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Rays Of Light
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BradleyPratt last won the day on August 12 2023

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  1. I'm in NZ, can confirm nothing new is on Spotify. (It's also Saturday here.)
  2. I am a designer, yes! I wish I did more music related projects IRL but these Madonna ones are a fun way for me to scratch that itch.
  3. I gave this one a 3D upgrade, and I love how it turned out. I think I really got the mirror board shine going on that gatefold vinyl! This completes my effort to visually unify my box set projects, and will probably be my last one. https://www.behance.net/gallery/104612089/Madonna-Erotica-Expanded-Box-Set 🖤🖤🖤
  4. :jumpy:

     A 3D upgrade of my Erotica  box set is under way. Check out the original while it's still online: Erotica - Expanded Box Set


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stefo


      I'm also crazy for the ROL ring :heart:

    3. EgoRod



    4. mouse


      Stunning :dead:

      it would be a dream to get this :suffer:

  5. A USB within a box set was something I played with for my COADF project - I thought it would be really cute to have a disco ball-within-a-ball that was also loaded with the hi-res audio and ProRes copies of her music videos, plus copies of performances and the tour. The idea came from Daft Punk. It would be amazing if she released something like that, and if this kind of product came back in vogue as a way to purchase physical media music alongside vinyl. We can dream...
  6. Fan since: 1999 Favorite Album: Ray of Light Favorite Single: Hung Up Favorite Video: Like a Prayer Favorite Tour: Confessions Tour Favorite Movie: Desperately Seeking Susan
  7. A small update to this one - after a bit of time away from it, it felt a little too dark and shadowy. So I've brightened up the background to a soft pink, and now it's a harmonious complement to my other 3D box sets. (I'll surely do the same with Erotica at a later date). https://www.behance.net/gallery/160831625/Madonna-Confessions-on-a-Dance-Floor-(Box-Set)
  8. Prince's estate just reminded everyone (once again) how a super deluxe edition of an album should be done. Amazing. https://store.prince.com/dept/diamonds-and-pearls
  9. It was definitely a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" decision, but I tried to put myself in a label's shoes as they plan for a release to appeal to the general public. You'll see it come up often when bloggers or websites talk about any potential ROL box set: Beautiful Stranger always shows up. And thank you for the feedback everyone, I really appreciate it! There's no plans to continue with this series - Erotica might get a 3D upgrade at a later date, but that's probably it. They're just made for fun, to stretch my own design skills, and as a presentation of an alternate reality where someone like Madonna (or honestly any female singer) someday gets a box set as grand and deluxe as a man, band or group would get. The leaders of this product space are The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Prince, Bowie... the research I did for sets like this was eye-opening.
  10. My 3D upgrade of my Ray of Light box set is out now, check it out while we wait for something better! (#soon ) https://www.behance.net/gallery/134394977/Madonna-Ray-of-Light-Expanded-Box-Set
  11. My Ray of Light box set was originally made around Christmas last year. I've been wanting to upgrade this project from 2D Photoshop mockups to 3D, at least since I started working on Confessions and the Immaculate Collection. This new version has been a joy to make and I'm so excited to see what you think of it. https://www.behance.net/gallery/134394977/Madonna-Ray-of-Light-Expanded-Box-Set There's a lot to check out - new editions of the vinyl, much more behind the scenes content, and a very shiny ring. Thank you to the (wow) hundreds of you who have given feedback on my box sets. It's been incredible seeing the responses to things I've made for fun and for practice as a designer. Enjoy!
  12. I've been working on a big visual upgrade of my ROL box set that'll be out later this week, which has been really fun to make and I hope you all like it, but it's been a little bittersweet too. I'd thought by now we'd be celebrating pre orders being open for an actual box set or some kind of digital deluxe edition at the minimum, and that my little projects would become dusty relics. No such luck yet 🙁 I wonder what's going on behind the scenes?
  13. I've been wanting to do this for a while and I'm very happy with the final result. It incorporates what I learned creating my Confessions box set in 3D, and gives my old art a bit more life. (2020 really doesn't feel like it was 3 years ago.) A few things have been improved (some of the before/after moments are shocking!) but overall it should be what you know from the original version. I hope you like it! https://www.behance.net/gallery/92913091/Madonna-The-Immaculate-Collection-30th-Anniversary
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