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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by MeantToBeIconic

  1. Hello... it's me...


    I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to PLAY A BRAND NEW GAME


    So here's how this works. We'll start off with a category (an album, interludes, tour setlist, song performances, w/e), list them out, then everyone pms me one item from the list they want to eliminate, and one they want to save. Once a week, an item will be saved, and maybe granted immunity.


    Additionally, individuals will be granted a "Severance vote" (you'll be notified if you have it) that can cut either the total points granted to a song in half. Whether you use it or not is up to you.


    I thought to ease in we'd start with "BEST INTERLUDE"



    Here's the list:


    • [*]Paradise (Not For Me) - DWT [*]WIFLFAG - DWT [*]Don't Cry For Me Argentina - DWT [*]The Beast Within - RIT [*]Hollywood Remix - RIT [*]Bedtime Story Remix - RIT [*]Susan McLeod Intro - RIT [*]Equestrian/Future Lovers Intro - CT [*]Confessions - CT [*]Sorry Remix - CT [*]Duke Remixes The Hits - CT [*]The Sweet Machine - SST [*]Die Another Day - SST [*]Rain/Here Comes The Rain Again - SST [*]Get Stupid - SST [*]Virgin Mary - MDNA Tour [*]Best Friend/Heartbeat - MDNA Tour [*]Radio Dial Static Medley - MDNA Tour [*]Justify My Love - MDNA Tour [*]Nobody Knows Me - MDNA Tour [*]Iconic Intro - RHT [*]Messiah - RHT [*]S.E.X. - RHT [*]Illuminati - RHT

    ​Let the game begin! I'll be awaiting your messages and hope to answer any questions



    Thanks to @GHouse for helping me come up with a new game

    • [*] 

  2. holy fuck what kind of revival? Posted Image




    Give Me All Your Luvin'



    Pros: Nowhere NEAR as bad as given credit for. An excellent fun track that served as an excellent number for performance.


    Cons: Um... as much as I love her, M.I.A.s place on the song feels weird. And a really predictable and basic beat pattern.



    Next: Causing a Commotion

  3. Posted Image

    #3 -- Express Yourself

    Average: 9.57

    Highest: 11x1 (@@stormbringer)

    Lowest: 8x2 (@@Gargamel, @@Gonnabe)

    Our last 80's video to go, and a CRAZY AWESOME one at that. Crazy cool choreography, inspiration taken from an awesome novel, fantastic imagery, and she looks great. Influencing and being copied by many, but never duplicated, this one is a pure standout from her videography, and has fought for and earned its Top 3 spot.







































    It's now down to the Top 2, both from the 90's! Will it be...














    Bedtime Story????

    Posted Image












































    Posted Image















    Place your bets now!!!

  4. Don't worry all, the #1 spot is safe






























    Y'all will be strangely happy about this elimination...










































    Posted Image

    #4 -- Vogue

    Average: 9.5 (.2 better than LAP, which in this rate, is a ton)
    Highest: 11x1 (@@Primul5)

    Lowest: 8x4 (@@Gonnabe, @@stormbringer, @@Gargamel, @@Inco)
    Iconic. I don't need to say any more, do I? This video has still yet to be topped, for good reason. Intense choreo. Appealing visuals. Appeal to the underground scene. Pretty much any one thing that would make a good music video is amplified to 10 and mixed with a bunch of others. Plus, it gave us great gifs, so....
































































    Posted Image

    #5 -- Like a Prayer

    Average: 9.28

    Highest: 11x1 (@@patrice1711)

    Lowest: 7x1 (@@Gargamel)

    Hey, I'm just as shocked as you are. Only #5? Only ONE 11? What is going on? I love sacrilegious imagery, so this video is a clear standout. Perhaps the best part about it, however, is how it doesn't seek to do so for the sheer sake of it, but rather a "I believed in this, but have issues with it. Here's what they are". Iconic for a reason. Let down a bit in the rate? Just maybe.

  6. I get that she wanted to remove the violence at the time, but instead of pulling the video altogether I'm sure they could of edited the original in such a way to make it less potentially offensive. Im surprised that she didn't include this on the Celebration DVD as Justify My Love and Erotica were included after being banned, and the WIFLFAG video (genius!) was included too and was considered controversial at the time of its release.


    All for different reasons, of course, and those reasons became less serious by the time 2009 rolled around. Sex was less taboo, especially female sexuality (to an extent), WIFLFAG, I dare say, was forgotten about? That, and the violence was more female empowerment, which really accelerated in the late 00's. However, no general American market takes kindly to American social critique, so it makes total sense why it was never put on an official DVD.

  7. For this one please excuse the LQ gif I used (it was the best one I could find)




















    Posted Image

    #6 -- American Life (Original)

    Average: 9.19

    Highest: 11x1 (@@Enrico)
    Lowest: 7x2 (@@stormbringer, @@Inco)

    Quite an improvement from the original, if I do say so myself. YAY VIOLENCE (except this one has purpose). I mean, I can get why she opted to release the flag version, but COME ON. LOOK AT THIS THING. AN ABSOLUTE SPECTACLE IN THE BEST WAY. YOU'VE GOT RUNWAY TRASHING, EDGY-DONNA, AND SOCIAL COMMENTARY. What's not to love?

  8. Posted Image

    #7 -- Justify My Love

    Average: 9.06 (a whopping .1 better than WIFLFAG)

    Highest:10x15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (@MeantToBeIconic, @@NowRadiate, @@Primul5, @@Enrico, @@Stevo, @@OhMadonna, @@Fighter, @DrumDub, @@kurushitovska, @ElectriclOrus98, @Stefo, @patrice1711, @Brendanlovesu1, @GHouse)

    Lowest: 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x1 (@Inco)

    SO MANY TENS WHY. Everyone loves sex, and this video has it in spades. There's so much taboo in one video, it's almost too much to be true. Overall, there somehow manages to be a subtle intimacy to the video that makes it quite a thing to watch. That, and all the crazy imagery.

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