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Madame Madonna

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Madame Madonna

  1. Well, Do you think is this sign for David gonna do MJ role in her new MV or performance? Let's see what's gonna happen. I feel like she will do some sampling one of Jackson5 song.
  2. I know right? well if that person's photoshop skill is good then I'm not opposite about it. But real problem is that person's photoshop skill is one of the worst photoshot skill I ever seen. And beside photoshop skill, that person's beauty standard is so cheap and dated and most of all really creepy. I mean.. that person does photoshoped madonna's face looks exactly just like Dead body at funeral which touched by talentless funeral dead body make up artist. Look at these badly photoshopped Madonna face! LOL I'm not even joking! Seriously. They are look so creepy because Madonna looks like lifeless dead body in coffin which touched by talentless funeral make up artist! And Madonna repost these bull shit in her own instagram. that's the real problem. sigh. oh by the way. you mention about new sharp jawline, Yes. that person has some serious mental issue about jawline. That is really disturbing to watching it.
  3. OMG! I just realized that person is same person which botched her paparazzi photo with worst photoshop skill! And Madonna did post that dead body look a like photo which painted by talentless funeral make up artist! And this is original photo. I mean seriously...
  4. I have to agree with this. She clearly repost from this account. And I mean if you're a true Madonna fan and if you have a good eyes then you easily notice that account's all Madonna post are badly phtoshopped Madonna's face. Not just one or two. that account's whole Madonna's face is badly photoshopped. I mean that is the one of creepiest and worst photoshop ever! It feels like we are watching dead body which badly make up at Funeral.(worst part is that pothoshop feels like from talentless Funeral dead body make up artist.) That was one of creepiest and worst photoshop ever. seriously. I'm not even joking.
  5. Actually that was my first guess Too!! I was like "Hmmm it's interesting so, this heavily and badly photoshopped image is her own image in her head? So she want to show to world that she hasn't change at all in 10 years?" Then I realized that these two post are related. then she post this again. So these 3 post are all related. Her current mood in London.
  6. So Madonna divorce Guy Reductive. at 2008. (oh my gosh I didn't know that it's already 10 years ago until she post this) And she post this at her instagram. Hmmmmm.. I'm not sure about this. It feels like she is still stuck on "anger" stage. or Is this some excuses of that hideous tragic Butt implant injection whatever? Something like this "I did that tragic butt lift for surviving from divorce which happened at 10 years ago?" I'm not sure. It just... kind of sad. I mean someone said that she is in London right now.. So it seems like something happened to her in London. Something emotional thing.
  7. Album orders 1.like a virgin 2.crazy for you 3.papa Don't preach 4.Live to tell 5.Like a prayer 6.Express yourself 7.Vogue 8.Justify my love 9.Rescue me 10.Erotica 11.I'll remember 12.Secret 13.Don't cry for me Argentina. 14.American pie 15.Ray of light 16.Frozen 17.Music 18.American life 19.Rebel heart 20.Living for love I just realized that 20 songs are not enough. At least there are Top 50 songs need. Seriously.
  8. I thinks this is really great sign. It means she finally realized how hideous and ridiculous and tragic and sad looking her new enormous fake butt, unlike her bitches which surrounding her constantly praise and lie about her new fake butt,
  9. Well some of her old fan really hate this song because it's too trendy but you have to admit that BIM is the one of most successful song of Madonna in decade. And young generation really into this song. I mean Bitch I'm Madonna is the only one Madonna song which these Young generation want to dance with and even make choreography their own. Yean It maybe not a dance song for Old people but you have to admit that Young generation really like this song. So I personally prefer Living for love than BIM, But I also have to agree with that If BIM was the lead single then we had different result.
  10. Yes Living for love has some kind of dramatic bridge but PROBLEM is that dramatic bridge is not enough for me. You know what I'm trying to saying? For example Like a prayer has very similar dramatic part and I'm chilling when I listen that part. I wanna dance like crazy! But I just can't any feeling from Living for love dramatic bridge. I remember one of Madonna interview, She said about Living for love something like this "Diplo want to goes to all the way, But I have to stop him." So I'm really curious and some part I really wish she did just let him to goes to all they way with living for love. Because I always feel that this song has so much potential to explode to great climax but at some point she just supress to not to explode.
  11. Well, To be honest, I think that Real problem is "Not" which song should be lead single. Real problem is most of songs doesn't have climax in her latest album. That's the real problem. For example, give me your luving and Living for love. It could be great song. But there's something missing. How can I explain this..well.. If you listen great song it is something like this. "do~ re~ do~re~ do re mi~ then it goes to climax so~ la~ so~la~~~ then bamm!~ ti~~~~~do~~~!!!!!" you know what I'm trying to saying? (Don't get me wrong about this, I'm not trying to saying she should sing high tone. It's just metaphor) But Madonna's latest songs doesn't have these kind of climax. It feels like her most of latest songs like this. Low do~ re do~ re~ do~re~~~~ do re mi~~~~ do~re~do~re~do re mi~~ do~re~do~re~ do~re~Dooo......... you know.. I need something chilling climax from her song. But her latest song has something missing. you know somthing Bamm!! kind of stuff.
  12. I just can't choose just one the best show. Because they're all god damn great! But I certainly can choose my least favorite one. It's S&S tour.
  13. I think that why young generation hates Madonna is simple. Madonna WAS perfect until Confession era. She WAS not just A pop star. She WAS a very smart person unlike average pop stars. So Madonna WAS not just a Pop icon, She WAS role model for older fans. We older generation fans grow up with proud role model. We older generation fans want to be strong and smart just like Madonna. But for young generation, They didn't see what Madonna was like in the past. All they could see is something like this. Ask your own daughter, Son, nephew and niece. Is this smart woman do? Sadly Answer is No. Do you want to make these kind person as your life role model? Sadly Answer is No. So we can't blame these young generation for "why you guys does not love Madonna!" They don't hate Madonna just because Madonna is OLD. Young generation hate her Simply Because All they could see is very sad and pathetic 60 year old Kim K's enormous hideous ass wanna be.
  14. It would be really great if Madonna breaks the internet with great music. Not break with hideous fake butt which people are keep mocking about her. :'(
  15. Hmmmm I'm not sure this is good sign or not. Good sign is Madonna know people keep mocking about her new hideous enormous Brazilian Bum Lift Donald duck fake butts. Bad sign is it seems like she doesn't care about it. So it does mean.. there's scary possibility which her butt gonna getting bigger and bigger and bigger..If she is really satisfying with that result. oh my gosh..Jesus Fking Christ..
  16. Guy was there starting in 2005????????????????? really????????????????? Mmmmmmmmmmmm Let me check. Well I don't think so. This is Video of Madonna and Guy Oseary at 1997 MTV awards.
  17. OK, here's thing. Madonna had Freddy DeMann as Manager at 1983~1997 (14 years) After Freddy gone Madonna has Guy until now. it's like 20 years. Do you think that this is time for Madonna say goodbye to Guy Oseary? I mean I know she is old now and Old people do not want to change. And Guy Oseary and his wife is good friend (more like family) with Madonna now. So I know that Madonna probably not gonna fire Guy Oseary. But What I really want to talking about is... the real question is "Does Guy Oseary and his wife is really GOOD friend to Madonna?" For me Good friend mean is "someone which Not just sucking my ass all the time, someone which tell me the bitter truth for me." But it looks like Guy Oseary and his wife is just sucking Madonna's ass all the time. OK forget about friend thing. What is Manager for? Good manager have to tell their artist "No that is not a great choice!" and have a gut for fight for good choice for their client. That is good manager do. But it is apparently Guy Oseary is failing about his job. So I really wondering what do you think about this. Do you think this is right time for Madonna say goodbye (I mean fire) Guy Osery? (This question is not about really Madonna gonna do this or not. this question is about just you guys opinion)
  18. I'm always wondering this trip is really for ski or for her "Dental work" you know. lol
  19. Rescue me. Period. She never performed live and It even doesn't have proper real Music video. That song is Express yourself+Vogue+justify my love's royal child.
  20. well we can't say it is her or not because we can't see her face. But I bet that it is from same photoshoot with this which she post at nov.9. So my vote for No. It is not Madonna.
  21. This. I also think that this is not the thread for "the song you don't like" this is the thread about "the song which have bad titles" for me it's 1.I'm going bananas 2.Shoo-Bee-Doo 3.give it 2 me
  22. I had this one but I also think that upside down is the right one. personally I don't like this album's photo shoot. It's just...hmmm for me. it feels like ambiguous to me. Not a classic enough nor trendy enough. it just very middle of somewhere and there's no charisma at all. it looks like very cheap lingerie catalog to me. I still remember when I saw this photo at first all I thinking was "oh she is loosing her hair so much!" If i'm right at this moment there's some rumors going around that Madonna gonna shave her hair because she's gonna shoot movie which some kind of female version of terminator. Her role gonna be warrior mother which trying to protect her son from enemy. something like that. lol
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