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Everything posted by SuperBicycle

  1. OMG! Just watched the Madame X stream for first time. Review in separate thread. It’s midnight in NYC, any news on live streaming???? Monitoring Insta and FB!
  2. How are you seeing the film???? I can find anything on P+. Not even in upcoming. I really hope it is going to every country that has P+
  3. Wow, just wow. I am speechless. Have just finished my first listen (only got up to Fado club after midnight, had to finish in the morning) and am starting on my second listen. Here are my thoughts that I jotted down as I listened. - Not sure on the intro track, I really hope we get the proper typewriter intro in the video, but looking forward to how this incorporated into the whole show - What is the dip in the middle of God Control? Does it go silent? Curious to see what this means in the video. - Human Nature - love it! Wasn’t a big fan of this song until MX, but love the jazzy beat to this one and the trumpet, plus the EY singalong with her girls is such a nice memory. The trumpet seems a lot more prominent in this version that what I remember (from almost 2 years ago...) - Vogue sounds great, but shorter and a bit more polished than i remember it - American life, sounds great, less angry though - Batuka, voices sound more prominent, love hearing the Batukaderias - What is going on with the order of the songs, why doesn’t fado club go straight into Medellin??? Seriously Madonna and team, this order is completely jarring and makes no sense at all - Frozen, my god, love the instruments, so clear! - Come live, a bit flat versus what I remember by I still love it - @Shoful will be happy to hear this, I LOVE future, have honestly never been a huge fan of this song, and felt it dropped down the mood a bit during the show, but now, after listing to this, I am in LOVE!! Might even be my favourite song on the album, need to listen a few more times. - LAP, great, less power that what I remember, but by this time i the concert I was dancing, and delirious with excitement and exhaustion - Ok we hear the typewriter before I Rise? I don't remember that, but whatever... Overall I give it a verdict 9.5/10, and it only looses 0.5 because of song order and there is always room for improvement. i honestly cant really tell all this autotune (in general, not just now), Madonna sounds great, I am sure the recording is enhanced, but I saw the show 3 times live and her voice was fantastic, much better than i ever heard her. The sound does sound a bit 'thinner, less rich' to me, that what i recall in the live show, but in the live show you had the bass, the crowd noise, the excitement. My goodness we need a Deluxe Edition of this on Vinyl, with artwork, books etc. Come on Madonna - take my money!!!!
  4. Rickey Pageot her piano player on Madame X is currently flying to NYC (per his instagram).... wonder if he is going for a NYC performance... or it is totally unrelated?
  5. Aggghhhhh, my goodness I still cannot hear it. How is everyone listening??? The youtube videos cut out after about 20 seconds. I tick over to midnight in my timezone soon, so hoping to hear on Spotify. Geez, this is really like waiting for Madame X, she doesn't come out until after midnight!
  6. Sort of same (well I'm not in NZ, but using a NZ VPN). Nothing.
  7. Could Crave/Sodade be on this album as the 'extras' we heard about a few days ago? My goodness I am so excited right now, I can't keep track of all the news!!!
  8. Mistake, see updated post. Off M's Facebook page, it says a 20 song streaming album!!!
  9. Just switched to Brazil VPN, tried P+ app, no luck. Doesn't even come up when I search for Madonna.
  10. LOL, me neither (well I did watch VT), but it is exciting. I did do this countdown before I saw MX the first time, though it was over a number of weeks, not day. Yes thank you to the person who set this up.
  11. Lol, very true, and waiting would be very fitting for the Madame X Theater concert experience!
  12. Yes I would agree with this. Not sure if venue choice was a factor. I saw CT in an arena but S&S in a stadium, which calls for more 'energetic' performances. Some of the songs worked really well, particularly Into The Groove, her fitness in that one was extraordinary. Confessions was sublime, so well connected, reminded me on the consistent (ish) theme of GS, whereas S&S was a bit more BAT with the 4 or so distinct acts.
  13. Wonder if setting a VPN to New Zealand tomorrow would work?
  14. I signed it! I saw it there and was cancelled on there. I don't live in France so won't be going, but am really glad they are doing this!
  15. Yep. Agree. Like LAP and TB anniversary. Fingers crossed this assumption is wrong.
  16. Omg!!! Fantastic news. I have a terrible sounding (but great looking and packaged) bootleg of my Paris concert, that sounds like it was recorded on an iPhone in someone’s pocket (as it probably was…), now to have a professional recording on streaming!!!! it is a great time to be a Madonna fan!!!
  17. Whooo hooo, good luck to everyone who gets to go. Cant wait to hear all about it. I saw it at Grand Rex in Paris, so happy it will be shown there in such a beautiful theatre.
  18. Do you know where? I am hoping for Friday morning 12:00am Australia time, as Spotify do releases in the timezone of the subscriber. Hoping I don't have to wait another day, grrrr!
  19. Loving this thread, just read it now, and put on the Virgin Tour. Have a bit to catch up on this week! My first one I saw was GS, then CT, the S&S, RH and MX. Love them all.
  20. Yep, I remember this rumour. We were so shocked when she came to Australia with such short hair!
  21. Love this thread. Thank you. Love these as well. Was lucky enough to see 2 of them at an exhibition in Melbourne a few years ago about Basquiat and Haring. I knew there would be Madonna mentioned, but was so happy to see her well featured, including a video of her singing DYU at Haring's birthday. Anyone know where you can buy fine prints of these works, I would love to have a poster of one of them in my house.
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