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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by stefo

  1. You're right, I didn't consider this possibility. Anyway they don't have a script yet, nor an actor. I think it's at a very early stage and they're suddenly announcing it to create attention and buzz around the project and not because it is imminent.
  2. Well, I think that directing a movie is not just a 6 months shooting commitment, it really isn't. The director has a main role in pre and postproduction phases too, from choosing locations and actors (as confronting with producers about the rest of the cast, like photographers, music composers or costumers) to following the editing process. It's a huge work, wich takes around 20 months. For what I read, they still have to start the adaptation from the original book, so they are at the very beginning of the whole thing. She will be involved, that's for sure, she will have to attend many meetings and auditions, then we don't know anything about the schedule agreements they certainly already discussed. My idea at the moment is that she has time to finish her recordings, maybe she couldn't go on a traditional world tour (with an announcement in march, the shooting could probably start next year). But we could have a different kind of promotion, who knows, 10, 15 concerts in small venues around the world, like an extended version in scheduling and shows length of what she did with Music and Confessions showcases for exemple. And this is just the first idea I'm coming up with, I mean, she will surely find a way to not disappoint us. and make her movie
  3. The best caption she posted since the 17th of January and then the usuals...
  4. M as part of female beauty iconism evolution for the CNN Fb video released in the Internation Women Day... 2 min long and pretty gorgeous
  5. Honestly, I think this should be blocked, sorry
  6. Madonna’s Oscars bash is still the best party in Hollywood Madonna’s party is still indisputably the place to be on Oscar night. The legendary bash was still raging at 5 a.m. after the ceremony. Sources told us the Material Girl — dressed in a leather dominatrix outfit, naturally, which matched the servers — was spotted dancing with newly minted Oscar winner Sam Rockwell and nominee Margot Robbie. Others at the party, held at Madge’s manager Guy Oseary’s mansion, included Jennifer Lawrence, Leo DiCaprio, Timothée Chalamet, Amy Adams, Chelsea Handler, Jennifer Aniston, Paris Jackson, Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, Emma Stone, Greta Gerwig, Bradley Cooper, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. Cardi B performed. “Hottest after-after-party by far,” gushed a guest. https://pagesix.com/2018/03/05/madonnas-oscars-bash-is-still-the-best-party-in-hollywood/?utm_source=facebook_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons
  7. She is a BOMB in these pics!! Beautiful, sexy and MATURE, as she's supposed to be
  8. Erotica is her second best work in my personal chart. I also think it's a little underrated, especially for the strong musical and thematic identity and the originality it will always represent. It was indicated as one of the best experimental albums of the 90s by Rolling Stone though, a highly deseved recognition, and it's adored by many of her fans. Let me express my deep love in a few lines (I don't expect many of you will really read as they came out not that few, sorry) She was brave and creative, pushing that hard on the house vibe and fusioning the hipo hop sound with jazzy arrangements (Where Life Begins, Waiting, Secret Garden) and esthetically the track Erotica is an absolute masterpiece imo, with the pattern of background sounds, male voices, the cold "metallic" mood, with deeply dark and dramatic peaks in the sinth strings spreads of the second half. Her ability to create a homogeneous sound, passing through different genres is really remarkable, from ragge (Why's it so hard) to 70s discomusic (Deeper and Deeper) to a jazz-blues old standard like Fever. In no other era, except Ray of Light, she was able to get that level (think about Music, a good album, various but not that cohesive, or Hard Candy, cohesive but not genre various). Lyrically it really explored the sexual issue 100%. Sex is told as pleasure (Erotica, Fever, Where life begins), loneliness (Bad Girl), cause of discrimination (Why's it so hard, In this life), obsession (Waiting), maybe the only part she didn't explicitly focus on was the connection between the sexual act and love, taking love as a matter of his own (Rain, one of my favourite ballads, Words, Deeper and Deeper). And then we have the visual aspect, one of the strongest and most interesting of her career, from the '20s-'30s Dietrich ispiration to the graphic concept, a rare example of appropriate and elegant rough-manufactured effect, too often used to create an intriguing mood around musical projects wich are unconnected with it (to stay in M's carrer I think "American Life" is a good example, excellent concept, good album, but just Die Another Day and American Life really fit the graphic hint for me). And then her voice, her subtle, sinuous voice... Erotica is definitely one of the reasons I am here. Long live Queen Dita
  9. I definitely hope it to be a fake one... it honestly sounds so boring
  10. And I add that also my idea of a secret collab with Leonard was just a stupid thought: in the following interview is said that the album he's working on in La "... which will likely be released in two volumes, is composed of newly recorded versions of those famous Madonna songs, performed with some of the original musicians, including guitarist Bruce Gaitsch and bassist Guy Pratt. A Kickstarter campaign for the album will launch in the coming weeks." https://www.slantmagazine.com/features/article/interview-patrick-leonard-talks-madonna-leonard-cohen-and-instagram-fame Now that's a nice news anyway, right?
  11. I can be wrong of course, but I think she already recorded much more stuff than the 5 or 6 songs we can think. I admit maybe I was too positive saying she's almost done, but I don't think she's really still at the beginning of the process. Anyway I would absolutely substain her if she should choose to start all over again (as she did for ROL) and work in a more creative, experimental and visionary way with a single writer and producer.
  12. It's interesting actually... after she made me know Ibeyi, I became a fan of their work and a follower of their social accounts: they're continously on tour around the whole world since the last week of January and they often "like" her Instagram posts after being tagged in her studio pics. She clearly was already working on new songs in the autumn and Pat Leonard, after having got our attention last summer (really just to play one night in a club?), simply disappeared from socials to follow a new project. Now we know she is collaborating with a pair of rappers, who usually appear on her songs as featuring artists, she was shot on planes travelling to or back from London more than once before Christmas and her backing Niky Richards was in Lisbon just a week ago. Shortly I think the album is not more than a very few months to be released and she already got most of it done.
  13. Well, it was just about her look honestly, her style. Maybe my mistake was to use the word "expose" wich can easily be connected with boobs or body showing (sorry, english is not my primary language so I can be wrong about the undertone of words sometimes). Anyway to clarify my point, I think that the third set of the MDNA tour was strong and on point about both, meaning and style, in representing a mature, classy woman's sensuality. About the difference between Sex and Justify My Love @brazilfan, for me Sex was just much more explicit, but -you know- they were very different times and, yeah, it fucking DID have a meaning then ... still my favourite era! Oh I just saw the Hayworth, Davis and the Vogue video examples you added and they fit very well my idea, of course in a more contemporary way ... I mean, c'me on, who's more unapologetic than Mrs Bette Davis?!
  14. I'm not a fan of gratuitous boobs exposure actually... but I'm a strange dude, when gratuitous I feel it desperate at any age
  15. Yeah @Liam, but I don't think that being mature and glamourus would hide her sex appeal at all, it's just a different way to expose her beauty and temper.
  16. About looks, my dream is to see her clearly 60, a mature and glamourus lady, with contemporary sounding solid and strong songs. I hope for EVOLUTION this time.
  17. https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/8214329/madonna-ray-of-light-album-anniversary Madonna's 'Ray of Light' at 20: Her Collaborators Look Back on the Electronic Pop Milestone
  18. I thought the same: I WANNA HEAR SOMETHING NEEEWWWW!!!
  19. what's up? where is she going? I like her look for once, by the way
  20. ... oh my, something's got to happen guys! I don't remember such a boring time in M career, honestly. At least we had a pair of unreleased leaks a year, till the 2014 megashit!t

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stefo


      Absoutely, I neither heard the 2014 leaks until the official release came out... it took me 3 days to hear them all. But she should really release something in any way while she's working on her album, I mean till november like this?

    3. stormbringer


      the leaks ruined Rebel Heart

    4. Guest


      I don't really find it "boring".  It's only been three years since Rebel Heart.  We've waited longer for new music.  That said, I believe she's in the studio doing more than we think.  She's already hinted she's been in the studio, but everything has been vague. I thought that's what most fans wanted, while she was creating this new record?  Personally, I don't care if she shouts out to the world, every time she walks into the studio.  Yet, at the same time, it would be nice that in a few months, all of a sudden we get news she's finished with her album and soon to release it.  For me, I enjoy the downtime.  I enjoy her more personal postings (family, tit shots, Skin care adverts, and showing awareness of current issues).  In time, we're going to be engulfed with her music wise and excited to be seeing her on the road again.  Meanwhile, I have 35 years of Madonna music to enjoy until the new is released.  And honestly, she's not getting any younger.  Her career is winding down whether we want it to or not.  I don't want to rush it along because before we know it, it will all become history.

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