Next : Shoo-Bee-Doo
  14. You can pull it off - people might not necessary think you buy it for yourself (unless, of course, you buy all for coves from the store, on the same day)
  15. The crew people in the background reminded me of the construction thing on the TUTR cover. M is no normal celebrity.
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