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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by MeantToBeIconic

  1. Ok SO I went on an awful trip to Chicago and had no WiFi but


    NO EXCUSES Let's get with it
























    #105 - Frozen (Rave Remix)
    Average: 7.4375

    I'm not doing the highest till top 50 anymore sorry. This was a really fascinating reinvention tbh. I didn't think this song could be uptempo, but would you look at that. I actually really like this performance and think it deserves better tbh.



















    #104 - Burning Up RIT

    Average: 7.4375

    Even the best performance of Burning Up isn't that good :(. TBF, it's just not that great of a song to begin with, so you can only do so much with it.
























    #103 - The Look of Love WTGT

    Average: 7.4375

    A meh performance from a meh tour. Let's sum it up by saying I understand why she doesn't perform this anymore.



















    #102 - Living for Love RHT

    Average: 7.5

    Even though it's just a rehash of the awards show performances, I still think it's a decent performance. #Handography4Days. Also, she should have used the album version not the remix.

























    #101 - Don't Tell Me RIT

    Average: 7.5

    A fun revival of this number with a fun dance sequence but also at the same time it's not an entirely new performance? I'm just saying this is not a highlight.























    #100 - Secret DWT

    Average: 7.5

    TBH this is a messy tour. This performance is a brief moment of control, where she drops the crazy and just performs a song (that should be performed again) in a moment that refreshes instead of tires.


























    #99 - Who's That Girl WTGT

    Average: 7.5

    I'm sorry but I don't get the deal. I struggle to remember literally anything about this tour and this performance OTHER THAN that it was better than the rest.

































    #98 - Human Nature MDNA Tour


    I think this might be this songs best performance. Stripping, mirrors, drinks, it's all very cool and a highlight from my favorite MDNA section.
























    #97 - Music SST

    Average: 7.5625

    I like this performance. I especially love when M outdances all her dancers. It's also a great remix that keeps just enough elements of the original. Excellent closer of the section.




























    #96 - Candy Shop SST

    Average: 7.5625

    I happen to think this is a great opener. Great energy, you can tell she loves this song, and I feel it sets the mood of the tour excellently.






























    #95 - Nothing Fails RIT

    Average: 7.5625

    Who doesn't love this song. This performance has such a great intimacy behind it. It's easily among the best acoustic performances.






























    #94 - Express Yourself RIT

    Average: 7.5625

    This is a good performance. I love her outfit, I love the gun twirling, and it's placing within the military section is actually quite clever. However, it comes off a tad steely, preventing it from rising further on this list.



























    #93 - Frozen RIT

    Average: 7.5625

    Three RIT numbers back to back. Ouch. I actually love this one because the real show is the backdrop. A fun change for M. The song is particularly moving during this set in the tour, and really stands out from the rest of the setlist.










































    #92 - Don't Tell Me DWT

    Average: 7.5625

    It's literally the same as the RIT performance except with themed outfits. But this one came first, therefore it's better.





























    #91 - Why's It So Hard GS

    Average: 7.5625

    An orgy while singing about loving everyone? (signmethefuckup) Makes sense to me. Although it loses it's impact a bit in the hypersexual GS, it's a still quite a unique number in her long list of performances on tour.




































    #90 - Hanky Panky BAT

    Average: 9.5625

    I still think the RIT performance is better, but this one is so darling. The boas, it's all so burlesque. Which I guess was probably the point...























    Phew, long round. Discuss!

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