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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Sultrysully

  1. 23 hours ago, BringUrLUV said:

    Generally speaking, adults don't really rebel when a parent dies, I think its more the opposite, to embrace the one you loved.  Not saying she's gonna go conservative, but prob not a rebellion.

    Some people feel very repressed by their parents.  M all but voiced it in Truth or Dare during the Like a Virgin number.  She also mentioned in an interview that the SEX book was an act of rebellion against the church, her father and patriarchy in general.  She also said that the Super Bowl was the only time that she felt that her Dad was proud of her.  Her dad has offered a lot of passive aggressive compliments to her over the years regarding her body of work.  In the end, if she never hears or processes that he is fundamentally proud of her, she may have a lot of unresolved feelings that trickle down in to her art.  It is not entirely out of the question for M to take a swipe at patriarchy and rebel the moment that she becomes the Ciccone Queen.  People process repression very differently and I am sure that M, being the intensely complicated individual that she is, will be no exception.  We shall see... although I want Dad to live forever because she loves him so much.

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